Shuen-git rl 周旋捷; Swann Jie sl/, 2011: N°1 Sculptures N°2 好奇藝術::舊+新 Kunstkammer :: Old+New & Film Reviews N°3 Digital Guqin Museum 數碼古琴互動藝術研究創作室 MicroTotalArt HandScroll Guqin; HuaKui cubes; === copyright: when using content of this blog, please use link,indicating source and author information. 版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息 === ===
List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015
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Thursday, 31 December 2009
Gérard-Georges Lemaire, Lucrezia De Domizio Durini, 花魁 HuaHui Mobile Music, Sacs
Gérard-Georges Lemaire's blog on Biennale de Venise
"The most discreet and interesting part of the Biennale is an installation of 18 artists for the Project "Creative Rooms" at Certosa Hotel, Venise. The curator is Lucrezia De Domizio Durini."
Digital Guqin Museum's first real life outreach
花魁 HuaHui 2010
from March 21st 2010 - forever
Launch party: concert and performance on 21st March 2010.
Sacs - this might be the Biennale of bags... lets see how each artist has fashioned their "bags".
L’unique innovation de cette Biennale fut la distribution de sacs de toute sortes pour y glisser des communiqué de presse souvent inutiles ou incompréhensibles et des DVD. Cela évitait de donner des catalogues aux journalistes et provoqua une frénésie de collection. On avait appris à New York que Yoko Ono avait dessiné elle-même le sac promotionnel de son exposition. Tout le monde se précipita. Sans doute est-ce pour ce fameux sac qu’elle a reçu le Lion d’or. Ce n’est en tout cas pas pour ses films….
"The most discreet and interesting part of the Biennale is an installation of 18 artists for the Project "Creative Rooms" at Certosa Hotel, Venise. The curator is Lucrezia De Domizio Durini."
Digital Guqin Museum's first real life outreach
花魁 HuaHui 2010
from March 21st 2010 - forever
Launch party: concert and performance on 21st March 2010.
Sacs - this might be the Biennale of bags... lets see how each artist has fashioned their "bags".
L’unique innovation de cette Biennale fut la distribution de sacs de toute sortes pour y glisser des communiqué de presse souvent inutiles ou incompréhensibles et des DVD. Cela évitait de donner des catalogues aux journalistes et provoqua une frénésie de collection. On avait appris à New York que Yoko Ono avait dessiné elle-même le sac promotionnel de son exposition. Tout le monde se précipita. Sans doute est-ce pour ce fameux sac qu’elle a reçu le Lion d’or. Ce n’est en tout cas pas pour ses films….
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Digital Guqin Studio 2006, Cecilia Linqvist book w new pics in PRC edition
New Qin information, notably details of the Shosoin Qin in color from both end views
the colors are gold and light blue on chestnut rich brown - this qin shows such richness and glory, pleasure in materials of gold and ivory inlaid without restrain, without the usual air of self-conscious auto-restrain, self-uprighteousness of proclaimations of upholding THE authentic bona fide traditional values.

Archived Material to be reformatted and links activated$39
Entry in 2006 for Digital Guqin Studio
Presentation of DGM studio.
002137 Site Meter
Digital Guqin
Digital Guqin Interactive Art Research-Creation Studio
:: China, France
Digital Guqin
research creation studio
Fly Me
to the Moon
Join Now
Digital Guqin research-creation studio
Posted by Sg, 2/20/06 at 9:03:22 AM.
Welcome to the Digital Guqin Studio
Who are we? What do we do?
Serious about having fun with the Guqin, while promoting Guqin
and guqin culture, authentic Chinese music, experimenting with
music instrument, text and images, environmental conditions for
enjoyment of this music, we want to :
A/ to preserve, promote and develop the art and culture of the
Guqin and 3000 year heritage of humanity, and
B/ develop contemporary music proper to our own time which maybe
exploring parallel paths, extending new lineages for the guqin.
In our creations, we compose delicate nuanced sound tableaux for
our contemporary listening pleasure by including other sounds.
We aim for subtle contrasts and variety to fully bring out the
enjoyment of the rich timbred music of the guqin reflecting colors
and brightness proper to our own world
C/ create an accessible sexy, fun guqin culture deploying
currently available art and technology, not necessarily the latest
technology but rather the most commonly available technology - for
example our work is on PC which is more affordable than Apple.
I like the elegant design of linex, which is free, so maybe later a
version on linex.
