Wonderful exhibition of landscape painted in open air. Often done on paper then mounted on canvas.
"Sur le motif Peindre en plein air ,1780-1870" . At Fondation Custodia. Until 3 Apr 2022.
Was at a press conference for this special show on PleinAir painting at Foundation Custodia, it is v amazing how people paint in open air, they dont lug all this stuff around, its on v small format sheets of paper - v thin eye lashes like paint strokes... :)
Since i participated at Kleinburg raised my curiosity about this show and discovered a whole new world, the old world - still zero news on and of the Kleinburg event no info on their web site - its a curious thing, who are the (shortlisted) participants? anyway.
Here are the old masters from the exhibition, beautiful catalogue
Here is my en plein air painting done over a few hours at Kleinburg. Canada for the Kleinburg En Plein Air exhibition, rule is, you must paint in open air on their grounds.
So I saw a few people with v high tech beautiful easels, little wagons with equipments, backpacks etc With my minium equipment, it was already very good to have a friend with me.
V beautiful site. Contemporary Open air painting.
I did not take many pictures because sometimes something being taken a picture of changes the state of the work and the work itself.
It is a first time for me to paint directly on site, and it raised my curiosity of open air painting.
I had mainly painted inside my studio. I first take a lot of photos from a site, then i choose from the photos the ones that incites some feelings of the site, and i paint from there on.
But i always ask students to draw and paint after real life, not from the imagination. And always paint only what you see, what you have observed and not some graphics/comic book idea of what you see.
Here is the pine tree that i have painted from the Kleinburg site. Quick sketches
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