Honey Sphere Treehouse (L.A./ California)
This steel & cedar wood Honey Sphere belongs to Doors guitarist Robby Krieger who uses it as a song-writing retreat at his Beverley Hills home. Crafted by O2 Treehouse, the structure is suspended by steel cables attached to the tree’s upper branches, while a portion rests on the ground to alleviate some of the stress on the live oak.
Here's the O2 Treehouse Website
Rad Tree Houses
Friday, August 26, 2005

Nasu Tea Tree House, by TreeHouse Creations / Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan

Le Pavilion de The Tetsu de Terunobu Fujimori

Yellow Tree,
an architect-designed tree house restaurant eatery near Auckland, New
Zealand, perched over 30 feet above the ground in a redwood tree.
Update: Read more on this recent Dwell online article

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