Shuen-git Chow ( Dr. Arts and Sciences of Art, University of Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne, visual artist)
and team 2003-present:
Teo Kheng Chong (guqin player, musician, Professor at Academy of Performance Arts, Hong Kong)
Wang Duo (Master guqin player, musician, Professor and Research
Head of Wu Sheng Qin She Research Centre, Suzhou Science and
Technology University, PRC)
Etienne Durand (software developper, freelance, Paris)
Co-presented by:
Shanghai DOLAND Museum of Modern Art
The Art Museum of Zhu Qi Zhan
Digital Guqin + fly me to the moon
15-31 Oct.05 extended till 7 November.2005
Digital Guqin + fly me to the moon
Zhu Qi-Zhan Art Museum,
580 Ou Yang Rd., Shanghai, China.
-tel:86-21-56710743 tel: 65876901.
Shuen-git Chow: lecture, digital guqin live demo
Wang Duo: guqin demo
18 Oct.05, 14h00
Opening of exhibition : 18 Oct.05, 18h00-
Exhibition: 15 oct.05-31Oct.05
1- Digital guqin live demo
2- 2 Guqin designs, 1 mini practice guqin
3- Fly me to the Moon, monumental walk in musical sculpture installation
4- Fly me to the Moon, soft sculpture, hotair balloon
surprise guests :
Lecture and concert program :
Master Guqin Player Professor Wang Duo :
Doland Contemporary Art Museum
18h00, 22 Oct.05
Panoramic invitation card:
s: 83mmx25mm
l: 166mmx50mm
Fly me to the Moon (fei fei zhao yue) :
a flying sculpture showcasing Flowers from earth.
Introduction :
The Voyager spaceship in 1977 carried a golden disc,
"murmurs of the earth" a collection of earth sounds,
music, words, culture of the earth.
It has flown very high, now outside of the solar system
in search of readers of extraterrestial intelligent beings.
Here, The fly me to the moon
(fei fei zhao yue) a flying sculpture - is an
ancient hot air balloon form, tested and proven that it flies
and likely to have flown in ancient times in Peru the
balloon itself carries on an Intangible Cultural Heritage
of aviators, expression and vehicle of an archaic
human dream of flying. Like the Voyager space vessel
made by NASA, fly me to the moon
(fei fei zhao yue) also carries information of this
earth, specifically Intangible Cultural Heritage images,
and RFID tags, they are linked to extensive bodies of
blogs on earth supported by examples of human
collective efforts of story telling in blogs and the wikipedia
intended first and foremost for intelligent terrestials
readers of our earth. Our balloon would be flying at a
height for human eyes and not designed for extraterrestials.
There are 400 circular vignettes of 1.3m diameter and
4 large vignettes of 13m diameter. Each vignette carries
a visual and electronic identity which are linked to earth
via the web.
For now, I have put giant flowers as a generic universal
symbol of culture for human enjoyment. These flowers
will be replaced by more specific symbols which represent
respective Intangible cultural heritages as time goes on.
The balloon would be flown on auspicious days, decided by
individual people, or groups of people - for example, during
a festive occasion for celebration.
Musicacoustica Mix, Beijing, 21-30 Oct.05
The Electroacoustic Music Association of China (EMAC) and the China Electronic Music Center (CEMC)
based at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, annual conference Events organised by Zhang XiaoFu, Kenneth Fields (CEMC):
1/ Introduction of The Electroacoustic Music Association of China (EMAC) and the China Electronic Music Center (CEMC) (word file)
2/ Presentation (pdf) to be confirmed
Digital Guqin Interactive Arts Research-Creation Studio
Creation of a digital guqin instrument, and digital guqin visual
interactive graphics to music play object using samplings.
An on-going work headed by Shuen-git Chow, begun in 2000. A small group
formed in 2003 for experimentations with guqin music/samplings as
manipulable material through visual handles and triggering device.
Started by a visual artist, members include 2 master guqin players,
and a software developer. Deploying Digital art work as interface,
samplings of guqin music are recorded and recalled through triggers
following specific designed musical rules set by guqin musicians.
Non guqin players could thus generate new guqin music through
playing with the graphics. The idea is to give access to rich
timbred guqin sound/music for an audience who could be reached
beyond standard passive listening. It is designed as an visual+
aural introduction to listening for non-guqin players, and non-
Chinese readers.
On going site covering our activities :
1/ live demos, conferences, research
2/ exhibitions, visual art installation with Digital Guqin music
3/ documentaries of Guqin players, guqin culture, guqin related physical space, and others.
