List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015

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Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Qin Ge/ Qin Song : "The Fisherman" Liu Zong Yuan 極樂吟 [漁翁 柳宗元] 773年-819年11月28日

極樂吟 [極樂吟] [漁翁 柳宗元]

"The Fisherman" Liu Zong Yuan7738191128


 漁翁夜傍西岩宿   曉汲清湘燃楚竹

 煙銷日出不見人   欸乃一聲山水綠

 迴看天際下中    岩上無心雲相逐

For full yaji with  presentations by attending  members

NY Qin Society 2022 Mid Autumn Festival Yaji

1 :25 :34  to 1 :37 : 45

7. Shuen-git Natasha Chow – Singing of Jí Lè Yín 極樂吟 (Melody of Great Happiness) Lyrics by Liǔ Zōng Yuán (773-819) 柳宗元 (10 minutes)

Saturday, 25 February 2023

"baby factory"


Black persimmon seeds

persimmon w seeds in Paris

AParis, à La Louve qui est une coopérative alimentaire dans laquelle il faut être inscrit pour pouvoir acheter
Mais je pense que chez Naturalia ou biocoop on peut en trouver

Grow a coconut palm from a store bought coconut 🌴

Huang Qiu Yuan 黄秋园作品

Huang Qiu Yuan 黄秋园作品

bank adm officer, private great ink painter

Huang Qiu Yuan

Autumn Garden, or Clear Wind Old man

Yuja Wangs Hands - Pianist

Thursday, 23 February 2023

chocolate persimmon::grow Persimmons from seed

五彩肉火龍果    Rainbow Dragon fruit

looks pretty interesting, no mention of the taste

awful tasting chocolate kaki, hahhah, not sweet.  not a fruit he says... oh well...he did an extensive research w a field of trees;  3 to 5 yrs to get fruit, but not usable, taste not gd

wild bananas

 There are 12 types of wild bananas of which 9 can be found in New Guinea, one in the Philippines, one in Malaysia and the last one apparently is of an unknown origin. The one found in Malaysia is called, " Pisang Emas " which in literal translation means ," golden Bananas" , and it can be found easily anywhere from markets to supermarkets or street vendors. It can be found in Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore including others parts of South East Asia. It's a common variety. It's extremely sweet and has a bright yellow skin.

Here's a link with more info :


Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Day 1: Ambiance of the Everyday Day 0, Kleptomaniacs

  When I see people say there is a shortage of eggs on the shelves in supermarkets in Taiwan, or they show a photo of a cozy little window scene of a room w many organised cd, vintage vinyle records and home made indigo curtains, with some sun light coming through from the outside suggesting that there is a ground level garden, all this reminds me of a certain Secondlife sim. These settings and conditions have to do with a nostalgic 80s ambiance. Are the photos or words v well written, graphically aesthetically "right" ? No. Just the whole thing put together, it has the right sense of smell and time. My home never looked like this, nor have I lived through a lack of eggs on the shelf days, but just to be in the space for awhile, even in Secondlife, transports you to a slowness, a stability, a warmth that has nothing to do with vaste arrays of choices for the everyday for the anything, that is very rare today

Most interesting part is the Bonus, 25:36, when people get older they become cleptomaniacs (!) this doesnt mean they have suddenly converted themselves to thieving, it means they have a lost of impulse control... etc, cant control themselves, they go on automatic, they cannot evaluate when not to do certain things. They skinny flint you its because that is the way their habitual way to do "business", you are the target of their business, you are not working towards a goal together. They skinny flint you, its a power game that they have played all their lives. I understand this might be one of the reasons why they do what they do, what makes them tick, so to speak.

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Friday, 17 February 2023

Issuu magazine, e publishing online, growing persimmons from seeds; germinate a mango from a seed, peanut, banana, okinawa purple sweet potato, oranges

how to grow mango; experimental garden no2; mango

How To Grow Persimmon from Seeds: Fuyu Persimmon Seed Germination and Growing

abundant - If you grow sweet potatoes in a 

plastic basket with this medium

Turn ONE Sweet Potato Into 100 LBS Of Sweet Potatoes By Growing SWEET POTATO SLIPS! [Complete Guide]

trim flowers to save energy, or trim when little mangos are pea size

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Joyland ***half

 Joyland ***half

Very delicate sensitive film on local Pakistanese family, the struggles, the difficulties and everyday lives.
Womens positions in society what does it mean as a transexual person trying to do things for themselves, not to please an opposite sex.  Complicated, delicate and well defined in every turn of the story.
Only one point, as a woman who has a job outside the home when the husband have never found a job, she really doesnt mind, she doesnt want to stay home.  The young woman works at a salon for makeup, she wants her liberty, strong woman; shes able to kill a lamb when her soft sensitive husband is unable to.

