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Tuesday 25 July 2023

I'm Outta Love - Anastacia! fly me to the moon in speaking voice

 Lesson 10, live analysis

Lesson 11, natural range, intensity level

fly me to the moon, speaking and singing, explore variety of voices in everyday situation.  Classical music :  intuitive, trained way

I realise now, i am a privileged person, I have time to do all these things that I like to do!  bright overtones... will carry,  not darkening, nor brightening the voice, not creating frequencies .... darkening or brightening beyond natural voice will sacrifice the over tones, it has to be with vowel placements... nicely placed vowel placement, largnix placements   resonance, create more space or less space etc

where is the neutral ground for your natural voice?  spking voice and singing voice, are you using a natural placement of the vowels?

sing in your natural voice, neutral ground cause muscles not to strain, darkening or brightening... singing outside of the natural voice range of voice colors, if you sing consistently outside of that, strain fatique, will cause damage in the long run. natural voice will sound and feel the best.

Lesson 12, live meeting

Q and A

An example of the students problems how to learn what etc, in a very long detailed problem

What have you worked on, chest voice, challenging the strength of chest voice, how to extand the range into hd voice.  Intentionally try to extend your range

what have you already done?  show imperfection in your tapes, so she could see where the problem is , dont send perfected versions, send the first few tries, 

power ballades - Lian Rhymes, Enya has ethereal songs, breathiness is intentional doing it intentionally breath control, Barbara Streisand, Celine Dion, breathiness is sometimes needed, having tools in repertoire from tool box

Bill Whithers, "I see the rain ... " easy singing voice middle space not loose not tight, strolling along feeling   gd breath support, relaxed, low intensity for vocal cords, while keeping intensity for all these other things engaged.  hmming exercises, lip trills, hissing sounds, - this cannot push vocal cords, there is not vocalisation, even voice, cant over do it, cant force vocal cords, safe exercise

vocal cord closure, how should it feel?  vocal strain comes from the fact that its high in your voice

in chest voice, engage heavy duty vibrate

in hd voice, its a lesser area of the vocal cord that creates the frequency

Zombie, has a flip chest head chest head

Lesson 13, Designing Your Perfect Vocal Warm-Up

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