4/ experiments : virtual guqin - using software (Modalys by Ircam)
5/ press: other peoples texts, theories
list of documentaries:
i) master players - (full list to come)
ii) children players - (full list to come)
iii) foreign improvisational playing using guqin playing techniques (coming)
iv) guqin song/ (qin ge, list coming)
v) making of guqin instrument (coming)
vi) making of guqin silk string (coming)
vii) scientific testing of vibration/resonance properties of an instrument (coming)
viii) experiments : virtual guqin - using software (Modalys by Ircam) (coming)
ix) guqin music environment, gardens, homes, sculptures, public spaces, all categories mixed (coming)
x) attendance/press Interactive arts events:
links to Digital art and culture, events, press reports
Festival Emergences, Paris, 24Sept-2Oct.05
Maison de la Villette, Ircam, Ars Longa, Confluences
ichim 05, DIGITAL CULTURE & HERITAGE, Interactive installations, 21-23 Sept.05
Bibliotheque Nationale, Cite Universitaire, Paris, France (docu video) as journalist
video filmed/interviewed:
1/ Ted Nelson : zigzag, transliterature, transcopyright
2/ Steve Mayer: inventer of Pong, Atari
Video game panel: museum of video game in Berlin
3/ Sony music prototype - an software capable of "replying" musically
4/ weblog as archive
5/ Peter Samis : SF Moma - presented using Simpsons cartoon clip - v gd museum presentation
ars electronica 2005, 1-6 Sept.05, Linz, Austria (docu video), as journalist
1/ Toshio Iwai 's+ Yamaha's new Tenori-on
2/ Used clothing, Martin Maringer RFID
3/ Elves, small electronic sound devices
4/ Small revolts, knitting website
5/ Danube evening live cinema extravaganza, with fighter planes,firework, dancing girls, cranes, bridges w cars
6/ Daniel Lee 's photo/fine art work
7/ blanket robot
Digital Silk Roads intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, Nara, 2003, as attendee
1/ special guqin w ivory inlaid
2/ Unesco policies
3/ Louvre big camera
Isea, Nagoya 2002, as attendee
video documentary 2 hrs.
1/ various interactive art installations
2/ outdoor garden
International Dapu Conference(Guqin), Changshu, PRC, 2000, as participant
presented and announced the conception of the "Digital Guqin Project" as Interactive art on dvd idea, a call for Guqin player participation.
video filmed guqin players and private concerts
Pre-history : from MIDIguqin to Digital Guqin
collaborator: Professor Chen Changlin, Beijing, PRC, 2002
1/ MIDI Guqin Story
2/ The recognition and playing of digitised Guqin scores and the MIDIguqin
3/ "Promotion and development of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, case 1: The guqin", Beijing, Dec.2002
Live demo of "MIDIguqin" and paper presentation
Video documentary and publication
bibliography, links
-David Weinberger, "When things Arent what they are.",
Hybrid living in Paradox, ars electronica catalogue,p76-78, Hatje Cantz, 2005
On differences of "knowledge" as classification of what we know in the age of the web as opposed to pre-digital age.
wikipedia on guqin : communal encyclopaedia
Excellent information on Guqin by John Thompson
rare book digitization in Taiwan
Paper: Analysis and Synthesis of the Guqin
Last update: Monday, February 20, 2006 at 9:05:00 AM.
the colors are gold and light blue on chestnut rich brown - this qin shows such richness and glory, pleasure in materials of gold and ivory inlaid without restrain, without the usual air of self-conscious auto-restrain, self-uprighteousness of proclaimations of upholding THE authentic bona fide traditional values.

Archived Material to be reformatted and links activated$39
Entry in 2006 for Digital Guqin Studio
Presentation of DGM studio.
002137 Site Meter
Digital Guqin
Digital Guqin Interactive Art Research-Creation Studio
:: China, France
Digital Guqin
research creation studio
Fly Me
to the Moon
Join Now
Digital Guqin research-creation studio
Posted by Sg, 2/20/06 at 9:03:22 AM.
Welcome to the Digital Guqin Studio
Who are we? What do we do?
Serious about having fun with the Guqin, while promoting Guqin
and guqin culture, authentic Chinese music, experimenting with
music instrument, text and images, environmental conditions for
enjoyment of this music, we want to :
A/ to preserve, promote and develop the art and culture of the
Guqin and 3000 year heritage of humanity, and
B/ develop contemporary music proper to our own time which maybe
exploring parallel paths, extending new lineages for the guqin.
In our creations, we compose delicate nuanced sound tableaux for
our contemporary listening pleasure by including other sounds.
We aim for subtle contrasts and variety to fully bring out the
enjoyment of the rich timbred music of the guqin reflecting colors
and brightness proper to our own world
C/ create an accessible sexy, fun guqin culture deploying
currently available art and technology, not necessarily the latest
technology but rather the most commonly available technology - for
example our work is on PC which is more affordable than Apple.
I like the elegant design of linex, which is free, so maybe later a
version on linex.
