Blond hair genetically modified baby grows up in a forest with "father" and enters back into civilisation. Trained to kick, and chop, kill, shes a little like an innocent and angelic robot. Very milky skin, pretty, like a lost child (which the role of Hannah )she kills without any turmoil. Cate Blachett is v gd, evil, slim, cold,she got her evil end coming.
Many beautiful settings, Marocco, houses, snow scenes. Good camera work.
The Murderers***
Thriller, Korean blood and love, revenge, madness
The film is too long. Because the story is actually quite simple, a mad man picks up women and kills them w water pipe, knife, whatever is handy. Strips them naked, chops them up to 5 members, put into fridge and friend eats "this kind of tasty meat". A cop runs after this mad guy, because his own wife got murdered this way. Lots of bashing, cutting, dagger in heel to rip out tendons, head bashing, hair wet with blood... broken wrists... all danger danger - at the end the bad crazy guy got guillotined in front of his own mom dad and son.
After half way, you know this film is mainly about rape, killing, dismembering women for "no reason".
Too long.
many humourous touches. But not enough to get this into a great movie, its a slick and accomplished work but not "memorable" for me.
Shuen-git rl 周旋捷; Swann Jie sl/, 2011: N°1 Sculptures N°2 好奇藝術::舊+新 Kunstkammer :: Old+New & Film Reviews N°3 Digital Guqin Museum 數碼古琴互動藝術研究創作室 MicroTotalArt HandScroll Guqin; HuaKui cubes; === copyright: when using content of this blog, please use link,indicating source and author information. 版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息 === http://swannbb.blogspot.fr/2015/02/sgc-2015-monumental-sculptures-etc.html ===
List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015
- 1 http://swannbb.blogspot.fr/2015/02/sunday-robot-play.html
- 2 http://shuengitswannjie.blogspot.fr/2015/02/interactive-reading-room-tea-house-2015.html
- 3 http://swannbb.blogspot.fr/2014/06/neo-ming-bed-luxembourg.html
- 4 http://swannbb.blogspot.fr/2013/02/yuzi-paradise-tell-moon.html
- 5 http://swannbb.blogspot.com/2011/09/12th-changchun-international-sculpture.html
- 6 http://www.saatchionline.com/Shuen-git
Monday, 11 July 2011
The 12th China Changchun (High-tech Development Zone) International Sculpture Symposium
The 12th China Changchun (High-tech Development Zone) International Sculpture Symposium
List of sculptors
The 12th China Changchun (High-tech Development Zone) International Sculpture Symposium
List of sculptors :
1) 阿富汗(Afghanistan) Abdulhai Frahmand
2) 阿根廷(Argentine) Cenrique Valdez
3) 埃及(Eygpt) Salah Hammad
4) 爱沙尼亚(Eesti) Tiiu Kirsipuu
5) 安道尔(Andorre) Angel Calvente Gutierrez
6) 安提瓜(Antiqua) Michael Hunt
7) 奥地利(Austria) Elisabeth Ledersberger-Lehoczky
8) 澳大利亚(Australia) Jeffrey Frith
9) 巴林(State of Bahrain) Ali Almahmeed
10) 巴拿马(Panama) ALONSO HIM MANZANÉ
11) 巴西(Brazil) Irineu Garcia
12) 白俄罗斯(Belarus) Maxim Piatrul
13) 保加利亚(Bulgaria) Todor Yalamov
14) 北马里亚纳(North Marianna Islands) Barry Wonenberg
