List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015

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Saturday, 27 November 2021

Day41 27nov2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 - singing experiment challenge...acapella day1

Day41c-27nov2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 (st pete version w I love you)
Acapella beginning, day 1, no more template

Day41c-27nov2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃- acapella 1  6mn17sec

Original challenge here, from day 1

Dimash singing in Japanese for Tokyo Jazz Festival 28nov2021

The original composer singer, Ikanaide



張學友 | 李香蘭 (高清音)

"Li Xiang Lan" (Autumn air) by Jacky Cheung 

Friday, 26 November 2021

"Love at First Sight", "MobileMusic 100%"

"MobileMusic 10%" 2019, Etretat Gardens, Etretat, France

"Love at First Sight", upcoming at Beauce Art International Sculpture Symposium, Saint- Georges, Québec, Canada 2022

Cubes from around the world at the beginning...

Apple cider from Ireland, guess which one is this? (answer: K cider)

From Egypt and Belgium

"MobileMusic 100%", upcoming. 2022

stay tuned

China sim from Secondlife, China sim scenario created by Aston Leison
visited by Swannjiejie w the MobileMusic House

Thursday, 25 November 2021

Sweet Dreams ****(Italian: Fai bei sogni) 2016 directed by Marco Bellocchio

 Sweet Dreams **** directed by Marco Bellocchio.

Sweet Dreams (Italian: Fai bei sogni) is a 2016 Italian film directed by Marco Bellocchio.

Three Floors (Tre piani)***half director Nanni Moretti 2021

Three Floors (Tre piani)***half
  director  Nanni Moretti 2021

Bitter sweet movie of a mellow adult film, we can never do everything perfectly, and even if we tried, it might turn out suffocating for the one who is not, has not been trained to perform to an older standard.

Three floors

The judge and  his loving perfect wife - and the son who is not performing as expected.  And the final resolution, that life goes on and people could change after all.  The son re-conciliates w the mother.  Just from the change of style, wearing a flowery spring like dress, and not the dark intellectual robes of middle aged ladies.  The scene at the dress shop is v gd, we see the mother trying out different outfits, for a new life.  From the son, nothing is ever gd enough for the parents, they maintained a standard that is impossible for him.  So he finally goes to the country side and becomes a bee keeper.  Everybody has problems, hurdles sometimes v hard to overcome.  The wife talking to an answering machine for her late husband is wonderful, v smart, how else could we know what she is thinking and her spiritual progression ?  

Moretti plays the judge.  His profession is the judge, so of course he has to have certain standards, right?  No way out of that.

The single v Botticelli like pure beautiful wife and her often absent husband and 2 children, and slightly mentally off mother - might be hereditary - as she herself in spite of trying v hard, is slowly also moving into the path of her own mother, and its also hinted that the young daughter even at an early age is very sensitive to the feelings and situations of the adult world.  Her pale milky skin and red hair, breast feeding scene is truly a madonna recreated.  And the young daughter missing her mom for a long time, sees her dancing at a street musicians tango parade.  Hinting that she might also have a capacity for fantasy of the mind.  I noticed also that for a dancing sequence, the film used fleshy bodies of women, with large realistic hips, not the pro dancers but gd dancers w ordinary bodies.  This is a detail that is v unusual for a dancing scene.  But its v gd, I remembered it, it makes a mark in our minds.  Real people doing romantic things down to earth.

The family with a v beautiful daughter coming of age, in love with the husband of a professional couple - who has a complicated mental block, he thinks their neighbour elderly baby sitter might have done something to their child, even though everyone from top to bottom have proven that there is no grounds for his suspicion.  And many years later, out of the mouth of his own daughter, she also said that nothing happened like what the father was suspecting, carrying the poison inside him, this un found ground for doubt has been the source of his sorrowful fate.  So much so that he slept w the grand daughter of the baby sitter - just so that he might get some confirmation of his suspicion which never happened.  But the girl was in love w him, she tried to make him love her, including having sex w her.  Human troubles, love desire, unrequited love.  Time passed and finally she avowed her feelings to him and have peace of mind for the man and herself which is already a v gd thing.  It is as good as it could get.  I cannot imagine an Asian family able to do it, neither for the man nor for the young girl.  

A very mature film, life is full of unsolvable problems that it might or might not get better but we have to deal with it.  The three families live in a chic neighourhood, drive Mercedes, go to fancy dress shops, and have summer holidays here and there.  

Their problems are not your everyday poor people making ends meet problems.  Their problems cannot be solved with money.   

80% of our human problems could be solved with money, the other 20% is very difficult, it takes something more, something else.