Shuen-git Chow ( Dr. Arts and Sciences of Art, University of Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne, visual artist)
and team 2003-present:
Teo Kheng Chong (guqin player, musician, Professor at Academy of Performance Arts, Hong Kong)
Wang Duo (Master guqin player, musician, Professor and Research
Head of Wu Sheng Qin She Research Centre, Suzhou Science and
Technology University, PRC)
Etienne Durand (software developper, freelance, Paris)
Co-presented by:
Shanghai DOLAND Museum of Modern Art
The Art Museum of Zhu Qi Zhan
Digital Guqin + fly me to the moon
15-31 Oct.05 extended till 7 November.2005
Digital Guqin + fly me to the moon
Zhu Qi-Zhan Art Museum,
580 Ou Yang Rd., Shanghai, China.
-tel:86-21-56710743 tel: 65876901.
Shuen-git Chow: lecture, digital guqin live demo
Wang Duo: guqin demo
18 Oct.05, 14h00
Opening of exhibition : 18 Oct.05, 18h00-
Exhibition: 15 oct.05-31Oct.05
1- Digital guqin live demo
2- 2 Guqin designs, 1 mini practice guqin
3- Fly me to the Moon, monumental walk in musical sculpture installation
4- Fly me to the Moon, soft sculpture, hotair balloon
surprise guests :
Lecture and concert program :
Master Guqin Player Professor Wang Duo :
Doland Contemporary Art Museum
18h00, 22 Oct.05
Panoramic invitation card:
s: 83mmx25mm
l: 166mmx50mm
Fly me to the Moon (fei fei zhao yue) :
a flying sculpture showcasing Flowers from earth.
Introduction :
The Voyager spaceship in 1977 carried a golden disc,
"murmurs of the earth" a collection of earth sounds,
music, words, culture of the earth.
It has flown very high, now outside of the solar system
in search of readers of extraterrestial intelligent beings.
Here, The fly me to the moon
(fei fei zhao yue) a flying sculpture - is an
ancient hot air balloon form, tested and proven that it flies
and likely to have flown in ancient times in Peru the
balloon itself carries on an Intangible Cultural Heritage
of aviators, expression and vehicle of an archaic
human dream of flying. Like the Voyager space vessel
made by NASA, fly me to the moon
(fei fei zhao yue) also carries information of this
earth, specifically Intangible Cultural Heritage images,
and RFID tags, they are linked to extensive bodies of
blogs on earth supported by examples of human
collective efforts of story telling in blogs and the wikipedia
intended first and foremost for intelligent terrestials
readers of our earth. Our balloon would be flying at a
height for human eyes and not designed for extraterrestials.
There are 400 circular vignettes of 1.3m diameter and
4 large vignettes of 13m diameter. Each vignette carries
a visual and electronic identity which are linked to earth
via the web.
For now, I have put giant flowers as a generic universal
symbol of culture for human enjoyment. These flowers
will be replaced by more specific symbols which represent
respective Intangible cultural heritages as time goes on.
The balloon would be flown on auspicious days, decided by
individual people, or groups of people - for example, during
a festive occasion for celebration.
Musicacoustica Mix, Beijing, 21-30 Oct.05
The Electroacoustic Music Association of China (EMAC) and the China Electronic Music Center (CEMC)
based at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, annual conference Events organised by Zhang XiaoFu, Kenneth Fields (CEMC):
1/ Introduction of The Electroacoustic Music Association of China (EMAC) and the China Electronic Music Center (CEMC) (word file)
2/ Presentation (pdf) to be confirmed
Digital Guqin Interactive Arts Research-Creation Studio
Creation of a digital guqin instrument, and digital guqin visual
interactive graphics to music play object using samplings.
An on-going work headed by Shuen-git Chow, begun in 2000. A small group
formed in 2003 for experimentations with guqin music/samplings as
manipulable material through visual handles and triggering device.
Started by a visual artist, members include 2 master guqin players,
and a software developer. Deploying Digital art work as interface,
samplings of guqin music are recorded and recalled through triggers
following specific designed musical rules set by guqin musicians.
Non guqin players could thus generate new guqin music through
playing with the graphics. The idea is to give access to rich
timbred guqin sound/music for an audience who could be reached
beyond standard passive listening. It is designed as an visual+
aural introduction to listening for non-guqin players, and non-
Chinese readers.
On going site covering our activities :
1/ live demos, conferences, research
2/ exhibitions, visual art installation with Digital Guqin music
3/ documentaries of Guqin players, guqin culture, guqin related physical space, and others.