Finally pregnant with a boy, but she drinks poison to liberate herself of this unending undesirable life ahead of her.  This part is a flaw in the script, as a strong women shown all along, understanding at the same time, she is a friend of her husband, but here we are, i am not convinced she would have taken her own life.  A woman pregnant w a new life and who has no unforseeable hell coming, she would not have been so discouraged to kill herself.  I do not believe this strong woman suddenly just drinks poison! Why?  She has a v friendly sister in law, she could give birth and leave the family shes not in prison.  Pregnant woman are invincible and full of fight and life, unless they are mentally weak to begin with, but this character was not shown as a weak person.  

Story is too lame here, it would have been much better if she continues w her strong character, we might not know the end of the story, but a pregnant woman properly married to a man she has sympathy for, without any terrible troubles, just does not drink poison and kills herself just like that.

Other than that, camera angles, acting all v v gd.

This makes me think, within a society, what kind of stories are possible?  You can only tell a story based on possibilities of the givens.  We would not believe that he leaves his wife w a new born baby boy, everybody is happy and the wife is now independant - she goes to work at the salon as usual, makes her own decisions, etc.  and he, he stays home to be the house husband drops the dancing job and marries his boss, a pretty transexual erotic dancer, now with a higher earning at clubs and a much better freer person. The husband not only does not work outside, he also earns the sentimental love of his former boss who is also a mistress, a transexual !  This type of combination would not occur in the set up of the film - its a setting in Pakistan not in some urban city with get with it deal with it culture -  ie as in the film Brazil on marginal people living their lives.

The setting allows only a certain type of story to be told.

Nice movie, well done.

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

fashion show, Louis Vuitton, right before the lockdown at the Louvre

 fashion show, Louis Vuitton, right before the lockdown at the Louvre 2021 ?

The person in the oval is me...

I played empress.  This is a group comprised of actors, and singers from many choir groups.

An original piece of music was created for the show.  The story line goes that all the characters in the paintings were alive and watching fashion show, and they are amazed and jealous at the same time of the beautiful outfits.

It is one of the most professional shoots i have attended.  Beautiful.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

King of Kowloon 曾灶財 (Kowloon Emporer)

35歲時揭開祖先秘密後 不斷在香港街頭寫上怪字 火災後卻消失蹤影?|曾灶財|原子檔案

Monday, 6 February 2023

Experimental Garden 2023 : Kumquat /day1, day 39

Day 39  15mar2023
100% germination
(had accident, the tray fell over when i moved it around, so I re-potted all the stuff, and discovered a lot of hidden seeds w germination starting, which was still not visible.  result: All 13 germinated)

Day 1  6feb2023
The most tasty kumquats i have tasted came from Guilin, paper thin skin, very sweet, and fragrant.  The vendors told me be careful, dont eat too much you will get an upset stomach.  I ate I think one pound, like grapes, skin and all.  I am sure I had kept the seeds to grow, but I dont have any records of it.
Now is the time.  :)
These are not as sweet nor paper thin skin, but still very very good.
Kumquat tea infusion with honey.  Very good for throat, for singing.

I watch a couple of youtubes - lots of diy videos - to see how to do the seeding properly, you must peel the husk from the seeds, so they germ easily, and you should rinse the seeds clean.  Which I did not do, so i removed two seeds and peeled them.  Just to see if they do germ faster.


"tar" w Cate Blanchett, 2022****

 "tar" the movie w Cate Blanchett, 2022****

Great actress. As the film progress, we see more and more inner workings of the world, at many levels. All adults must negoticate all these various points of contacts w the self. From family, children, lovers, jealousy, aging being always looking or being attracted by new younger fresher love, how men have been dealing with these same issues but w much less punishments... the whole movie is v succinct, it does not need to waste time on verbalising these issues.
What a challenging role to play, and such a great actress.

Sunday, 5 February 2023

The Hidden Man 《邪不压正》2018