List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015

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Tuesday 31 January 2017

cardboard prototypes origami
cardboard prototype techniques, 

Cardboard Layering Tools

Autodesk offers a free online software specifically designed for building layered cardboard prototypes. It’s called Autodesk 123D Make and is fully free.
Layering cardboard requires good cutting tools and good glue. I compare below some of the most popular glues for cardboard and detail which one will fit best for your project.
Tools at a glance:

Folding Tools & Resources

  • Pepakura is a Japanese software to create papercraft models. Results are amazing. Pepakura transforms a 3D model into advanced folding instructions that can be printed on any paper.
  • Folding Techniques is a book on paper folding. Website contains a few interesting videos as well.
  • Interesting Instructables on corrugated paper folding technique

faclab: research 3d scanners, printers

Jan 28, 2016 | By Benedict
Think it’s possible to build a desktop 3D scanner with infinite resolution for just $50? Instructables guru Whitney Potter has done just that, using a Nikon DSLR and an Arduino-powered stepper motor. To capture its high-res scans, Potter’s systems uses photogrammetry—a method of constructing 3D images from a set of partially overlapping 2D photographs. The impressive results have to be seen to be believed.
Naturally, the main caveat of the “3D scanner for $50” claim is its assumption of prior DSLR ownership. Builders of the budget scanner will need their own high quality digital camera—unlikely to be found within that strict budget! Once that small condition is met, however, the process becomes extremely wallet-friendly. The principle of Potter’s system is simple: Why buy a dedicated 3D scanner when, with the right manipulation, your high quality digital camera is capable of producing superior results, and on subjects of all sizes?
The main obstacles faced during photogrammetry are photograph quality and spacing. Each photo must be perfectly focused and exposed, and must be spaced around the object to capture its every feature. There must be sufficient overlap between photos so the rendering software knows where each shot belongs. Getting this spacing right can be achieved with some practice on large subjects, but is incredibly difficult with small objects. This is where Potter’s Arduino-powered stepper motor comes in.
The DIY 3D scanner uses a stepper motor controlled by an Arduino board to turn the scanned object by a fixed amount, before an LED triggers the camera’s wireless sensor, setting off the shutter. This process is repeated until photos have been collected from all angles, allowing one’s photogrammetry software to construct an accurate and high resolution 3D image of the subject. There are just five key ingredients to the budget 3D scanner: Arduino, stepper motor driver, stepper motor, IR LED and LCD shield.
Although Potter’s Arduino sketch has been configured to work with Nikon DSLRs, owners of other brands can simply alter a section of the code to suit their own model. Potter has used Sebastian Setz’s Multi Camera IR Control library, so the scanner will work with virtually any brand of camera with an IR remote. When the code is in place, the subject needs to be well-lit so the camera can capture all of its precise details. The captured set of photos can then be processed using photogrammetry software. Potter recommends Agisoft Photoscan ($180), Autodesk Memento or Autodesk 123D Catch (budget option).
Potter’s handy guide demonstrates an innovative method for 3D scanning on a budget—using resources at most people’s disposal. Could DIY photogrammetry be the future of desktop 3D scanning? Watch out, 3D scanner manufacturers!
photogrammetry system
Jul 28, 2016 | By Andre
For some time now 3D scanning, especially when it relates to recreating the intricacies of the human face, has been limited in some ways. Whether its low-resolution capture or lengthy waits or cumbersome post-processing, there aren't many examples of a device that can capture all the details of the human face (and beyond) in just four seconds. The Royal Academy of Arts in London has recently begun experimenting with a photogrammetry system that takes 96 photos in rapid succession via an eight camera system. These images can then be processed into a digital 3D model, replicating every feature of the face in intricate detail. The results are something some of history's greatest artists would be jealous of no doubt.
type of 3d scanners used for terracotta army

Artec Spider 3d scanner

Monday 30 January 2017

FacLab : "A very very very Small House w Smoke" for Second Square Makers - Carreau du Temple

 [FacLab] Appel à contributeurs - Second Square Makers - Carreau du Temple

Le FacLab est de nouveau sélectionné cette année pour participer à l’événement Second Square Makers au Carreau du Temple, les samedis 11 et dimanches 12 fevrier 2017 durant les après-midis.