15) 贝宁(Benin) DANSI SOETOVE
16) 比利时(Belgium) Thierry Lauwers
17) 波兰(Poland) Janusz Plota
18) 布基纳法索(Bukina Faso) NIKIEMA Romain
19) 丹麦(Danemark) Poul Baekhoj
20) 德国 (Germany) Annabella Claudia Hofmann
21) 多哥(Togo) Samuel Olou
22) 多米尼克(Dominican) Jacob Frederick
23) 俄罗斯(Russia) Schur/Shestakov
24) 法国(France) Michel AKSENTIEVITCH
25) 法属波利尼西亚(French Polynesia) GOTZ Donaghy Philippe
26) 菲律宾(Philippine) Cristina S. Taniguchi
27) 芬兰(Finland) Kirsti Karvonen
28) 哥伦比亚(Columbia) Fernando Pinto
29) 哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica) Ulises Jiménez Obregón
30) 格林纳达(Granada) ELLON LEWIS
31) 巴巴多斯(Barbados) DIANNE WALCOTT
32) 格鲁吉亚 (Georgia) Jhon Gogaberishvili
34) 关岛(Gwam) Christine R. Choe
35) 海地 (Haiti) Claude Montes
36) 韩国 (Korea) Han Jin Sub 韩镇燮
37) 荷兰 (Holland) Johannes Maria/ Reijnders
38) 加拿大(Canada) Shuen-git Natasha Chow 周旋捷
39) 加纳 (Ghana) Ghattaba /Joseph Adjzobah
40) 捷克(Czech republic) Ladislav Sorokac
41) 津巴布韦(Zimbawi) SHEPHERD NDUDZO
42) 肯尼亚(Kenya) Kenyanya Peter Oendo
43) 拉脱维亚(Latvia) Solveiga Vasiljeva
44) 黎巴嫩 (Lebanon) Husam CHAYA
45) 立陶宛 (Lithuania) Arvydas Alisanka
46) 利比里亚 (Libya) Sekou Kamara
47) 卢森堡 (Luxembourg) Bertrand Ney
48) 卢旺达 (Ruwanda) BIZIMANA Medard
49) 罗马尼亚 (Romania) Bogdan Adrian Lefter
50) 毛里求斯 (Mauritius) M.chummun Ramyead
51) 美国(USA) Shohini Ghosh
52) 美属维尔京(Virginia USA) Edney Louis Freeman
53) 蒙古(Mongolia) Ulziisuren Batsuren
54) 孟加拉(Bangaladesh) ALAK ROY
55) 秘鲁 (Peru)
56) 莫桑比克 (Mozambique) Nangashinu Frank
Arroni Ntaluma
57) 墨西哥 (Mexico) Jorge de Santiago lopez
58) 南非 (South Africa) Wilhelm Johonnes/Schmidt
59) 尼日尔(Nigeria) Issoufou Lankoande
60) 葡萄牙(Portugal) Arlindo/Duarte de Arez
61) 日本(Japan) Hiroyuki Asano朝野浩行
62) 瑞士(不来了cancelled)(Swiss) Ralfonso Gschwend
63) 塞尔维亚(Serbia ) Nedim Hadziahmetovic
64) 塞浦路斯(Cyprus) nikos kouroussis
65) 沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia) Kamal Mansor Almualem
66) 圣卢西亚(Saint Lucia) Jallim Eudovique
67) 圣马力诺(Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino) Dorotea Tini
68) 圣文森特(Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
Amos Nathaniel Sandy
69) 斯里兰卡(Siri Lanka) Anura Krishantha
70) 苏丹(Sudan) khalid abdulla mergani
71) 泰国 (Thailand) Sarawut Chutiwongpeti
72) 坦桑尼亚 (Tanzania) Mwandale Magoda Mwanyekwa
73) 特立尼达和多巴哥(Republic of Trinidad and Tobago)
Hetty Juanita de Gannes
74) 土耳其(Turkey) dervis ergun
75) 土库曼斯坦 (Türkmenistan) Abdymukhammet Dramadov
76) 乌克兰(UKRAINE) Oleksandr Matsiuk
77) 乌拉圭(Uruguay) Oscar Nelson Umpierrez Copette
78) 西班牙(Spain) Gotzon Huegun Burgos
79) 希腊(Greece) Sakellarios nikolaos Koutouzis
80) 新西兰(New Zealand) Alexander Efimov
81) 匈牙利(Hungary) Dr. Csiky Laszlo
82) 亚美尼亚(Armenia) Tigran Harutyunyan
83) 亚速尔(Hino dos Açores) Carlos Dutra
84) 伊拉克(Iraq) Ali noori ali sataa
85) 伊朗 (Iran) Esfandyar Moradpour
86) 以色列(Israel) Moshe Perelman
87) 意大利(Italy) Maria Elisa /Corsini
88) 印度(India) Chander Parkash
89) 印度尼西亚 (Indonesia) Hedi Hariyanto
90) 英国 (UK) John Atkin
91) 英属维尔京 (British Virgin Islands) Aragorn /Dick-Read