4/ experiments : virtual guqin - using software (Modalys by Ircam)
5/ press: other peoples texts, theories
list of documentaries:
i) master players - (full list to come)
ii) children players - (full list to come)
iii) foreign improvisational playing using guqin playing techniques (coming)
iv) guqin song/ (qin ge, list coming)
v) making of guqin instrument (coming)
vi) making of guqin silk string (coming)
vii) scientific testing of vibration/resonance properties of an instrument (coming)
viii) experiments : virtual guqin - using software (Modalys by Ircam) (coming)
ix) guqin music environment, gardens, homes, sculptures, public spaces, all categories mixed (coming)
x) attendance/press Interactive arts events:
links to Digital art and culture, events, press reports
Festival Emergences, Paris, 24Sept-2Oct.05
Maison de la Villette, Ircam, Ars Longa, Confluences
ichim 05, DIGITAL CULTURE & HERITAGE, Interactive installations, 21-23 Sept.05
Bibliotheque Nationale, Cite Universitaire, Paris, France (docu video) as journalist
video filmed/interviewed:
1/ Ted Nelson : zigzag, transliterature, transcopyright
2/ Steve Mayer: inventer of Pong, Atari
Video game panel: museum of video game in Berlin
3/ Sony music prototype - an software capable of "replying" musically
4/ weblog as archive
5/ Peter Samis : SF Moma - presented using Simpsons cartoon clip - v gd museum presentation
ars electronica 2005, 1-6 Sept.05, Linz, Austria (docu video), as journalist
1/ Toshio Iwai 's+ Yamaha's new Tenori-on
2/ Used clothing, Martin Maringer RFID
3/ Elves, small electronic sound devices
4/ Small revolts, knitting website
5/ Danube evening live cinema extravaganza, with fighter planes,firework, dancing girls, cranes, bridges w cars
6/ Daniel Lee 's photo/fine art work
7/ blanket robot
Digital Silk Roads intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, Nara, 2003, as attendee
1/ special guqin w ivory inlaid
2/ Unesco policies
3/ Louvre big camera
Isea, Nagoya 2002, as attendee
video documentary 2 hrs.
1/ various interactive art installations
2/ outdoor garden
International Dapu Conference(Guqin), Changshu, PRC, 2000, as participant
presented and announced the conception of the "Digital Guqin Project" as Interactive art on dvd idea, a call for Guqin player participation.
video filmed guqin players and private concerts
Pre-history : from MIDIguqin to Digital Guqin
collaborator: Professor Chen Changlin, Beijing, PRC, 2002
1/ MIDI Guqin Story
2/ The recognition and playing of digitised Guqin scores and the MIDIguqin
3/ "Promotion and development of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, case 1: The guqin", Beijing, Dec.2002
Live demo of "MIDIguqin" and paper presentation
Video documentary and publication
bibliography, links
-David Weinberger, "When things Arent what they are.",
Hybrid living in Paradox, ars electronica catalogue,p76-78, Hatje Cantz, 2005
On differences of "knowledge" as classification of what we know in the age of the web as opposed to pre-digital age.
wikipedia on guqin : communal encyclopaedia
Excellent information on Guqin by John Thompson
rare book digitization in Taiwan
Paper: Analysis and Synthesis of the Guqin
Last update: Monday, February 20, 2006 at 9:05:00 AM.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
QiQ Couture's new Cherries in the Sky
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Venice in sl, "With"
Current Venice sim
Inspired by Venise in real life, Swann Jie checks out the Venice in sl.
There used to be a very gd Venice in sl but it closed after 6 months. Here we have a much simpler Venice with a few Gondola. But not fancy cafe, no birds, no table cloth with nice chairs, all gone. The disappeared SIM was called "WITH". too bad too bad. Otherwise it would have been so fun to put a little real thing in the Venice sim.
Monday, 21 December 2009
Snow globe, work and play in sl, degree of control in the Virtual World
In Secondlife if its not a work place, then what you see are "play" things; and that's somebodie's dream we are visiting. Including locking devices and all.
Here is a v pretty snow globe - you can choose to be "locked" here.
I have seen other purely depriving freedom type of locking devices, like a golden cage, a simple animal cage, a blade runner like giant size test tube, all set up to be avatar size for people to feel locked up.
This snow globe is a little like a tableau, the avatar as a treasured display and not "locked up" and deprived of freedom. A script gives a choice to be locked up and a menu offers duration and unlocking.
The avatars I met all have very intricate and fancy well made costumes.
The design of the set, the scenario are also very well made with interesting inventive choices for the players.
Degree of Control in the Virtual World
One of the players said they use an Emerald viewer instead of sl viewer, because using this viewer you could let another avatar take control of your tabs. So they could be the one who decide what your avatar can or cannot do. This is a viewer that gives control of your avatar to another avatar; a collaborative play thats one step further than an independant theatrical make believe game.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Better snapshots in sl
Better snapshots in sl, just what I needed!
