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List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015
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Friday, 28 December 2018
Wednesday, 26 December 2018
Sunday, 18 November 2018
art of imperfection ////

BitSoil Popup Tax & Hack Campaign / LarbitsSisters (BE) / Fotocredit: / Printversion / Album
(Linz/Berlin, 16.11.2018) Ars Electronica is holding its seventh major exhibition at the DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum in Berlin Mitte. “ERROR – The Art of Imperfection” will enlarge upon the theme of this year’s Ars Electronica Festival, focusing on the aspects of IRRITATION, ORDER, VALUE and CONTROL. A total of 16 projects will be presented by artists from all over the world. “ERROR – The Art of Imperfection” opens on 17 November 2018 and can be experienced until 17 February 2019.
ERROR – The Art of Imperfection
Every child learns in school to avoid mistakes. To err may be human, but that doesn’t make it desirable. On the contrary – we spend our whole lives trying to downplay, correct, mitigate or cover up our mistakes. A Sisyphean task, considering that ERROR is a constant presence in our lives. At the same time, it is the very mistakes and failures we fear that repeatedly give rise to celebrated innovations, fostering new things and the progress that goes along with them. “ERROR – The Art of Imperfection” takes an artistic approach to exploring what choices we have for taking action in this context or, to put it more precisely, what choices we must create. After all, our future depends to a large extent on recognizing deviations from the norm and deciding freely whether to tolerate them and even make them into new norms, or whether to resist deviations that go beyond what we can tolerate. Only if we succeed in doing so can our pluralistic and democratic society endure. The attempt to prevent every deviation is – regardless of technology – doomed to failure: Either because it cannot succeed or because it succeeds so well that our society will gradually lose the attributes of pluralism and democracy altogether.
Every child learns in school to avoid mistakes. To err may be human, but that doesn’t make it desirable. On the contrary – we spend our whole lives trying to downplay, correct, mitigate or cover up our mistakes. A Sisyphean task, considering that ERROR is a constant presence in our lives. At the same time, it is the very mistakes and failures we fear that repeatedly give rise to celebrated innovations, fostering new things and the progress that goes along with them. “ERROR – The Art of Imperfection” takes an artistic approach to exploring what choices we have for taking action in this context or, to put it more precisely, what choices we must create. After all, our future depends to a large extent on recognizing deviations from the norm and deciding freely whether to tolerate them and even make them into new norms, or whether to resist deviations that go beyond what we can tolerate. Only if we succeed in doing so can our pluralistic and democratic society endure. The attempt to prevent every deviation is – regardless of technology – doomed to failure: Either because it cannot succeed or because it succeeds so well that our society will gradually lose the attributes of pluralism and democracy altogether.
Thanks in large part to the current US President, the term “Fake News” has become common parlance all over the world. It has never been so hard to tell facts and fakes apart. Once it was mainly a matter of content, but today it is almost impossible to identify the author of that content or even to determine whether the author is a person or a computer program. Soon we may lose our sense of what the norm actually is and what would be a deviation from it, an ERROR. But how to deal with the irritation? What does it take to avoid being deceived by appearances in the digital age?
Thanks in large part to the current US President, the term “Fake News” has become common parlance all over the world. It has never been so hard to tell facts and fakes apart. Once it was mainly a matter of content, but today it is almost impossible to identify the author of that content or even to determine whether the author is a person or a computer program. Soon we may lose our sense of what the norm actually is and what would be a deviation from it, an ERROR. But how to deal with the irritation? What does it take to avoid being deceived by appearances in the digital age?
An ERROR can only occur in an ordered system – without rules and norms there can be no deviation. Principles of order are necessary for people and the societies we build. However, these rules are never set in stone – like ourselves and our society, they are subject to constant change. Rules are made, not only to be followed, but to be broken. But how do we maintain the delicate balance between accepting our rules and breaking them when necessary?
An ERROR can only occur in an ordered system – without rules and norms there can be no deviation. Principles of order are necessary for people and the societies we build. However, these rules are never set in stone – like ourselves and our society, they are subject to constant change. Rules are made, not only to be followed, but to be broken. But how do we maintain the delicate balance between accepting our rules and breaking them when necessary?
Failures and mistakes often give rise to celebrated innovations, fostering new things and the progress that goes along with them. But who defines whether an ERROR is positive or negative? How does this evaluation relate to the society and culture in which it is made and how does it change over time? Will yesterday’s bad ERRORs turn out to be the beneficial ERRORs of tomorrow?