92) 越南(不来了cancelled)(Vietnam) Vuong Van Thao
93) 赞比亚 (Zambia) Gordon Shamulenge
94) 乍得 (Chad) Madjiledingam Amane
95) 智利(Chili) Gricelda Jacqueline/López paredes
96) 香港 (HK) Winnie Siu Davies"蕭愛冰"
97) 台湾 (Taiwan) 侯連秦
98) 马其顿 (The Republic of Macedonia) Meri Anicin Pejoska
100) 加那利群岛 (Canary islands) Gemma Dominguez Guerra
101) 瓦利斯与富图纳(Wallis et Futuna) Evans SUVE
102) 保加利亚 (Bulgaria) Krassimir Yakov
103) 白俄罗斯 (Belarus) Slabodchykau Uladzimir
104) 叙利亚(Algeria) Burhan Muhammad
105) 突尼斯(Tunisia) Ellouz Mehrez
106) 中国 (China) 叶毓山
107) 中国 (China) 田跃民
108) 中国 (China) 景毓民
109) 中国 (China) 程兵
List of sculptors
The 12th China Changchun (High-tech Development Zone) International Sculpture Symposium
List of sculptors :
1) 阿富汗(Afghanistan) Abdulhai Frahmand
2) 阿根廷(Argentine) Cenrique Valdez
3) 埃及(Eygpt) Salah Hammad
4) 爱沙尼亚(Eesti) Tiiu Kirsipuu
5) 安道尔(Andorre) Angel Calvente Gutierrez
6) 安提瓜(Antiqua) Michael Hunt
7) 奥地利(Austria) Elisabeth Ledersberger-Lehoczky
8) 澳大利亚(Australia) Jeffrey Frith
9) 巴林(State of Bahrain) Ali Almahmeed
10) 巴拿马(Panama) ALONSO HIM MANZANÉ
11) 巴西(Brazil) Irineu Garcia
12) 白俄罗斯(Belarus) Maxim Piatrul
13) 保加利亚(Bulgaria) Todor Yalamov
14) 北马里亚纳(North Marianna Islands) Barry Wonenberg
15) 贝宁(Benin) DANSI SOETOVE
16) 比利时(Belgium) Thierry Lauwers
17) 波兰(Poland) Janusz Plota
18) 布基纳法索(Bukina Faso) NIKIEMA Romain
19) 丹麦(Danemark) Poul Baekhoj
20) 德国 (Germany) Annabella Claudia Hofmann
21) 多哥(Togo) Samuel Olou
22) 多米尼克(Dominican) Jacob Frederick
23) 俄罗斯(Russia) Schur/Shestakov
24) 法国(France) Michel AKSENTIEVITCH
25) 法属波利尼西亚(French Polynesia) GOTZ Donaghy Philippe
26) 菲律宾(Philippine) Cristina S. Taniguchi
27) 芬兰(Finland) Kirsti Karvonen
28) 哥伦比亚(Columbia) Fernando Pinto
29) 哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica) Ulises Jiménez Obregón
30) 格林纳达(Granada) ELLON LEWIS
31) 巴巴多斯(Barbados) DIANNE WALCOTT
32) 格鲁吉亚 (Georgia) Jhon Gogaberishvili
34) 关岛(Gwam) Christine R. Choe
35) 海地 (Haiti) Claude Montes
36) 韩国 (Korea) Han Jin Sub 韩镇燮
37) 荷兰 (Holland) Johannes Maria/ Reijnders
38) 加拿大(Canada) Shuen-git Natasha Chow 周旋捷
39) 加纳 (Ghana) Ghattaba /Joseph Adjzobah
40) 捷克(Czech republic) Ladislav Sorokac
41) 津巴布韦(Zimbawi) SHEPHERD NDUDZO
42) 肯尼亚(Kenya) Kenyanya Peter Oendo
43) 拉脱维亚(Latvia) Solveiga Vasiljeva
44) 黎巴嫩 (Lebanon) Husam CHAYA
45) 立陶宛 (Lithuania) Arvydas Alisanka
46) 利比里亚 (Libya) Sekou Kamara
47) 卢森堡 (Luxembourg) Bertrand Ney
48) 卢旺达 (Ruwanda) BIZIMANA Medard
49) 罗马尼亚 (Romania) Bogdan Adrian Lefter
50) 毛里求斯 (Mauritius) M.chummun Ramyead
51) 美国(USA) Shohini Ghosh
52) 美属维尔京(Virginia USA) Edney Louis Freeman
53) 蒙古(Mongolia) Ulziisuren Batsuren
54) 孟加拉(Bangaladesh) ALAK ROY
55) 秘鲁 (Peru)
56) 莫桑比克 (Mozambique) Nangashinu Frank
Arroni Ntaluma
57) 墨西哥 (Mexico) Jorge de Santiago lopez
58) 南非 (South Africa) Wilhelm Johonnes/Schmidt
59) 尼日尔(Nigeria) Issoufou Lankoande
60) 葡萄牙(Portugal) Arlindo/Duarte de Arez
61) 日本(Japan) Hiroyuki Asano朝野浩行
62) 瑞士(不来了cancelled)(Swiss) Ralfonso Gschwend
63) 塞尔维亚(Serbia ) Nedim Hadziahmetovic
64) 塞浦路斯(Cyprus) nikos kouroussis
