List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015

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Sunday 17 October 2010

HuaHui MobileMusic 10%, barcodes (Oct 2010), QR codes; BenQ Sculpture symposium talk 2010

HuaHui MobileMusic 10%

« HuaHui: MobileMusic 10% », Mabuville, Taiwan; Oct 2010

(Current location of HuaHui MobileMusic : Paris, France)
« HuaHui : MobileMusic 100% », in Virtual World Second Life

Visit the HuaHui MobileMusic 100% in the Virtual World. Here

HuaHui MobileMusic 10%

HuaHui MobileMusic 10%

100% Conceptual Image

Barcodes: Barcodes are very common, you could print out the codes yourself, tattoo them on your body as personal id cool tag, or use it as an interactive device turning a 2D page into a live page.

Bar codes found on plane tickets from Eva Air inflight Magazine, Sept 2010

QR code (Quick Response Code) used in a general public daily newspaper, published in Canada

I will use a code that is most commonly used by everybody - thats seems to be the square QR code that we see here on the newspaper.
Even though I really like the round ShotCode barcode for esthetic reasons.

Mobile Music

流 動 小 屋 花 魁

花 魁 HuaHui Mobile Music 10%, Mabuville, Taiwan. Oct 2010


「花魁:移動音樂小館 10%」Oct 2010     
周旋捷 Shuen-git Chow; sl Swann Jie 造形藝術博士

花魁 移動音樂小館的構思起源於數碼古琴藝術館的研究創作。


經過虛擬世界的實驗模形嘗試後,他們都很喜歡想見到這個建築雕塑在現實世界裏出現。於是我便成立了「領養花魁小立方」方案 ,邀請虛擬世界及現實世界參觀者參與。

「花魁移動小館」的領養計畫裏有運用到「快碼」科技 ,由於移動電話的普及通用上網功能,科技師父們已早幾年前發明了「快碼」上網。QRcodes。
人們可以用手機對著快碼拍一個照,便可免鍵入網址而直通網頁,令2維的傳統圖畫變成互動的電子頁圖畫。在剛開幕的台灣國際花博裏,我便看到植物說明牌上也有用到快碼 。
BenQ麻布山林的漂亮綠化環境提供了一個良好的藝術實驗場地 。可以實現了花魁色彩繽紛的國際性圖案;也造就了虛擬世界輸出到現實世界的雕塑。不單把世界各地信息、媒體、個人表達的空間互連在一起組成固定的美麗立體藝術,更重要的是麻布山林是第一個在亞洲實現了的跨領域、跨國界橫穿界限從虛擬世界到現實世界裏的三維多媒體雕塑作品的初步藝術空間 。









« HuaHui: MobileMusic 10% », Mabuville, Taiwan
« HuaHui : MobileMusic 100% », in Virtual World Second Life

Visit the HuaHui MobileMusic 100% in the Virtual World. Here

by Shuen-git Chow (sl Swann Jie)
15Nov2010, Taipei, Taiwan

Artist : Story Telling, Sculpture, Virtual world/Real world, Painting, MicroTotalArt
Doctor of Arts and Sciences of Arts; specialty:Visual Arts


HuaHui MobileMusic is a detail development of a larger overall project entitled “Digital Guqin Museum from Virtual World to the Real World”.
I thought of creating a cross disciplinary sculptural/architectural/painting/music/interactive media/social interaction art project and the idea of creating a contemporary presentation of ancient Chinese culture in the Virtual World seem to be a challenge too interesting to not do and also - much needed.

I have previously developed two interactive graphics to music work deploying the then, little known guqin instrument from year 2004. Guqin is now slightly more “popular” and much video filmed now due to the widely available personal video cameras. So, my next step was to create an environment for presenting an ancient music. The design of the sim includes ambiance, instrument, music, architecture, clothing, speech, and manner of elegant living for visitors.

Some of the questions explored were, people often present the guqin under issues of “historical 3000 year old with proper protocol in presentation and musical authenticity”. These very specialised musical issues, I leave master guqin players to deal with, as I am only a beginner in guqin music playing. However, even as a beginner I enjoy a lot of the visual arts, architectural spaces that this art for the literati often requires. Though there have always been exceptions – players that are professional fisherman, modern day postman etc, but we usually don’t hear much about them.

So, I began with testing the idea with making of the instrument first in the Virtual World using the platform of Secondlife. The process and story has been presented in a previous research paper to Master guqin specialists and scholars, here.

After having presented at the specialists Guqin Conference – presenting reasons why I choose to do such a project. I must also see what the Virtual World specialists think. Therefore, the next phase, the designing of the cultural sim was presented at Slactions2009, specialists conference of virtual world. The Digital Guqin Museum project paper has won Best Paper Award, and the full paper is here.

The third phase is the aspect of working in the virtual world deploying real world expertise and re-exporting the output into the real world.
This birds eye view vision of the overall project I have named “MicroTotalArt” which is ongoing, and the illustrations and footnotes are here.