Friday, 18 December 2009
New cushions
Immersive learning experiences, Judy Brody's Life Drawing classes in sl, sharing in a Virtual World, Digital Hollywood Graduate School
Collecting books for the DGM library, I found a copy of "Big Book of Clothing version 2" somewhere a long time ago (dont remember where!) which is already 5 years old by Judy Brody.
Googled the author more, and she has life drawing classes in Secondlife! Now thats interesting, how did that experiment work?
People draw offline and share the results in secondlife - inworld.
There is a sharing value in Virtual World lessons which is a precious quality in real life learning situations not possible in at home self learning sessions. Apparently a lot of at home courses now has conference sessions through chat, sloodle, moodle etc. online Whiteboards. All these tools are for expediency purpose, are they better than real life old fashion sitting together?
We could always learn almost everything by ourselves, but the sharing part is only possible if you do "share" a common visual and textual language.
The same goes for language lessons and any other immersive world experience.
If you were all by yourself, you are in your singular one person world, once you share a common context, you have exchangable language for transmission based on common raw data.
Life drawing classes in secondlife! This entry dates from 2005. We are entering 2010 soon. How did that experiment go?
I am amazed, but it does work with the tools and system that the teacher sets up. :)

What else could we teach through the Virtual World platform?
The advantage is, no limits to geographical location and time zones.
If you wished you could.
The teaching that I am talking about is teaching and learning as a game, as in playing.
These could be Role Playing, Creativity Play, and StoryTelling Play.
In real life, you might not come across "the right ones" for whatever games you wish to play; this is also true in a Virtual World. But, people who enter the Virtual World share something in common - the curiosity or necessity to enter a Virtual World - and thats already one level of "screening" done.
Secondly, "the right ones" that you have chosen in Secondlife usually works best in the Virtual World, once exported into the Real World - once again, it might not work.
Contextually each "perfect fit" is not independant.
Human relations come with all the layers of references and co-ordinates without which nothing can exist with any degree of richness, not in real life and not in Virtual World Secondlife.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
QiQ #1, 2, and 3
Whats Next? What do avatars wear when they go to a concert, a party, an "elegant gathering" - for example; a yaji?
QiQ #1, 2, and 3
QiQ #1 Is the Head of the new experiment, setting up 3 lines of research-creations in fashion.
QiQ Litt Litt = Literature, bookish, intellectual erotic
QiQ #2
QiQ Folie Folie = extravagant, hedonistic, laid back sexy
QiQ #3
QiQ balbal balbal = silliness, freedom, fun, energy, creative, current events and atheletic, action oriented
QiQ #4
QiQ revival (ongoing recurring one) Revival with a twist = remake of historical models, vintage, classical, Hanfu... etc
What do all the QiQ's have in common ?
QiQ = pronounce together as "Chick"
For the coming year, the "QiQ"s focus on:
Beauty, Bubblies, Well Being; Esthetics, Elegance, Enjoyment. Love & Life :)
QiQ #1, 2, and 3
QiQ #1 Is the Head of the new experiment, setting up 3 lines of research-creations in fashion.
QiQ Litt Litt = Literature, bookish, intellectual erotic
QiQ #2
QiQ Folie Folie = extravagant, hedonistic, laid back sexy
QiQ #3
QiQ balbal balbal = silliness, freedom, fun, energy, creative, current events and atheletic, action oriented
QiQ #4
QiQ revival (ongoing recurring one) Revival with a twist = remake of historical models, vintage, classical, Hanfu... etc
What do all the QiQ's have in common ?
QiQ = pronounce together as "Chick"
For the coming year, the "QiQ"s focus on:
Beauty, Bubblies, Well Being; Esthetics, Elegance, Enjoyment. Love & Life :)
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
QiQ #1 , QiQ balbal sofa
QiQ is a new family sent to work on Science Sim as there is no limit of prims.
Here we have a QiQ #1 sitting on a new sofa.
The sofa is a sculptie with transparent texture.
Due to the unexpected distorsions rendered by the sculpties we often get very beautiful patterns.
Then you must adjust and re-adjust, come back, until you get it just right.
In the Science Sim, there is very few things to buy, so you have to make your own.
If you want a specific skin, you must make it yourself.
QiQ #1's outfit is made from a HuaHui House photo, again adjusting the texture to make the pattern hit the right places.