65) 沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia) Kamal Mansor Almualem
66) 圣卢西亚(Saint Lucia) Jallim Eudovique
67) 圣马力诺(Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino) Dorotea Tini
68) 圣文森特(Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
Amos Nathaniel Sandy
69) 斯里兰卡(Siri Lanka) Anura Krishantha
70) 苏丹(Sudan) khalid abdulla mergani
71) 泰国 (Thailand) Sarawut Chutiwongpeti
72) 坦桑尼亚 (Tanzania) Mwandale Magoda Mwanyekwa
73) 特立尼达和多巴哥(Republic of Trinidad and Tobago)
Hetty Juanita de Gannes
74) 土耳其(Turkey) dervis ergun
75) 土库曼斯坦 (Türkmenistan) Abdymukhammet Dramadov
76) 乌克兰(UKRAINE) Oleksandr Matsiuk
77) 乌拉圭(Uruguay) Oscar Nelson Umpierrez Copette
78) 西班牙(Spain) Gotzon Huegun Burgos
79) 希腊(Greece) Sakellarios nikolaos Koutouzis
80) 新西兰(New Zealand) Alexander Efimov
81) 匈牙利(Hungary) Dr. Csiky Laszlo
82) 亚美尼亚(Armenia) Tigran Harutyunyan
83) 亚速尔(Hino dos Açores) Carlos Dutra
84) 伊拉克(Iraq) Ali noori ali sataa
85) 伊朗 (Iran) Esfandyar Moradpour
86) 以色列(Israel) Moshe Perelman
87) 意大利(Italy) Maria Elisa /Corsini
88) 印度(India) Chander Parkash
89) 印度尼西亚 (Indonesia) Hedi Hariyanto
90) 英国 (UK) John Atkin
91) 英属维尔京 (British Virgin Islands) Aragorn /Dick-Read
92) 越南(不来了cancelled)(Vietnam) Vuong Van Thao
93) 赞比亚 (Zambia) Gordon Shamulenge
94) 乍得 (Chad) Madjiledingam Amane
95) 智利(Chili) Gricelda Jacqueline/López paredes
96) 香港 (HK) Winnie Siu Davies"蕭愛冰"
97) 台湾 (Taiwan) 侯連秦
98) 马其顿 (The Republic of Macedonia) Meri Anicin Pejoska
100) 加那利群岛 (Canary islands) Gemma Dominguez Guerra
101) 瓦利斯与富图纳(Wallis et Futuna) Evans SUVE
102) 保加利亚 (Bulgaria) Krassimir Yakov
103) 白俄罗斯 (Belarus) Slabodchykau Uladzimir
104) 叙利亚(Algeria) Burhan Muhammad
105) 突尼斯(Tunisia) Ellouz Mehrez
106) 中国 (China) 叶毓山
107) 中国 (China) 田跃民
108) 中国 (China) 景毓民
109) 中国 (China) 程兵
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Rita and Chico***, Pater**
Rita and Chico***
animation film using computer graphics drawing (this is visible from the paint strokes, all evenly thickness, overall image as if drawn by marker, but maybe its done w a studio over paint type software? Like in the film a "Waking life".
Some lines are rather awkward, for example in the lips, the outline of the overall lip is much thicker than the opening of the mouth, this makes the personnages look like monkeys at some point. An animation film is not the same as a real life film. A real life actor, no matter how still he is, there are tiny emotions that pass and we see it on the face, these tiny expressions are not so easily rendered in animation frames. Animation film depend on the viewers minds, filling in all the missing elements. If the facial graphics are exagerrated at certain points, it could happen at some points of the sequence but not as a permanent feature otherwise, its strange. You notice this awkwardness after a while.
Other than this, overall, its a very beautiful animation, very free style hand drawing style with graphics and color transparencies, overlaps as from the 50s - the period of the story.
