I often dont enjoy going to temples, in real life as in sl. I have been to many different types of temples and churches of all faith. The heavily religious air, Buddhist chanting smells of constraint and sadness. I enjoy being in nature, or clean looking designs, there is harmony in the physical space as is. It is enough that the space is in healthy splendor, well balanced and clean. Whether tropical humid lushness or spindly rainy foggy air like in Chinese painting. I dont really like the layering of Buddhist statues, Gwanyin etc somehow they bring in something that adds some greasy smell... sorry, this is the word i can think of, greasy. I have little use for symbolism with Buddhist heads and such. All I associate with this is smoky incense and dark, smothered air inside. Meditation etc does nothing for me, I prefer anytime to go take a walk down the street, in a park; on horseback riding or swim in an ocean, or a pool, or ski - even tiny slopes, no need for extreme sport black trails, just beginners, an almost like a no-danger street with tiny sliding - even that, I feel freedom and happiness. I need to be in open spaces. (I recognise that there are people who like to be in confined spaces)
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 88 :: Shuri Castle and Woods
Visiting Shuri Castle and the woods today. Builder creator Inyuasha Meiji and Silverfox. There are details everywhere. Wind speed, horse riding speed, little crabs, undersea treasures, waterfalls, chickens, everything is realistic and well made. Here Swannjie flies on the roof top - flying is still the most hassle free way of getting around - notices the weatherwane is not just moving; it has all the data about temperature and humidity - maybe real life data?
The creator of this object? Garrin Guffey, and hes says about his weather system...
"the MG Automagic Weather system is Second Life's first automated weather system that uses SL environmental variables to gererate weather conditions ... Based on Real Life weather calculations."
There are three horses for visitors to ride - how nice! these horses also come with speed, walking, its a realistic reproduction of horse back riding... with clic clac sounds.
The avatar parade mixed reality project at Grand Palais, after teleporting to Orange Temple and came across several avatars, it seems that no one knows what to do and no one gave us further slurl to do the next steps.
Will try to visit Grand Palais again today to see how the Mixed Reality project works in real life, in situ.
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