List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015

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Sunday 17 December 2023

"Conann", female barbarian. 2023 ***

 "Conann", female barbarian.  2023 ***


film review

A mutli life story of a woman as barbaric warrior.  

The film itself has an overall visual aesthetic of lesbian flicks, the female homosexual beauty; style of the everyday, barbaric acts from history to today. From the various incarnations of pre-historic barbaric brutality, sadness, sufferings all expressed through the infliction of violence.  Then, it transforms little by little through time, including medieval times, then 70's, 80's, ending with Conann stipulating that her friends all should eat her physically, while she had engaged a fancy gourmet style of cooking of her body- while the body was being prepared - a medical operation style with a screen of fabric separating her head, blocking sight of the body being cut up and carved, then put back together, just like a cake.  A one to one scale piece of cake and a few invited guests - paid ones to do this awful act that one actually vomited and those who ate the head gets rewarded with huge diamonds and jewels -if you only ate the body, you would not discover such big rewards.  These invited paid guests even though is revolted by the act is bound to the contract because they have paid handsomely and found the offer hard to refuse.  :), are they friends of Conann?  Didn't look like it.  Do they really want to do it, no, didnt look like it either.  At the end the v advanced in age Conann gets an injection - as per her own instructions - around the temple, she finally goes away.

The eating ritual - which has been reworked in different settings in our real world - from real life eating ceremonies in  Japanese body-sushi culture to movies to University art class expressions of action in contemporary art - has been explored for many years.  This one is a chintzy-glitzy take but with a wrapped up message, the party goers went because they were paid handsomely, so they go along w it, even if they really feel like vomiting.  Is this a message about contemporary art and creators relationship?   At least a visible large amount of mediatic art work, as an entertainment for the viewer?  However the whole film is a kind of low budget theatrical show if the message indeed is a criticism at the superficial level only, then, this is enough, dont waste gd money.   However if there are intentions for a deeper meaning, maybe i had missed it - due to the rhythm and flow of the film, there was a v evenly paced flow of events.  I didnt see any surprises, I noticed the change of pop culture decors.

There is a dog character, Rainer, who goes around with an instamatic camera w a flash, she takes photographs of everything from beginning to end.  In the end, a lot of the participants in these violent brutal, acts really they are not that serious, no bad intentions, its just part of the rules - social rules, no surprises.  Just do it because its the norms.

The film reminds me of a conference many years ago, at least 25yrs ago?  At a cinema at Place de Clichy, it was also a Sapphic themed discussion and presentation of films.  I was a student then, and after one or two days?  I recognise visually there is an esthetique that is feminine, not in the same lineage as the mainstream pop media, film where the woman is always somehow the one behind the scene, even if they were in front of the scene because at the end, their world is directed or oriented  overtly, or covertly towards attraction for males.  The womens esthetiques makeup, fashion, is ran by other women so that they believe they are more attractive to the men.  Here we have women only and no man, so how does the attraction goals translate into a visual end/language?   


during the conference, there was a film about hermaphrodites, that in an island of St Dominique 12 percent of the babies born have 2 sexes.  V curious i dont know if it was true.  But this documentary remained in my mind and all the other films i saw, i have no memories of them.,the%20most%20common%20intersex%20condition.&text=The%20most%20frequent%20presenting%20symptom,degrees%20of%20genital%20ambiguity%20(Fig.

Recently, I saw a Kazaks film on plight of home violence of women in Kazakstan, and not only in Kazakstan but world wide.  In the movie, the central character goes through un ending challenges of maintaining family life w her man - of course if you were not married at a certain age, its also hell - one hell to the other.  Meanwhile she sells cosmetics, Korean systems of beauty, the world of beauty of living ones dream.  The person cracks and takes a fit because she really did not believe in it either.  This movie i v striking and very courageous based on real world data.  Movie title is  "BAQYT - Bonheur" -(Happiness)****

Making a film takes a lot of work, this might not be the 5 stars flick that some media gave - but a 3 star is gd.  

This movie is like a superficial glossy coating to some major feminist theme that has been explored in various films before.  The film "Orlando" (, the story of 200 year old heroine is also exploring the same thread.  Expressions and details are different but the long historic time line is the same.

More: chimerism 

genetic chimerism or chimera (/kˈmɪərə/ ky-MEER or /kɪˈmɪərə/ kim-EER) is a single organism composed of cells with more than one distinct genotype. In animals and human chimeras, this means an individual derived from two or more zygotes, which can include possessing blood cells of different blood types, and subtle variations in form (phenotype). Animal chimeras are produced by the merger of two (or more) embryos. In plant chimeras, however, the distinct types of tissue may originate from the same zygote, and the difference is often due to mutation during ordinary cell division. Normally, genetic chimerism is not visible on casual inspection; however, it has been detected in the course of proving parentage.[1] In contrast, an individual where each cell contains genetic material from two organisms of different breeds, varieties, species or genera is called a hybrid.[2]

Another way that chimerism can occur in animals is by organ transplantation, giving one individual tissues that developed from a different genome. For example, transplantation of bone marrow often determines the recipient's ensuing blood type.[citation needed].

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