The story is not very convincing, but passable, this is a quickie love story telling film its intention is to show music, cuban story, black exploitation by the white majority. It is the reality of the time. And its good that its being told, but its told in a wisp of air, not too much - maybe not to turn off the majority of todays audience too.
I would like to see a film on Eartha Kitt. Animation or not.
fake documentary of two men, one president the other to be named as prime minister in the current French political arena by Alain Cavalier.
Alain Cavailier, once again in his tiny team of camera man, actors, is himself part of the two men actor team.
Interesting scenario, sets, how he shows the food, truffle, tuna, all from dainty glass jars, etc etc; Intimate film.
His voice over narration is very soft and as if hes confiding in you, the way he speaks his lines, very classic.
You get a sense this is a bonafide french film - hes giving you all the french essences, the old tables, the picnic lunch, the books on the shelves on the back, the garden w wild grass outside the house, five ft beyond it would be the street, the intentional laisser faire negligent style in some places. The kind of "human rights", arguments, equality of the big versus the small guy over the issue of installing an elevator in a five storey building - should the ground floor guy made to contribute to the cost? He says, no he is not stopping the people to put in a lift, only he doesnt need it rah rah rah... equality, freedom and brotherhood (let the other guy get what he needs and wants if its suit him, but it should not influence him who is in another situation etc etc) Then, Cavalier shows his "turkey neck" flopping loose skin ( I think as I was watching this, its the diet, the kind of food they eat over a life time, i notice this in many men and women who eats a diet of bread and cream, butter: whereas i dont see this feature in Asian diet people, they get shrunken, but no flopping chins, very rare.) So here we see many shots of flopping chins, then next frame, he had esthetic surgery, this extra skin has been trimmed and chin has several little stitches... a better smoother looking president... etc etc
The screening room was full. Nobody left half way. Amazing when you think, a story w two old man. No love interests. But everything was combed over finely lovingly with camera, handheld camera. Small team.
animation film using computer graphics drawing (this is visible from the paint strokes, all evenly thickness, overall image as if drawn by marker, but maybe its done w a studio over paint type software? Like in the film a "Waking life".
Some lines are rather awkward, for example in the lips, the outline of the overall lip is much thicker than the opening of the mouth, this makes the personnages look like monkeys at some point. An animation film is not the same as a real life film. A real life actor, no matter how still he is, there are tiny emotions that pass and we see it on the face, these tiny expressions are not so easily rendered in animation frames. Animation film depend on the viewers minds, filling in all the missing elements. If the facial graphics are exagerrated at certain points, it could happen at some points of the sequence but not as a permanent feature otherwise, its strange. You notice this awkwardness after a while.
Other than this, overall, its a very beautiful animation, very free style hand drawing style with graphics and color transparencies, overlaps as from the 50s - the period of the story.
The story is not very convincing, but passable, this is a quickie love story telling film its intention is to show music, cuban story, black exploitation by the white majority. It is the reality of the time. And its good that its being told, but its told in a wisp of air, not too much - maybe not to turn off the majority of todays audience too.
I would like to see a film on Eartha Kitt. Animation or not.
fake documentary of two men, one president the other to be named as prime minister in the current French political arena by Alain Cavalier.
Alain Cavailier, once again in his tiny team of camera man, actors, is himself part of the two men actor team.
Interesting scenario, sets, how he shows the food, truffle, tuna, all from dainty glass jars, etc etc; Intimate film.
His voice over narration is very soft and as if hes confiding in you, the way he speaks his lines, very classic.
You get a sense this is a bonafide french film - hes giving you all the french essences, the old tables, the picnic lunch, the books on the shelves on the back, the garden w wild grass outside the house, five ft beyond it would be the street, the intentional laisser faire negligent style in some places. The kind of "human rights", arguments, equality of the big versus the small guy over the issue of installing an elevator in a five storey building - should the ground floor guy made to contribute to the cost? He says, no he is not stopping the people to put in a lift, only he doesnt need it rah rah rah... equality, freedom and brotherhood (let the other guy get what he needs and wants if its suit him, but it should not influence him who is in another situation etc etc) Then, Cavalier shows his "turkey neck" flopping loose skin ( I think as I was watching this, its the diet, the kind of food they eat over a life time, i notice this in many men and women who eats a diet of bread and cream, butter: whereas i dont see this feature in Asian diet people, they get shrunken, but no flopping chins, very rare.) So here we see many shots of flopping chins, then next frame, he had esthetic surgery, this extra skin has been trimmed and chin has several little stitches... a better smoother looking president... etc etc
The screening room was full. Nobody left half way. Amazing when you think, a story w two old man. No love interests. But everything was combed over finely lovingly with camera, handheld camera. Small team.
