List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015

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Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Brazil Event - MobileMusic - covid now and in the future

For Brazil event :  Yvy Maraey Institute

Irineu Garcia, Presidente of Yvy Maraey Institute,  

Video links here 

For: Irineu Garcia

Presidente of Yvy Maraey Institute;

for the online International Art Event on Covid and the Future

Shuengit 2020 "covid 19+Future", Brazil, 2020

Artist:  Shuengit Chow 2020 + MobileMusic House

Since covid19, due to worldwide quarantine and lockdown, I stayed home and have had much more time to think about life and art.  Listened to a lot of audio books, and the ones that seem most attractive to me are all human related.  

I read great story tellers and listened to their voices : Doris Lessing, Edith Wharton, Fitzgerald, Malcolm Gladwell, Nabokov, Werner Herzog, all great human story tellers.  They seem timeless, human details, how a human being thinks.

What prospects do we have for a better future?  If we could take time to think about the short time we have on earth, say 100 years, we will all come to pass, what could we pass on to the people after us?  I would think how about a natural clean environment?  Clean air, good water, and a slow way of life, no need to have so much efficient artificial intelligence.  Computers and smart phones already started to form our way of life – we live in templates of presets.   We already reformed our way of thinking to facilitate the new computer ways of working.  Deal with paying bills – online – banking – food purchase etc etc all are regulated as per template preset due to automatic functions of these administrative tasks.  The preset templates are not only administration oriented but have already affected all things which used to have a softer edge, where we could ask a human so we could negotiate, customize finer details.

How about  re-orientations of mindsets, some re-sets for the future?

What is my art?  I like customization, create esthetic scenarios for people. I need growth, unlimited variations and surprises.

Today, I took a walk in the woods, and I found two huge cepes mushrooms, they are giant size!  How come we cannot have these regulated and grown according to pre-determined locations?  They are allowed to appear wherever they please and we to pick them when we have the luck to do so.  They say wild plants are wild because you cannot grow them, they just choose to grow where they wish.

I wish we could have more wildness.  Could our future allow for this?  A little bit more wildness?

My “MobileMusic” house is made from a collection of randomly collected cans from around the world.  Like the mushrooms we find in the forest, we don’t know where and when we will find them.  The work grows, evolves, marking time, exists as a contemporary time stamp.

Friday, 9 October 2020

NeSpoon - street-art-dentelle-musee-mode-calais-france.html

"88 Cats - not a coloring book for beginners" // 1 Cat Sleeping

 "88 Cats - not a coloring book for beginners"

1  Cat Sleeping

Press: "MobileMusic 10%" Etretat Gardens (seen 2020?)

"MobileMusic 100%" is a mobile house that travels to different gardens and public parks, green spaces.  It serves as a landmark for a musical happening.
I have first installed it in different virtual spaces as a model, amongst which are many gardens by virtual world artists.  
This one is an especially remarkable sim.  It is an inkscape painting in Chinese black and white ink style.  Such landscapes are visible even today in mountains of China.  The landscapes in reality is a very sober, ethereal misty timeless quality.  The MobileMusic house on the contrary is sharp and shiny.  It is of our current contemorary world.

In the mockup, I have installed the MobileMusic house here - in the virtual world of Secondlife - in a Chinese styled landscape. It brings out the colorful sharp and shiny metal surface of today inside a beautiful black and white misty timeless classical ink painting environment. 

Ink scenario in China Sim, of Secondlife, created by Aston Leison, an artist from Hanzhou, China.
(This ambiance exists even today in the mountains of China) .


The real physical "MobileMusic 10% " has been commissioned by Etretat Gardens in 2019, and here it is!!  
In the very beautiful lyrical Etretat Gardens in France, designed by Alexandre Grivko.
It looks so fabulous here!

Press:  "MobileMusic 10%"  Etretat Gardens 2019  (seen 2020)

Friday, 2 October 2020

commissioned drawings 2020

 Fine Arts: Cat 

Book:  "88 Cats - not a coloring book for beginners"

Author:  Shuengit Chow - ongoing

1// Manul

2// Sphinx 1

3// PussyPusah  (Buddah Cat)

4// Sphinx 2

5// Viking 

Portraits - commissioned


A mother

"Carbon Fiber guqin" - invited by New York Qin Society to celebrate the Moon Festival, an International Event - Virtual Yaji