Without control we wouldn’t be able to identify many ERRORs as such. Only when we analyze them can we determine their cause and document their consequences. In other words, it is only through control that we obtain those facts that enable us to evaluate ERRORs and decide as a society whether we wish to tolerate them or not.
Failures and mistakes often give rise to celebrated innovations, fostering new things and the progress that goes along with them. But who defines whether an ERROR is positive or negative? How does this evaluation relate to the society and culture in which it is made and how does it change over time? Will yesterday’s bad ERRORs turn out to be the beneficial ERRORs of tomorrow?
Without control we wouldn’t be able to identify many ERRORs as such. Only when we analyze them can we determine their cause and document their consequences. In other words, it is only through control that we obtain those facts that enable us to evaluate ERRORs and decide as a society whether we wish to tolerate them or not.
ERROR – The Art of Imperfection
Opening: 17 November 2018 / Closing: 17 February 2019
Location: DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
Opening: 17 November 2018 / Closing: 17 February 2019
Location: DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
Artists and Projects:
Georgie Pinn (AU) / ECHO and Kendyl Ross (CA)
Emanuel Gollob (AT) in cooperation with Johannes Braumann (University of Art and Design Linz (AT), Creative Robotics) / ROBOT DOING NOTHING
Stefan Tiefengraber (AT) / DSD-08AS
Prokop Bartoníček (CZ) & Benjamin Maus (DE) / JLLER
So Kanno (JP) & Yang02 (JP) / ASEMIC LANGUAGES
Waltz Binaire (DE) / NARCISS
Anna Ridler (UK) / MOSAIC Virus, MYRIAD (Tulips)
César Escudero Andaluz & Martín Nadal (ES) / BITTERCOIN the worst miner ever
Mushon Zer-Aviv (IL), Dan Stavy (IL), Eran Weissenstern (IL) / THE NORMALIZING MACHINE
Adam Harvey / VFRAME – Visual Forensics and Advanced Metadata Extraction
Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Gjino Šutić (HR) / AQUA_FORENSIC underwater interception of biotweaking in aquatocene
Claudia Rohrmoser (AT/DE) / DIN neutral white
Georgie Pinn (AU) / ECHO and Kendyl Ross (CA)
Emanuel Gollob (AT) in cooperation with Johannes Braumann (University of Art and Design Linz (AT), Creative Robotics) / ROBOT DOING NOTHING
Stefan Tiefengraber (AT) / DSD-08AS
Prokop Bartoníček (CZ) & Benjamin Maus (DE) / JLLER
So Kanno (JP) & Yang02 (JP) / ASEMIC LANGUAGES
Waltz Binaire (DE) / NARCISS
Anna Ridler (UK) / MOSAIC Virus, MYRIAD (Tulips)
César Escudero Andaluz & Martín Nadal (ES) / BITTERCOIN the worst miner ever
Mushon Zer-Aviv (IL), Dan Stavy (IL), Eran Weissenstern (IL) / THE NORMALIZING MACHINE
Adam Harvey / VFRAME – Visual Forensics and Advanced Metadata Extraction
Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Gjino Šutić (HR) / AQUA_FORENSIC underwater interception of biotweaking in aquatocene
Claudia Rohrmoser (AT/DE) / DIN neutral white
Curated by: Manuela Naveau (Director Ars Electronica EXPORT)
Communication design: MOOI Design, Letitia Lehner
Communication design: MOOI Design, Letitia Lehner
Ars Electronica EXPORT
ARS ELECTRONICA EXPORT develops custom-made exhibitions and workshop programs for clients worldwide. Thanks to Ars Electronica’s international network and its substantial experience in curating and producing festivals and exhibitions, Ars Electronica Export is a sought-after partner for many museums, festivals, and exhibition platforms. Ars Electronica EXPORT is a division of Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & CoKG, a subsidiary of the city of Linz.
ARS ELECTRONICA EXPORT develops custom-made exhibitions and workshop programs for clients worldwide. Thanks to Ars Electronica’s international network and its substantial experience in curating and producing festivals and exhibitions, Ars Electronica Export is a sought-after partner for many museums, festivals, and exhibition platforms. Ars Electronica EXPORT is a division of Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & CoKG, a subsidiary of the city of Linz.
DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
The Volkswagen Group Forum DRIVE is the communication platform of Volkswagen AG in Berlin. Since 2015, the Volkswagen group has been presenting its twelve brands and the Financial Services Corporation in the Lindencorso in the heart of the capital. With changing exhibitions for brands and special topics, DRIVE is the company’s platform for mobility themes, supplemented by a multifaceted framework program.
The Volkswagen Group Forum DRIVE is the communication platform of Volkswagen AG in Berlin. Since 2015, the Volkswagen group has been presenting its twelve brands and the Financial Services Corporation in the Lindencorso in the heart of the capital. With changing exhibitions for brands and special topics, DRIVE is the company’s platform for mobility themes, supplemented by a multifaceted framework program.

BitSoil Popup Tax & Hack Campaign / LarbitsSisters (BE) / Fotocredit: / Printversion / Album
Sunday, 11 November 2018
Jelly mould Pavilion - 2017 Turner Prize 6 Lubaina Himid
2017 Turner Prize Winner Lubaina Himid - Jelly Mould Pavilion
............. Found in Portfolio .............. .......... Art & Public Sculpture .......... ............. VIDEO AVAILABLE .............
Sculpture Studios are proud to offer their personal congratulations to Lubaina Himid for her success in winning the 2017 Turner Prize.
PET properties 3d printing filament / glass printing / KnitCandela
solar oven = temperature inside and outside of a car... 27degree C to 76 degrees in 1.5hr
solar oven =
temperature inside and outside of a car... 27degree C to 76 degrees in 1.5hr
temperature inside and outside of a car... 27degree C to 76 degrees in 1.5hr
re: solar oven temperatures // inside and outside temperatures of a car
What temperature can it reach inside your car in summer?
There’s no doubt we get scorching summers in NSW, and who hasn’t got into a car and been barely able to touch the steering wheel because of the heat?

Sea breezes won’t keep your car cool
A car (or a truck cabin) in summer can be up to thirty degrees Celsius hotter than the outside temperature. When it’s a balmy 35 degrees outside, it’s could be a deadly 65 degrees inside. The steering wheel and the dashboard, being black which absorbs the heat, can be twenty degrees hotter still – a whopping 85 degrees Celsius which is enough to burn.
Every year in Australia, people leave children and/or pets in hot cars. Occasionally a child or pet dies or, suffers brain damage.
Enzymes are destroyed and flesh begins to be cooked
The speed at which cars can heat up is quite alarming. If the outside temperature is a pleasant 24C and your car is in the sun, within 10 minutes it can reach 38C inside. Within 30 minutes it’ll be approaching 50C. If you leave your child or dog in that type of heat, it gradually increases their core temperature as they are unable to lose heat quickly enough (especially dogs and cats which can’t sweat and have to lose heat by panting). Once their core body temperature reaches 41.5C, their cells start to break down as enzymes are destroyed.
In fact, celebrity chef Matt Moran decided to do that with a lamb steak and a RAV4
How do you keep the inside of your car or truck cool?
- Leave your windows open an inch or so. Any breeze will help keep the air moving a little, but it won’t make that much difference to the inside of the vehicle. It’s definitely not enough to justify leaving a child or pet in the car. It’s also not great for security.
- Close the blind for the sunroof, but leave the actual sunroof open a little – make sure there’s no chance of rain
- Park in the shade
- Use a reflective screen on the inside of your windscreen
- Use a solar-powered fan that can clip onto a slightly open window to draw outside air in
- Buy a lighter coloured car that reflects heat more effectively
- Use legal tinted windows designed to reflect heat (note, the darkness of the tint doesn’t affect how much heat is admitted that much).
Motorcyclists should check out our advice for riding in hot weather.
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
ars electronica 2018, future humanity
Martin Honzik. Credit: Ars Electronica / Vanessa Graf
Future Humanity – Our Shared Planet: Is this the future?
In November 2018, Ars Electronica and Hyundai Motor Group will open three exhibitions around the world on the theme of “Future Humanity – Our Shared Planet”. The shows at Hyundai Motor Studios in Moscow, Seoul and Beijing will artistically examine what it means to be human in the future. We found out more in this interview.

What does humanity mean – now and in the future? How do technologies change our everyday lives – and vice versa? Ars Electronica and the Hyundai Motor Group want to find out: In three exhibitions at different locations around the world, artistic works are dedicated to the theme of “Future Humanity – Our Shared Planet“. The motor studios in Moscow, Seouland Beijing will be the setting for works at the interface of art, technology and society.