Shoes were freebies by Fashion Research Institute, curtesy of Shenlei Winkler.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Friday, 11 December 2009
Habitat for Humanity Toronto, aluminum can collection drop off pts
If you are in Toronto
Deposit your aluminum cans here;:
Habitat for Humanity Toronto
Triple M Recycling
80 Sinnot Road (South of Eglinton, 2 blocks East of Warden)
Hours of Operation:
M-F: 07:30 am-4:45 pm
Sat: 07:00 am-11:30 am
Proceed to right side of the building, they will bring you a bin in which to empty the cans. They will then be weighed and you will be given a receipt to take to the front office. Tell them you are collecting cans for Habitat for Humanity Toronto to have your drop off credited to us!
For more information please contact:
Adrienne Finlay at 416 755 7353 ext. 34
burbtv, Neville Mars, Confucius Institute, and Children Guqin Players, 动态密度, HuaHui Mobile Music cube number
burbtv : this is an interesting nodal concept of connecting information and people focused on the City as theme owned by Neville Mars. So I found a "Node" - 动态密度 - where I was able to upload some entries on HuaHui Mobile Music - the Digital Guqin Museum mobile prototype. I want to let more people know about this, its not about "collecting beer cans", its about a moving architectural/sculptural landmark where each cube houses a url - like a tiny abstract home of the person who made the cube.
Anybody could visit the url - all they have to do is to take a picture of the 2D tag and it links them to the url.
This HuaHui Mobile Music exists in the Virtual World and the Real World.
If you want an abstract home in the HuaHui Mobile Music, send me three beer cans (empty) of your choice! And your url, its free!
Leave a message below to get a HuaHui cube number.
Your home will be next to someone from another country, from far away and you could be neighbours!
Confucius Institute
I found the child guqin player clips were added by Confucius Institute. :)
Anybody could visit the url - all they have to do is to take a picture of the 2D tag and it links them to the url.
This HuaHui Mobile Music exists in the Virtual World and the Real World.
If you want an abstract home in the HuaHui Mobile Music, send me three beer cans (empty) of your choice! And your url, its free!
Leave a message below to get a HuaHui cube number.
Your home will be next to someone from another country, from far away and you could be neighbours!
Confucius Institute
I found the child guqin player clips were added by Confucius Institute. :)
Dreams of Shanghai in that Other Place
Have you ever had dreams where you visit entire cities with stories and architecture and then come back to the same scene after a few weeks or months or years as if you had just continued the story somehow without interruption. As if thats really another real place? But while I was in this secondary world (while in real life sleeping) I know that i have been there and when i wake i know its only in that other place. Initially, when i first had these continuous dreams, upon awaking i could be not sure of if the things that happened in the dream really happened - the lines of the two worlds are blurred.
But today, I had this dream and for the first time; i knew when i was in the dream that its that place and when I awake i know also i am in the real life place. Its the first time that I am totally clear and non muddled about the dividing line - since at least 10-15 years that i began having this continuous other place dreams.
Dreams of Shanghai
I woke up at 4h30 this morning, but having had very gd sleep.
And very interesting dreams... I keep on going back to a place that only exists in my dreams - the setting has been there for the last 10 yrs at least and sometimes I go there. Isnt this strange? It was scenes of Shanghai - I took the bus w houses thats like corbu era from the 30s, street is not ultra clean nor chic but v happy to take the bus there. Met P there too, I showed her these little enclaves of houses from the 30s and said, this was in the news paper you know it used to be very exclusive businessmen hotel but too exclusive it went bankrupted without much ever gone on. Now all the cooks are still here but no client. (the cook was sleeping on these expensive sofas as we walk through into the dining hall - there was however brkfst each table had the best puff cereal bread etc etc. I was definitely travelling - in my present day self - also something to do w caca - somehow my clothes are tinted w caca and i tried to wash it...
strange dream but a happy dream - I wrote down the details by hand in my little black book.
I woke up reheated the fresh soymilk i made yesterday (taste better w each reheating as the milk gets more and more carmelly)
then i looked in the fridge no more bonne maman jam
so i checked through the C specials - found a couple i decided to try the "strawberries from bj- the name of their homestead
and what a surprise, this is really the difference between heaven and earth compared to bonne maman.
C had whole wild strawberries and the taste! so marvellous!
well, glad i tried something new!
Usually i consider C jam for Swannjiejie, I dont like to deprive people of special foods... hahahahah
but she asked me last week if i still have enough jam etc and gave me a brioche to take home; said that way i will eat more bread.
because I said i am too lazy to go all the way to monoprix to get my favorite Poilane - which could keep days and as it dries it tastes different but always good; The other baquettes, if you dont finish within the day, it dries and you have throw it away and I hate to throw away bread especially when I had to go line up at the boulangerie to get it!!!
