I went to Grand Palais, and saw a few avatars - I am quite impressed with the avatars that showed up. You could see that they really put the best of themselves on camera. Some are really very well designed figurines - like the things you see in Japanese manga comics. The display frame is on the wall, back ground is black. Each avatar gets to perform some minutes, swimming gestures, flying, arm waving; bobbing up and down. And some comes with their own dancing gestures, for example macarena, or strip tease shimmy etc. Some avatars are very fat, dancing the sexy dance with a tail, and tattoo all over the body etc. Others came as an elaborate monster fish in brocade silk kimono wear. After a few minutes they drop and another comes on.
I would like to see all the avatars, like so many dolls, but the sequence is often much too long.
Some routines are nice to watch others less interesting just like in real life in casting screen tests situations.
films viewed:
I feel good 3*,
the singing here comes from somewhere - very emotional singing. Wow, tears fall down my face listening to them. Didnt know James Brown is so good.
Louise Michel 3*
Very good script, good actorss, good humour... very French.
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