List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015

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Friday 26 April 2019

rivet gun, manual; how to make powerfile w grinder hack; restore thread in special screws
rivet gun, how to use
 rivet adapter for electric drill (electric rivet machine)
rivetting explanation in Cantonese

Maybe useful...
if you use an adapter for an electric drill
here is the site, gd place to buy all kinds of tools, amazing.  even chainsaw disc (a disc with mini chain attachment!  v dangerous tool, but be careful w all power tools.)

How to make a powerfile, grinder hack
v gd video, cut to the quick, clear no time drag, v nice tool.

restore thread in special screws

Monday 8 April 2019

"Dragonfly eyes", by Xu Bing ****

"Dragonfly eyes", by Xu Bing.**** a documentary fiction, using only footage from surveillance camera.
I like this film, a truly remarkable original piece of conceptual art work. 
Its a fiction film composed of real surveillance camera footage, no director, no actor, only montage.
But in some places, I wonder if the poeple in the film are not "acting" for the surveillance camera? We sometimes see this in elevators, kids dancing, kissing in the elevator to amuse, shock the security people for fun. There is a bit of that in this film at certain moments - for example the young people talking about they dont play video games anymore but watch online streaming. It feels like an interview.
One thing I noticed is that the setting is the most realistic I have ever seen in any documentary films. And the people in the film, sometimes its a type of auto documentary telling stories about themselves. The realism of China in this film is devoid of the usual flashy gold and Rolls Royce. It might be the stories of ordinary people.
Anyone with a filming device could also occupy a space in public for telling about their lives.
It is no longer reserved for the ones w a pro camera. People could have a say with what they see how they live, show and tell.
Very unique and powerful documentary. Whatever "fiction" is in the film is not out of the ordinary, it should be more like a sample of a typical story of everyday lives of whats happening. People dont play online games anymore, they are watching "live streaming", and the stories of "stars of the live streaming". Lives are restricted to the real everyday work place and watching online people producing content and interaction possibilities, all online.  Watching a screen is very limited, even though we could all occupy a space and be on screen so to speak, I would not want to reserve all my amusement moments to that.  Too much screen time, movies, online chats, surveillance cameras.  What to do?
As for the other people, the non-surveillance camera related people, for example a family driving out to go fishing for a day. Climbing mountains. Have a meal at the night market, this type of scenarios will not get "surveillance camera" treatment. Where will you know about this then? In online blogs?
The surveillance camera documentary is limited to a general public façade, and the online stars are also showing a public online façade. There are no internal dialogues - thats why the film needs a fictional thread, it enables some internal intentions to be visible.
I like the streetscapes, the settings, we kind of see the real China as anonymously as possible. The scenes we see are views of other people. Created opportunities to watch other people.
There are many interviews of Xu Bing on youtube on his work and about the film.

"MobileMusic 10 % " (花魁小屋10%). 作者: Shuengit Natasha CHOW 周旋㨗。2019.

3 April2019  / upated 4 april/ updated  8apr2019
"MobileMusic 10 % " (花魁小屋10%). 作者: Shuengit Natasha CHOW 周旋㨗。2019.

“MobileMusic 10%”, artist: Shuengit Natasha CHOW  2019

            « MobileMusic House 10% » est une maison modulaire faite de cubes qui incorpore des feuilles d’aluminium sélectionnées depuis des canettes de boissons.  Ma sculpture est avant tout un regard sur la beauté du quotidien, de trouver la beauté dans les objets les plus communs qui nous entourent.

            Les réactions à ma sculpture ont été variées : certains pensaient recyclage et écologie ; d’autres y voyaient la couleur, la brillance et la beauté.
Parfois les spectateurs se souviennent des bières qu’ils boivent ou ils reconnaissent des éléments du design et remarquent que ces cubes sont venus du quatre coins du monde.  Globalement ils trouvent le résultat “super cool”.

            J’ai mis dans cette création beaucoup plus que ces réactions n’indiquent.  Une longue histoire a conduit à la naissance de « MobileMusic House 10%», depuis 2009 dans le monde virtuel de Secondlife jusqu’à aujourd’hui dans notre réalité.
            Je cherche avant tout à apporter de la joie aux spectateurs : augmenter le plaisir, éclairer et embellir l’espace, créer de l’amusement, apporter de la lumière et de la transparence et permettre la participation avec un seuil minimal.
            Les contributions s’étendent des supporters internationaux cloués chez eux aux quatre coins du monde - ils peuvent adopter un cube – à ceux qui sont avec moi, face à face, m’aidant à rassembler du matériel utilisable. Je suis reconnaissante à tous, parce qu’avec cet effort collectif, ce travail, maintenant qu’il est réalisé, a beaucoup plus de sens qu’une simple jolie construction.

            J’ai toujours voulu ouvrir des possibilités et explorer le nouveau.  Et le nouveau a besoin d’amis.

            Le Parc d’ Etretat est un endroit merveilleux pour installer « MobileMusic 10% », un bel environnement de nature et de culture.  Ici les jardins historiques rencontrent notre culture verte contemporaine, pour que nous amenions le moderne dans l’ancien et l’ancien directement dans l’actuel.

"MobileMusic 10 % " (花魁小屋10%). 作者: Shuengit Natasha CHOW 周旋㨗。2019.

“MobileMusic 10%”, artist: Shuengit Natasha CHOW  2019

“MobileMusic House 10%” is a modular house made of cubes that incorporate aluminum skins selected from drink cans.  My sculpture is above all about finding beauty in the everyday, in the most common objects that surround us. 

Reactions to my cube sculpture have been varied: some people have felt it was about recycling and ecology; quite a few have found it colorful and sparkly and beautiful. Sometimes viewers see traces of the beer that they drink or recognize design elements from around the world.  Mainly they just find the work “super cool”.

I have built into this creation much more than the above reactions indicate.  A long story leads to the birth of the “MobileMusic House”, beginning in2009 in the virtual world of Secondlife and continuing all the way to the present in our everyday real life.  

I am mostly interested in bringing joy to viewers: to augment pleasure, brighten up and embellish space, create fun, bring in light and transparency, and enable participation with a minimal entry threshold. Contributions range from those of international supporters who may be stuck at home in four corners of the world – they can adopt a cube – to those who are with me, face to face, helping me collect usable material.   I am grateful to all of them, for with the collective effort, this work, now that it is realized, has much more meaning than a mere pretty construction.

I have always wanted to open possibilities and explore the new.  And the new needs friends.

Etretat Park is a wonderful place to install “MobileMusic 10%” , a lovely environment of culture and nature.  Here historical gardens meet our contemporary green culture, so that we bring the new to the old and the old right up to the now.    


Friday 5 April 2019

To visit the MobileMusic House on wheels, a version of it is on Eyebeam Island 25/111/938

To visit the MobileMusic House on wheels, a version of it is on Eyebeam Island 25/111/938