 Carbon fiber guqin 碳纖古琴  "Half HunDun 半混沌 – 周旋㨗 2016
New York Qin Society

Program (3 hours 50 minutes)
0:7:28 Preface - Peiyou Chang 張培幼 引言(2 minutes)
1, Opening Speech
* 0:12:26 Last president speech - Stephen Dydo 戴德 上任社長致詞
* 0:15:57 Current president speech - John Thompson 唐世璋, 現任社長致詞
* 0:18:32 Founding president speech - Jung ping Yuan 袁中平 創社社長致詞
2, 0:23:59 Video playing of Retrospective of NYQS at 20 回顧影片
3, 0:32:23 Greeting speech and qin playing from guests 來賓致詞/演奏
* London Youlan Qin Society 倫敦幽蘭琴社 - video showing of core members playing of Autumn Thoughts at Dongting Lake 洞庭秋思 and President Cheng Yu's greeting speech - 11 minutes
* 0:43:30 LYQS member Julian Joseph qin playing - Sounds of Nature 天籁 - 5 minutes
* 0:47:22 LYQS member Andrea Lioy greeting speech - 2 minutes
* 0:49:43 LYQS member Esmeralda Herrero - video showing of qin playing of Three Variation on the Plumblossom 梅花三弄 - 6 minutes
* 0:56:41 LYQS member Jing Wang 王婧 - video showing of qin playing, Moon over Guan Mountain 關山月 - 4 minutes
* 0:59:48 LYQS member Elaine Yu 余寧 - Autumn Nite by the Riverside 秋江夜泊 - 4 minutes
* 1:07:33 Brazil Guqin Association (Associação Guqin Brasil) 巴西古琴協會 - president Andre Ribeiro qin playing - Spring Water Over Pebbles 石上流泉 - 5 minutes
* 1:13:53 BGA member Victor Pádua greeting - 2 minutes.
* 1:16:25 North America Meian Guqin Society 北美梅庵琴社 president Shuishan Yu 于水山 qin playing - Flowing Water 流水 - 12 minutes
* 1:29:06 Nine Pines Studio 九松齋 Alan Yip 葉沛霖 - Autumn Thoughts at Dongting Lake 洞庭秋思 - 6 minutes
* 1:34:10 Toronto Guqin Society Canada, president Juni L Yeung 楊雪亭- The Ancient Style 古風操 - 6 minutes
* 1:42:20 Renjie Song 宋人傑 from Saratoga Springs NY - Xiao performance 簫獨奏 Autumn Yearning by the Dresser 妝台秋思 - 5 minutes
* 1:49:09 Jim Binkley from Portland Oregon - Video showing of qin playing and greeting - Liezi Rides the Wind 列子御風 on the qin he made - 8 minutes
* 1:57:02 Shuengit Chow 周旋捷, Carbon fiber guqin "Half HunDun"2016, from Paris, France - Greeting speech - 7 minutes
4, Greeting Speech and Music Playing from NYQS Members 社員致詞/演奏
New York Qin Society 20th Anniversary online meeting
* 2:05:00 Mingmei Yip 葉明媚 - Greeting speech - 2 minutes
* 2:09:06 Bo Lawergren 勞鎛 - Greeting speech - 2 minutes
* 2:13:26 Tomoko Sugawara - Kugo / Konghou 箜篌 harp performance of Tang dynasty music reconstructed by Laurence Picken - 8 minutes
a. 涼州 from Japanese manuscript, 仁智要録  transcribed by 叶棟
b. 酒胡子 from Japanese manuscripts,仁智要録、三五要録、鳳笙譜、新撰笙笛譜、 transcribed by Laurence Picken
* Matthew Flannery 方爾義 - Greeting speech - 2 minutes
* 2:22:55 Jung Ping Yuan 袁中平 - Memory of an Old Friend 憶故人 - 12 minutes
* 2:34:18 Marilyn Wong Gleysteen 王妙蓮 - Prelude to a Pleasant Evening 良宵引 - 8 minutes
* 2:42:21 Stephen Dydo 戴德 - Pingsha Luoyan 平沙落雁 - 8 minutes
* 2:50:20 John Thompson 唐世璋- Autumn Wind 秋風 from Xilutang Qintong 西麓堂琴統 (1525) - 9 minutes
* 3:01:01 Peiyou Chang 張培幼 - Innocent Seagulls 鷗鷺忘機 - 8 minutes
* 3:11:04 Ralph Knag - Deer Call 鹿鳴 - 5 minutes
* 3:15:35 Judy Yeh Shihhua 葉時華 and students of New York Guqin School「紐約梅庵琴苑」- 15 minutes
- Lu Xu 許璐 - Video showing of Guqin playing, Ao Ai 欸乃
- Amriel (9 years old, daughter of Shihhua,) - Video showing of guqin playing, Xiang Fei Yuan 湘妃怨 and
- New composition of Judy Yeh Shihhua - Guqin, Xiao and double Guzheng 天地悠悠 - 尋, 迷, 初 古琴/葉時華 琴簫/高雅 古箏/陳冰婷
* 3:32:00 Bin Li 李彬 - His new composition, 古風·無題 (Ancient Style, Title: Untitled) 10 minutes
5, 3:41:55 Interaction with Zoom audience 與觀眾互動 (15 minutes)

New York Qin Society 20th Anniversary online meeting

presented by Peiyou Chang and hosted by Ralph Kang with : Founding president : Yuan Zhong Ping, past president Stephen Dydo and current president John Thompson with honorable guests : Masters players, qin makers, scholars from around the world. (See detail program below)
An almost 4hrs online Zoom event.
My participation starts at 1:57:02 to 2:04:32
A previous post w screenshots are here; however it is much more interesting to watch the youtube, you will hear the music and speech (a kind of music as well) of all the participants.
Carbon fiber guqin 碳纖古琴 "Half HunDun 半混沌 " – 周旋㨗 2016

Virtual World online playing
Swannjie plays guqin in the virtual world, using tune from Master Mei RiQiang, 2004


Carbon fiber guqin 碳纖古琴  "Half HunDun 半混沌 – 周旋㨗 2016

Swannjie plays guqin in the virtual world, using tune from Master Mei RiQiang, 2004

China Sim in Secondlife, created by Aston Leison, artist from Hangzhou.  
Here, the ink wash bamboo setting is used as a scenario for the MobileMusic house.  
The right ambiance for guqin music with the brightness and jewel like house.

"MobileMusic 10%" - press by DoubleJeu 2019

Mont Blanc Calligraphy contest 1st Oct 2020

Hi, everybody, I participated at a Chinese Calligraphy compeition at Mont Blanc, if I win, I get a pen!!! Please take a look, if you like, please vote for me! Thanks in advance. (included are somethings i do with fountain pens)
how to vote
you register w email and a password (this is just for this web site, not your email password) for the site, you will receive a link to enable you to vote - scroll down the page, to see all the entries, click on the vote button for your pick.
thank you
I am number 40.

step by step instructions for voting