Friday, 8 July 2011
La Prima Cosa Bella***
La Prima Cosa Bella***
Italian romantic, family drama
Amateur beach beautiful-mother beauty queen made a husband very jealous, fights, separation, the mother goes on to be extras on film sets, small roles, secretary for a lawyer, and has a baby for the lawyer as his wife cannot have a baby. The two children growing up has complex normal difficulties with romantic relationships, not more not less than any ordinary person. Then the mother falls ill w cancer, and wishes to be married to her long time boy friend; and they are both now old and grey. To the childrens surprise there is a third half brother, so they contacted him who is now a well to do lawyer following the fathers business. They all meet on the sick bed of the mother. Reminicse old times, old boy friends, why so and so was mad and why this and that happened. In the end, every character is human all too human. After the marriage ceremony the mother dies – within the day. The mother character is a cheerful fun loving mom, even in difficult times, she could always find a song to sing – great courageous woman. But the children did not fare so well, they were feeling many complexes. (As children of strong character parents are often like this.) This movie paints many layers of feelings, many sets, many home changes and each time, the mother is shown as a warm loving person. Very rich and heart warming movie. There are humorous bitter sweet scenes, awkard human situations, but everybody accepts life as it comes. Italian movie! Alive and kicking!
Italian romantic, family drama
Amateur beach beautiful-mother beauty queen made a husband very jealous, fights, separation, the mother goes on to be extras on film sets, small roles, secretary for a lawyer, and has a baby for the lawyer as his wife cannot have a baby. The two children growing up has complex normal difficulties with romantic relationships, not more not less than any ordinary person. Then the mother falls ill w cancer, and wishes to be married to her long time boy friend; and they are both now old and grey. To the childrens surprise there is a third half brother, so they contacted him who is now a well to do lawyer following the fathers business. They all meet on the sick bed of the mother. Reminicse old times, old boy friends, why so and so was mad and why this and that happened. In the end, every character is human all too human. After the marriage ceremony the mother dies – within the day. The mother character is a cheerful fun loving mom, even in difficult times, she could always find a song to sing – great courageous woman. But the children did not fare so well, they were feeling many complexes. (As children of strong character parents are often like this.) This movie paints many layers of feelings, many sets, many home changes and each time, the mother is shown as a warm loving person. Very rich and heart warming movie. There are humorous bitter sweet scenes, awkard human situations, but everybody accepts life as it comes. Italian movie! Alive and kicking!
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Le Gamin au velo ***, Les Tuche**
Le Gamin au velo ***
realist adolescent and kindness of foster friend/family, friendship, parental love
A very finely crafted subtle film about a boy growing up.
Abandonned by his father - a young good looking guy who abandonned his teenage son to work in an ordinary restaurant as cook w his girl friend, he does not want to see his son. The film maker shows the father as an honest man, but he has problems, he cannot keep his son with him, he does not want to see him. His son must find his own way. The son was then kept in a school for children without parents or a government run place for young adults without family. He runs away all the time, and grabbed onto a woman at a doctors office. Shes a hair dresser, a nice good looking ordinary 30ish woman. At the boys request, she accepted to be his foster family over the weekend. Doing this means she has to give up some of her own privacy, deal w sharing attention of her boyfriend with this young boy whos a problem case. She buys his bike back for him. He gets into "dealer" friend problems, they practiced before hand to rob a bookshop. Succeeded, but the owner saw the boys face. So his dealer "friend" dropped him shouted at him. Boy feels betrayed, he did it for friendship not for money. So since he has this money, he goes to his fathers work place to offer him this stolen money. He tells his father it is stolen money maybe could be more useful for his father. Father pushed him away, throws the stack of cash back and tells him not to come back dont get him into jail for this kind of thing. He got caught, and hairdresser agrees to pay for him in 20 installment the damages caused by the boy to the bookshop keeper.
The film goes into great details about what happens, how one thing leads to another. The little gestures of friendship the hairdresser has for the boy. Very subtle, for example. In a car, he said he wants some water, so she is driving, but she hands him a bottle as he takes it she doesnt let go, he tries again, she holds onto the bottle; this type of "taquine" teasing is very common in everyday life, it shows a friendly jokey play.