Together with Ars Electronica and the Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing (CAFA), the Hyundai Motorstudio in Beijing is showing the most extensive selection – both local and international artists are presenting their works on the theme here. We met with Martin Honzik, Ars Electronica curator, for an interview and found out more.
"The Human Heart is made of Flesh" 2018, Egypt. (3d printed sculpture for outdoor permanent display)
3d printed sculpture designed for outdoor permanent exhibition for indefinite period. Location: Egyptian Desert. Temperature: high
Observation of this new material - 3d printing with filaments - for a permanent outdoor display
As we know PLA could stay outdoor for 2 years or more (no other published data from users) in Europe. There has been a 4 meter high sculpture printed with normal infill printed as an outdoor sculpture. And one in Amsterdam as a statue. (more research to be done)
To know the exact temperature/conditions inside the glass volume we need to use a thermometer.
The upper part is in PET. White lace plate is in PLA.
As it is an outdoor installation, with a glass enclosure and bottom lighting, it gets very hot inside.
We could see after one day in the sunlight, the PLA started to warp a little, it demonstrates buckling and gives a flying aspect to the disk.
The glass covered volume turns into a "solar slow cooking device".
It is very interesting and we will observe how much warping will continue, and would be very good to have results over one years time.
How will the "Human Heart is made of Flesh" survive 4 seasons ? What behaviors will we see?
We already know the traditional materials, metal and stone; glass has been historically tested to with stand sun rays. However with wood, it is much more delicate. And with stone, over time, there will be wind etching too. Soft wood will not last. Soft stone will be etched by the wind if left outside unprotected. What kind of new materials we could use to last longer than the traditional ones? Carbon fiber? maybe. :)
Here, I am looking at my first 3d sculpture living in the desert.
I am looking forwards to seeing photos of this Heart over a years time.
Stay tuned!
thermometer -10 to 110
Bonding PET material
One of the Curators: Marion Fromlet
Bonding PET material
All Permabond cyanoacrylate adhesives bond PET when Permabond POP primer is used first. Permabond 105 and 2050 provide the highest strength. Cyanoacrylates are often desired due to the fast set times, however, they provide poor resistance to polar solvents. They do provide good resistance to non-polar solvents.
The temperature resistance of both the TA4610 and cyanoacrylates exceed the temperature resistance of PET.
UV curable adhesives and two-part epoxies such as ET515 or modified epoxy such as MT3809 bond PET that has been flame, corona, or plasma treated.
Tips for surface preparation and bonding:
For untreated PET there are several options.
- Bond as received with Permabond TA4605 or TA4610
- Prime with Permabond POP and use a cyanoacrylate adhesive. Note that POP only increases adhesive when using a cyanoacrylate, therefore it won’t increase adhesion of other adhesive types.
- Flame, corona or plasma treat the PET surface. After treatment, most adhesives types will provide some adhesion.
Properties of PET
- Surface energy: 44mJ/m²
- Maximum service temperature: 70°C - means dont put boiling water into pet bottles, no above 70°C in contact w material
- Melting temperature: 250°C
PET Uses
- Packaging, plastic bottles
- Woven materials such as sailcloth
- Disposable medical devices
- Films and wrapsTo determine the best specific adhesive to bond PET in your application, please provide some detail to our technical team and our adhesive advisors will get back to you with a recommendation.
One of the Curators: Marion Fromlet
109 Artists, "Revival of Humanity Monument", Sharm-el- Sheik 2018
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
"The Human Heart is made of Flesh, Robots got one, and you? " Ancient Chinese wisdom
Updated photo 4Dec2018 - blue suede shoes 12jan2019
(updated blue suede shoes version -)
(updated blue suede shoes version -)
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For the collective creation of Reviving humanity memorial sculpture project.Symposium of World Youth Forum2018, Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt.
A Heart programmed with Ancient Chinese wisdom from Hong Kong.
"The Human Heart is made of Flesh, Robots got one, and you? "
The Heart absorbs sunlight in the day and glows fumato style in the night.
Artist : Shuengit Natasha Chow 2018. Sharm el Sheik, Egypt
photos of glowing heart by Rosana Martinez.
The Heart absorbs sunlight in the day and glows fumato style in the night.
Artist : Shuengit Natasha Chow 2018. Sharm el Sheik, Egypt
photos of glowing heart by Rosana Martinez.
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