The HuaHui MobileMusic 10%, at Mabuville is a partial model of the real MobileMusic. MobileMusic is a detail development of a small branch of the overall Digital Guqin Museum Project.

It was conceived as a Mobile Museum component in real life which travels around the world presenting Guqin arts and music content to a general public – somewhat like a mobile library bringing books to a general public. Except here, it is a moving sculptural landmark; and the information could be housed in the numerous QR code tags in each of the HuaHui cubes.

The architectural sculpture presents its special interactive skin design and it could be inspected up close like a stationary precious object – somewhat like a fancy vehicle.

Small informal concerts are to be held at each place where the HuaHui MobileMusic settles – in a forest like park , or a city square , countryside , all places where a car could bring the HuaHui MobileMusic to easily.

Now we will take a look at the architectural sculpture itself.

HuaHui Cubes in the MobileMusic

The walls of the HuaHui MobileMusic uses aluminium skins taken from drink/beer cans from around the world. I choose a tensegrity structure for the overall build. A wire structure will be designed according the specific final shape of the sculpture.

The aluminium skins are assembled into small cubes. There are two sides to the skins, a color patterned side and a neutral silver gray aluminium color side.

The architectural sculpture was first designed and built in the virtual world.

I invited many friends to come visit and see how they might enjoy the spaces inside or outside. The response was almost 100% positive except for one young person who was afraid of little cubes!

Almost all of them were enthusiastic and wanted to see it in real life, because I said its designed to be built in real life. They also wanted to see this come true. So I began inviting them to send me the cubes via postal service – but this method is too slow and a lot of the “home made” cubes needed re-work, so in the end I decided the best way for people to participate is to create a system of patronage – so I created the “Adopt-a-Cube!” program, and to ensure standards, I would be the one making the cubes.

Up to now, after an initial round of sending out messages; there are approximately 200 patrons from the Virtual World and the Real World combined. This number is roughly the 10% of the full size HuaHui MobileMusic. I sincerely thank Mr.Chiu TaiYang for inviting me to come to Mabuville to have a look at the Sculpture Symposium and to give a talk about the HuaHui MobileMusic. I am very happy to have the chance to see the HuaHui MobileMusic taking shape in a real nature park.

HuaHui MobileMusic 10% is the first one exported in Asia at Mabuville, Taiwan from the virtual world to the real world.

The “Adopt-a-cube” uses QR codes.

People uses mobile phones to go online easily and QR codes are designed by barcode specialists as a 2D barcode. When viewers see a tag, they just take a snapshot of the tag and the phone scans the tag and links to further information via the embedded url. This no-typing method transforms a static picture into an active page. I see at the International Flora Expo in Taipei which just opened a week ago (Nov 2010) that there are QR codes on labels for plants. QR codes are now common.

On each HuaHui cube will be a place for a QR code tag. The tags are linked to each adopters chosen link. For example, a professional webpage, a friend’s blog, a favorite YouTube, cool pictures. The tag could also be anonymous, no tag; or it could be a message board. The final destination is open and changing. Its up to the adopters to decide the use they want for their private window to the world. When the HuaHui MobileMusic travels, it brings everybody along.

BenQ’s Mabuville is a wonderful park and provided a beautiful setting for the HuaHui MobileMusic laboratory – I was able to assemble the colourful pre-existing patterns of the aluminium skins which came from around the world to give a new life for these beautiful skins with pre-history. The international origins of the skins embody signs from everywhere.

I try to combine the patterns with movement and not show the original logo. When people from around the world see these no-name skins but they still recognise the origins from their home countries, it is as if a secret message is waving at them from afar.

The HuaHui cubes also provide chances of presenting ourselves and meeting others through the anonymous memories of happy moments.

The content and its maintenance, renewals of the urls linked through the QR tags are entirely determined by the adopters. So when we read the tags today and next year, something might have already changed.

HuaHui MobileMusic is like a living entity, a mobile/static multimedia sculpture. Whether you look at it as a simple sculpture or a live sculpture – its all visually exciting. The sculpture could hold a permanent location at a specific space, and it could also travel – bringing content and beauty to different audiences.

HuaHui MobileMusic could appear in a wilderness like park setting, bringing shiny colourful flashes of humanity and culture to the site; or it could be stationary in a public city center, displaying contemporary live styles and design.

Interior or exterior, the sculpture remains the same – beautiful!

HuaHui means the most-excellent-one in Chinese.

HuaHui’s built in multicultural content is supported by multi-cultural people from 3000 years ago and around the world, crossing boundaries from the Virtual World to the Real World – that is in essence, de facto, a quality of HuaHui.

--- end ---

Thank you BenQ for inviting me to present the HuaHui MobileMusic project at the Symposium : talk and real life sample presentation!

On QR codes : Adopt-a-Cube

More information: CBC and DIY QR codes

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