Throughout the movie there are little small sweet moments like these, and finally she accepts him to be his a full time foster family.
The human softness of the director, the attention to details. For example the dealer himself was like this boy, he has a sick grandma at home, and is kind to her. Takes care of her needs, why did she fall? What channels she wants to watch on tv? All these delinquent kids are not bad, but somehow along the way, something turned bad for them.
Cecile de france is a v gd actress. Very natural, and in this movie, she is not shown as a cutesy innocent pretty thing but a real flesh and blood young woman, she shows him as an adult what is right, wrong. How to discipline softly unlike her boyfriend who is kind of rough. She has the right stuff. Not too skinny, w tanned muscles, she is a healthy balanced young woman who offers kind attention to people. Hairdressers are service providers, you must pay attention to the clients moods etc.
The script is very good.
Les Tuche**
comedy, story : poor folks wins big lottery and how they go to Monaco and country club and find themselves.
Here the film is based on the story of country bumpkins goes to fancy town with lots of cash and how to integrate into their new life.
It has its stereotypical moments, but overall there are some fresh parts for example as a nouveau rich, they drink champagne, country club, but they do not censure themselves of their old pleasures. Like eating french fries, photomaton machines (this i really like! I would like such a machine in my house!!) going to the supermarket, checking out the sales. Very feet on ground type of life style.
Kid turns out to be super genius (hard to believe... but get on w the story) a swindler scam for nouveau rich trying to get him to invest in some money; snobby country club people, and winning the neighbours over. Neighbours are also nouveau rich but from hard work not winning the lottery.
In the end, they decided to go back to their little home town and buy up the local factory instead. Where each worker only work 4hrs per day (i think the factory might go bankrupt soon? but this is a comedy... so) we end with large happy picnic table country fair style. And everybody is happy!
realist adolescent and kindness of foster friend/family, friendship, parental love
A very finely crafted subtle film about a boy growing up.
Abandonned by his father - a young good looking guy who abandonned his teenage son to work in an ordinary restaurant as cook w his girl friend, he does not want to see his son. The film maker shows the father as an honest man, but he has problems, he cannot keep his son with him, he does not want to see him. His son must find his own way. The son was then kept in a school for children without parents or a government run place for young adults without family. He runs away all the time, and grabbed onto a woman at a doctors office. Shes a hair dresser, a nice good looking ordinary 30ish woman. At the boys request, she accepted to be his foster family over the weekend. Doing this means she has to give up some of her own privacy, deal w sharing attention of her boyfriend with this young boy whos a problem case. She buys his bike back for him. He gets into "dealer" friend problems, they practiced before hand to rob a bookshop. Succeeded, but the owner saw the boys face. So his dealer "friend" dropped him shouted at him. Boy feels betrayed, he did it for friendship not for money. So since he has this money, he goes to his fathers work place to offer him this stolen money. He tells his father it is stolen money maybe could be more useful for his father. Father pushed him away, throws the stack of cash back and tells him not to come back dont get him into jail for this kind of thing. He got caught, and hairdresser agrees to pay for him in 20 installment the damages caused by the boy to the bookshop keeper.
The film goes into great details about what happens, how one thing leads to another. The little gestures of friendship the hairdresser has for the boy. Very subtle, for example. In a car, he said he wants some water, so she is driving, but she hands him a bottle as he takes it she doesnt let go, he tries again, she holds onto the bottle; this type of "taquine" teasing is very common in everyday life, it shows a friendly jokey play.
Throughout the movie there are little small sweet moments like these, and finally she accepts him to be his a full time foster family.
The human softness of the director, the attention to details. For example the dealer himself was like this boy, he has a sick grandma at home, and is kind to her. Takes care of her needs, why did she fall? What channels she wants to watch on tv? All these delinquent kids are not bad, but somehow along the way, something turned bad for them.
Cecile de france is a v gd actress. Very natural, and in this movie, she is not shown as a cutesy innocent pretty thing but a real flesh and blood young woman, she shows him as an adult what is right, wrong. How to discipline softly unlike her boyfriend who is kind of rough. She has the right stuff. Not too skinny, w tanned muscles, she is a healthy balanced young woman who offers kind attention to people. Hairdressers are service providers, you must pay attention to the clients moods etc.
The script is very good.
Les Tuche**
comedy, story : poor folks wins big lottery and how they go to Monaco and country club and find themselves.
