Shuen-git rl 周旋捷; Swann Jie sl/, 2011: N°1 Sculptures N°2 好奇藝術::舊+新 Kunstkammer :: Old+New & Film Reviews N°3 Digital Guqin Museum 數碼古琴互動藝術研究創作室 MicroTotalArt HandScroll Guqin; HuaKui cubes; === copyright: when using content of this blog, please use link,indicating source and author information. 版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息 === ===
List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015
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Monday, 31 July 2023
TRY THIS when your voice is Tired and Sore | #DrDan 🎤
Saturday, 29 July 2023
chest voice, vocal cord, damage checking
Strong Chest Voice The Healthy Way
In the “Seven days to perfect support” Freya talks about singing in different positions and how it affects the support.
SING & MOVE! Fun Exercise! BreathSupport for Singing #shorts, #singinglessons, #vocalcoach
3 early WARNING signs of vocal damage...(and how to fix them)
Exercise: head voice. and Sweet Spots of a voice. 欢颜(Live) Huan Yan
Exercise: head voice. I want to play w the tones of my voice here, could I make it as gd as the low tones? Would my instrument be capable of it, and if not, as long as I don't strain my voice, it's just regular body building no? I figured maybe because I have only recently begun to use head voice to sing, maybe its not as worked and trained as lower voice. When i researched what are "sweet spots" of the voice, there are many people who answered w their own experiences. One said there are sweet spots, not just one in a persons voice, then he goes on to explain in technical term, i will have to do more research on this point.

Friday, 28 July 2023
Shaping Open Vowels 05-08 Exercise of the Week// HE DOESN'T SING THIS SONG ANYMORE / Dimash Kudaibergen - Okinish Regret
Ave Maria
Shaping Open Vowels 05-08
Exercise of the Week
I tried C5 like what Freya did in video, but its not natural for me to go any higher in shouting voice. :=)
Thursday, 27 July 2023
"Barbie", 3 and half stars
"Barbie", 3 and half stars
Wednesday, 26 July 2023
A2 -C6, singable , and the P notes // Passagio
voice timbre
voice range, checked w yamaha keyboard

Tuesday, 25 July 2023
I'm Outta Love - Anastacia! fly me to the moon in speaking voice
I'm Outta Love - Anastacia
Lesson 11, natural range, intensity level
fly me to the moon, speaking and singing, explore variety of voices in everyday situation. Classical music : intuitive, trained way
I realise now, i am a privileged person, I have time to do all these things that I like to do! bright overtones... will carry, not darkening, nor brightening the voice, not creating frequencies .... darkening or brightening beyond natural voice will sacrifice the over tones, it has to be with vowel placements... nicely placed vowel placement, largnix placements resonance, create more space or less space etc
where is the neutral ground for your natural voice? spking voice and singing voice, are you using a natural placement of the vowels?
sing in your natural voice, neutral ground cause muscles not to strain, darkening or brightening... singing outside of the natural voice range of voice colors, if you sing consistently outside of that, strain fatique, will cause damage in the long run. natural voice will sound and feel the best.
Lesson 12, live meeting
Q and A
An example of the students problems how to learn what etc, in a very long detailed problem
What have you worked on, chest voice, challenging the strength of chest voice, how to extand the range into hd voice. Intentionally try to extend your range
what have you already done? show imperfection in your tapes, so she could see where the problem is , dont send perfected versions, send the first few tries,
power ballades - Lian Rhymes, Enya has ethereal songs, breathiness is intentional doing it intentionally breath control, Barbara Streisand, Celine Dion, breathiness is sometimes needed, having tools in repertoire from tool box
Bill Whithers, "I see the rain ... " easy singing voice middle space not loose not tight, strolling along feeling gd breath support, relaxed, low intensity for vocal cords, while keeping intensity for all these other things engaged. hmming exercises, lip trills, hissing sounds, - this cannot push vocal cords, there is not vocalisation, even voice, cant over do it, cant force vocal cords, safe exercise
vocal cord closure, how should it feel? vocal strain comes from the fact that its high in your voice
in chest voice, engage heavy duty vibrate
in hd voice, its a lesser area of the vocal cord that creates the frequency
Zombie, has a flip chest head chest head
Lesson 13, Designing Your Perfect Vocal Warm-Up
Monday, 24 July 2023
Wednesday, 19 July 2023
Meeting Freya and classmates on singing class 19jul2023
Hello Maria Bjurström and all students! If there is something specific that you would like checked from your coursework or exercises- the monthly Q&A with Freya that takes place on the first Wednesday of each month is the perfect place to get that feedback. The next one will be August 2nd at 9am! Send an email to with your specific question or 20 seconds or less clip and put in the title: Q&A with Freya- and she will address it then. Tomorrow is the Third Wednesday of the month, which means it is our OSS accountability hour @11am EST (5pm CET) which I host. This is a great group to discuss our singing goals, have some social time with your fellow students and receive motivation and encouragement to continue your vocal studies!
Also, Maria Bjurström and @everyone - the other way to receive feedback from Freya with the Online Singing School is to continue being active and posting. The student with the most activity each month receives a 20 minute coaching session from Freya.
Freya Singing
Summary of our meeting:

Sunday, 16 July 2023
Day 4 QinGe "Ji Le Yin" , "Someone like you", Adele, "Dai Yu Qiang"
Day 4 Someone like you, Adele
Invitation to sing Adele, from Linda Chou of the Freya Casey Online singing school.
"Someone like you, Adele", downloaded score, lyric and sound sheet.
I posted qin ge JI le Yin,
practiced Adele 3 x, melody is complicated, down loaded music sheet to make it easier
Dai yu Qiang online duet 10x , I didnt know the song, but hes a pro, so smart.
So I did it on WeSing;
first try, words all wrong, but tune is ok. dynamics voice could improve, my voice couldnt reach the high note. But, if i could sing the phrase, it means I didnt know how to technically get the sound out right?
At the 10x try, yes, i succeeded, its the pressure, i must push w more air then the sound goes out. I pay attention that the air goes through the air tube, not through my throat.
Will try again tomorrow. Both Adele and Dai YuQiang.
Interesting singer related news
56:16 onwards
Qin song , ji le yin
1:24:14 -intro
1:25 qin song begins 1:28:24
1:28:30 - 1:37:43 discussion on Cantonese versus Mandarin in lyrics
Saturday, 15 July 2023
Day 3, Moon River
Day 3, Moon River