List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015

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Friday 1 July 2011

Terminator 3 **, Ni à vendre ni à louer**half, My Little Princess***

Terminator 3 **
fantasy, robot, world destruction cg, monster, silly adolescent total destroy film

cars turn into robots, but these robots are humongous, all armoured and when killed has red liquid blood spewting out!! For unknown logics, every robot is fighting others, and with a little guy and model gal friend running around, more destroy, glass towers, lincoln statue, everything destroyed, lots of cg effects. Some famous actors. I fell asleep a couple of times.
The robots are too uniformly "junkyard" assemblage w rotten rusted eyes and teeth... some cg effects are v gd.
story is not important. slam, transform, kill kill.

Ni à vendre ni à louer**half

A no dialogue corporal expression movie à la Tati w camping cars, big fat couples in a tiny bed size brick hut, big wind storm that rips everything into the air, girls on the beach, boys on the beach, nudist camps, couples enjoying "jambes en l'air" when the other half is away, funeral, ashes in the face, golf ball in the head, drinking old water from a bottle at a funeral... morose silly joke, campy. The images and sequences are often forced. Something like Delicatessan is also in the works. Nice details, very comic bookish. Characters has no repercussions when "transgressed" in social rules. Stylish, fun. A summer seaside film.

My Little Princess***
autobiography by Eva Ionesco

The child actress is very pretty and sweet, the mother is crazy. Well done.
The photos in the film is much less shocking than the original ones in real life.In real life, some photos are exactly shot to titillate adults w a pretty child. The mother would have been sent to jail immediately.
We never know what family life, mother child relations are like... many people live hells that you just dont know about.
It is good that today more people could share in their stories with others. Film is a very good medium because it is not a person telling the story to another - confiding; but having actor and actresses bring in their part of the presence and share in the recreation of a memory, an idea of a story.
It is not an easy story to tell.

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