Here the film is based on the story of country bumpkins goes to fancy town with lots of cash and how to integrate into their new life.
It has its stereotypical moments, but overall there are some fresh parts for example as a nouveau rich, they drink champagne, country club, but they do not censure themselves of their old pleasures. Like eating french fries, photomaton machines (this i really like! I would like such a machine in my house!!) going to the supermarket, checking out the sales. Very feet on ground type of life style.
Kid turns out to be super genius (hard to believe... but get on w the story) a swindler scam for nouveau rich trying to get him to invest in some money; snobby country club people, and winning the neighbours over. Neighbours are also nouveau rich but from hard work not winning the lottery.
In the end, they decided to go back to their little home town and buy up the local factory instead. Where each worker only work 4hrs per day (i think the factory might go bankrupt soon? but this is a comedy... so) we end with large happy picnic table country fair style. And everybody is happy!
Friday, 1 July 2011
Terminator 3 **, Ni à vendre ni à louer**half, My Little Princess***
Terminator 3 **
fantasy, robot, world destruction cg, monster, silly adolescent total destroy film
cars turn into robots, but these robots are humongous, all armoured and when killed has red liquid blood spewting out!! For unknown logics, every robot is fighting others, and with a little guy and model gal friend running around, more destroy, glass towers, lincoln statue, everything destroyed, lots of cg effects. Some famous actors. I fell asleep a couple of times.
The robots are too uniformly "junkyard" assemblage w rotten rusted eyes and teeth... some cg effects are v gd.
story is not important. slam, transform, kill kill.
Ni à vendre ni à louer**half
A no dialogue corporal expression movie à la Tati w camping cars, big fat couples in a tiny bed size brick hut, big wind storm that rips everything into the air, girls on the beach, boys on the beach, nudist camps, couples enjoying "jambes en l'air" when the other half is away, funeral, ashes in the face, golf ball in the head, drinking old water from a bottle at a funeral... morose silly joke, campy. The images and sequences are often forced. Something like Delicatessan is also in the works. Nice details, very comic bookish. Characters has no repercussions when "transgressed" in social rules. Stylish, fun. A summer seaside film.
My Little Princess***
autobiography by Eva Ionesco
The child actress is very pretty and sweet, the mother is crazy. Well done.
The photos in the film is much less shocking than the original ones in real life.In real life, some photos are exactly shot to titillate adults w a pretty child. The mother would have been sent to jail immediately.
We never know what family life, mother child relations are like... many people live hells that you just dont know about.
It is good that today more people could share in their stories with others. Film is a very good medium because it is not a person telling the story to another - confiding; but having actor and actresses bring in their part of the presence and share in the recreation of a memory, an idea of a story.
It is not an easy story to tell.
fantasy, robot, world destruction cg, monster, silly adolescent total destroy film
cars turn into robots, but these robots are humongous, all armoured and when killed has red liquid blood spewting out!! For unknown logics, every robot is fighting others, and with a little guy and model gal friend running around, more destroy, glass towers, lincoln statue, everything destroyed, lots of cg effects. Some famous actors. I fell asleep a couple of times.
The robots are too uniformly "junkyard" assemblage w rotten rusted eyes and teeth... some cg effects are v gd.
story is not important. slam, transform, kill kill.
Ni à vendre ni à louer**half
A no dialogue corporal expression movie à la Tati w camping cars, big fat couples in a tiny bed size brick hut, big wind storm that rips everything into the air, girls on the beach, boys on the beach, nudist camps, couples enjoying "jambes en l'air" when the other half is away, funeral, ashes in the face, golf ball in the head, drinking old water from a bottle at a funeral... morose silly joke, campy. The images and sequences are often forced. Something like Delicatessan is also in the works. Nice details, very comic bookish. Characters has no repercussions when "transgressed" in social rules. Stylish, fun. A summer seaside film.
My Little Princess***
autobiography by Eva Ionesco
The child actress is very pretty and sweet, the mother is crazy. Well done.
The photos in the film is much less shocking than the original ones in real life.In real life, some photos are exactly shot to titillate adults w a pretty child. The mother would have been sent to jail immediately.
We never know what family life, mother child relations are like... many people live hells that you just dont know about.
It is good that today more people could share in their stories with others. Film is a very good medium because it is not a person telling the story to another - confiding; but having actor and actresses bring in their part of the presence and share in the recreation of a memory, an idea of a story.
It is not an easy story to tell.
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