But today, I had this dream and for the first time; i knew when i was in the dream that its that place and when I awake i know also i am in the real life place. Its the first time that I am totally clear and non muddled about the dividing line - since at least 10-15 years that i began having this continuous other place dreams.
Dreams of Shanghai
I woke up at 4h30 this morning, but having had very gd sleep.
And very interesting dreams... I keep on going back to a place that only exists in my dreams - the setting has been there for the last 10 yrs at least and sometimes I go there. Isnt this strange? It was scenes of Shanghai - I took the bus w houses thats like corbu era from the 30s, street is not ultra clean nor chic but v happy to take the bus there. Met P there too, I showed her these little enclaves of houses from the 30s and said, this was in the news paper you know it used to be very exclusive businessmen hotel but too exclusive it went bankrupted without much ever gone on. Now all the cooks are still here but no client. (the cook was sleeping on these expensive sofas as we walk through into the dining hall - there was however brkfst each table had the best puff cereal bread etc etc. I was definitely travelling - in my present day self - also something to do w caca - somehow my clothes are tinted w caca and i tried to wash it...
strange dream but a happy dream - I wrote down the details by hand in my little black book.
I woke up reheated the fresh soymilk i made yesterday (taste better w each reheating as the milk gets more and more carmelly)
then i looked in the fridge no more bonne maman jam
so i checked through the C specials - found a couple i decided to try the "strawberries from bj- the name of their homestead
and what a surprise, this is really the difference between heaven and earth compared to bonne maman.
C had whole wild strawberries and the taste! so marvellous!
well, glad i tried something new!
Usually i consider C jam for Swannjiejie, I dont like to deprive people of special foods... hahahahah
but she asked me last week if i still have enough jam etc and gave me a brioche to take home; said that way i will eat more bread.
because I said i am too lazy to go all the way to monoprix to get my favorite Poilane - which could keep days and as it dries it tastes different but always good; The other baquettes, if you dont finish within the day, it dries and you have throw it away and I hate to throw away bread especially when I had to go line up at the boulangerie to get it!!!
Thursday, 10 December 2009
HH real cube wall in conceptual model, Kerrypets HuaHui rezzer, new ginger bread house
Took me one day to figure out how to align new panels to the existing rezzer that Kerrypet made for me for the conceptual model of the HuaHui House. Now; I had wanted to replace all the panels with real life cube panels... so I started with one panel. Took me a whole day!!!! to align re-align, i definitely dont enjoy doing this - because I am too impatient. For the same effect; I much prefer to use the existing panels and just change the cubes textures - even if i have to do it one cube at a time, and sometimes 6 sides per cube! This has the advantage of changing each unit and making a composition - its a little like painting. Whereas the other way, its coding and realignment. If i were able to read the co ordinates after I placed it correctly then thats great. But, seems like that i had to test and experiment w the numbers to the panel to fit closer and closer to the precise location. Is this true, isnt there another faster better way? Dont know how i could read backwards from the position - wonder if there is a way.
The difficulty is : in relation to the rezzing object itself ; each panel radiates from the object - like so many satellites. Can we read the position starting from placing the object and reading the position somewhere? pooooooof what a waste of time.
if the back ground is all silver, i could imagine somebody coming here and makign a sign, for example "I love you" to his/her gal friend.
Now, I really want to go out and ride my bicycle.
This virtual world is wonderful amusing powerful inventive exciting... but but but, the awful part is you must be looking at a computer... when will they invent a better system ? Or a non-light emitting screen. Its really bad for our health to be sitting down and to be looking into a light emitting object like this.
As i see how the scripting works little by little, I appreciate how smart geeks are they have invented these cute animations, skin; painting, building speaking, all this... now, when will they think about the real person infront of the screen?
I have friends who work in graphic design and computer engineering - they just hate to look at a computer at home. At work already 8 hrs a day... no more no more they say no more.
For something different: a new Ginger bread house
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Hanako as Christmas Babe, HuaHui Mobile Music testing
Hanako land w Hanako as Christmas babe. :)
and Wangxiang wrote a little blurb on the HuaHui House that I was testing on Hanako land.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Viewers : sl, Kirsten; Carla Broek , Dash Luga
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Friday, 4 December 2009
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Model-based sound synthesis of the guqin by Li HenBing and Marc Leman
Interesting paper by Li HenBing and Marc Leman
Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music, Department of Musicology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Model-based sound synthesis of the guqin
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Volume 120, Issue 6, pp. 4052-4063 (December 2006)
Issue Date: December 2006
Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music, Department of Musicology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Model-based sound synthesis of the guqin
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Volume 120, Issue 6, pp. 4052-4063 (December 2006)
Issue Date: December 2006
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