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Day40 - 20nov2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 - singing experiment

 Day40 20nov2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 - singing experiment

fading out the original template ... started exploring own voice.
recording. 3x

 Day41 27nov2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 - singing experiment

recording 3x
third one is ... maybe ok. :)

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Day39 17nov2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 - singing experiment

 Day39 17nov2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 - singing experiment

fading out the original template ... started exploring own voice.
just practiced without recording. Many times.
(QYN st pete version as template)

Sunday, 14 November 2021

Dear Peiyou, friends

It was a v interesting meeting yesterday, am happy to have seen everybody and their workshops.
My own studio has always been a temporary set up, its set up for specific tasks, then removed and cleared for other things.  So I really cant show much in that aspect.
Next time, i will make more photos for records.

In preparing for the talk, I suddenly realized the path that I have taken.  
Its v precious to me that I could review what I did with you - so i could see more clearly the next coming steps.

Thank you v much for sharing the time, the players , the music and everybody's feedback.
Until covid is over, zoom is a great platform.
Hope to see everyone in real life in the future soon.

Warmest regards
Time: Sunday 11/14/2021 3pm EST
Location: Zoom meeting
Program Plan
1, Qin playing, Liang Xiao Yin 《吳門琴譜》良宵引 from [Wu Men Qin Pu], by a member candidate – Yuki Daly (5 min)
2, Stephen Dydo – Electric qin making  (30 min)
3, Guest – Lawrence Kaster – Silk string discussion by questions and answers (30 min)
4, Shuengit Chow 周 旋 捷  –  “Naming your Qin : Qin Making and naming your qin” (30 min)
5, Charles Tsua – Qin playing 《天聞閣琴譜》秋水 Qiu Shui from [Tian Wen Ke Qin Pu] (1876) (8 – 10 minutes)
6, Jim Binkley– My experiences with Qin Making (30 min)
If you want to join this meeting, please contact

Saturday, 13 November 2021

“Naming your Qin : Qin Making and naming your qin” New York Qin Society talk by Shuengit Chow 30mn

pre-history of promoting guqin culture in the virtual world of Secondlife - Mao Hui Sheng - a child player in 2003

Dear Peiyou, friends

It was a v interesting meeting yesterday, am happy to have seen everybody and their workshops.
My own studio has always been a temporary set up, its set up for specific tasks, then removed and cleared for other things.  So I really cant show much in that aspect.
Next time, i will make more photos for records.

In preparing for the talk, I suddenly realized the path that I have taken.  
Its v precious to me that I could review what I did with you - so i could see more clearly the next coming steps.

Thank you v much for sharing the time, the players , the music and everybody's feedback.
Until covid is over, zoom is a great platform.
Hope to see everyone in real life in the future soon.

Warmest regards


Sunday 11/14/2021 3pm EST
Topic: Nov. 14 Yaji – Qin Making
Time: Nov 14, 2021 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada). The meeting will start at 3:00 pm (21h00 Paris time) on time. If you want to check your microphone and camera, please log in earlier.

Location: Zoom meeting
2 hr 30 min
Event by Peiyou Chang and New York Qin Society 紐約琴社
Time: Sunday 11/14/2021 3pm EST
Location: Zoom meeting

Program Plan
1, Qin playing, Liang Xiao Yin 《吳門琴譜》良宵引 from [Wu Men Qin Pu], by a member candidate – Yuki Daly (5 min)
2, Stephen Dydo – Electric qin making  (30 min)
3, Guest – Lawrence Kaster – Silk string discussion by questions and answers (30 min)
4, Shuengit Chow 周 旋 捷  –  “Naming your Qin : Qin Making and naming your qin” (30 min)
5, Charles Tsua – Qin playing 《天聞閣琴譜》秋水 Qiu Shui from [Tian Wen Ke Qin Pu] (1876) (8 – 10 minutes)
6, Jim Binkley– My experiences with Qin Making (30 min)

If you want to join this meeting, please contact


Dear Peiyou, friends, 

For the moment, for the sound of the carbon fiber guqin
please listen to the very good sample played by Peiyou, here:

I will learn to play the guqin well, and hope to do live demo myself in due time.

Report presented at Beijing 2016

And other making of carbon fiber guqin related videos
some post presentation evaluations by various players in hk, paris. ny.

The presentation at New York Qin Society Meeting 2016, where every body could test play

The one hour presentation at the meeting which is in my archive could be retrieved in due time.
Thanks to the recording equipment prepared by Stephan Dydo, and video recording by ShuenMan Chow (aka Swansea San).  It was an extremely pleasant evening with everyone.

I had prepared a talk for the Nov. Qin Making event of NYQS:
 “Naming your Qin : Qin Making and naming your qin”, if you would like to read this paper, I could also present it briefly .  

Currently, I review very carefully how to advance for the next generation.  
Unlike wood, each step is best to be irreversible, I must think very thoroughly before beginning.

I might not be available for the online presentation because of some film work, depending on the dates.
Hope to be amongst you soon!

Warmest regards