Deux animations sont prévues :

1 / Assemblage de 10 chaises pour enfants fraisées au FacLab avec présentation vidéo du fonctionnement d'une fraiseuse à commande numérique.

Le modèle choisi est la chaise open-source déjà réalisée par Baptiste, les fichiers de fraisages Vcarve sont à compléter.

2 / Présentation de qq projets du FacLab (des petits volumes)

5 petits projets seraient les bienvenus pour présenter les réalisations possibles au FacLab, tampons, kits pédagogiques...

Possibiltés de vente si le vendeur est sur place.

Le Stand :
Nous avons un stand de 5m x 5m
- 3 ou 4 tables standards ( type kermesse 60cm x 150cm environ)
- 1 ou 2 prises 3 points

C'est une prestation, à nous d'être bons pour pouvoir faire vivre le FacLab et pouvoir réitérer l’expérience :)

Jean-Baptiste Soubias
fab manager - FACLAB


FacLab : "A very very very Small House w Smoke
for Second Square Makers - Carreau du Temple

contribution by : Swannjie

Cardboard Concept Model:

 "A very very very Small House w Smoke" on a slow boat 

The final presentation model prototypes could be in:
1// plexi glass transparent (tinker)
2// fiber board woody (nature )
3// leather (fashion )
4// tissue (sweet home)
5// re-cycled plastic canvas (eco)
6// wood (wood craft)
7// ceramic (fine craft)
8// paper (origami)
9// hand knitted (folk craft)
10// carbon fiber (glossy)

FacLab: Documentation / Jan 2017

Documentation: List of entries for FacLab.  Jan9-27.// 
Shuengit Natasha Chow (Swannjie)

Personal Work

Course Work


FacLab - Gennevilliers

What do we think of the FacLab experience?
The answer to this is multifold, as I review the sequences in my mind, they bring back very good memories.

We all have learnt many many new tech, softwares, ways to make things, the current magic machines and how to use them, apply them to our creative ideas.

Above all, we learnt to work in a team, each with our own personalities and background.

We ate together everyday, chatted, the conviviality is very important to understanding how each person tick; and what they like, their wishes and dreams and battles being fought.

The communal social aspect is very rare once you are outside of your standard schooling environment.  Here at FacLab, we are in a warm and gentle home kitchen environment, you get to relive it again once more.

FacLab is a creativity place, you tinker, you make, people come in and out, you ask a question, somebody may know the answer.  How much more fun it is to be here instead of being alone your own studio!  Its a parallel space where you can go and enjoy a drink or two, meet people.  Learn things, expand yourself, grow, collaborate, join the DIY world movement.  Have an opening to an international FabLab community.  You are plugged in to the world.

As in the movie "Primaire" - which I just saw last week - like that little autistic girl who gets to play an angel instead of a handicap monster, snow flakes sprinkled from above, and God finally realise too, that it takes courage to stay alive, to live, and grow for everybody regardless of age and time.

N.B.:  Another interesting point is, all University trainings are important for self improvement, especially at the end of it, does it help in the next step of the person's development?  After the FacLab experience, it is very clear that, interesting ideas are plenty all around, can you make it happen?  And, after it happens can you sell it?  Circulate it, diffuse it, and enable, grow, make further work possible?  How does a University education link up with the existing job market?  Some University subjects are not necessarily related to employment, work as the next step.  However, is this a valid question to ask vis a vis a subject like "DIY FabLab - numerical fabrication of projects?"?  

Further works during the year at faclab – 

How to scan large objects using high definition cameras and free softwares

DU Output

Project report
Presentation of group diploma project “Black Night Light 2017”.  The mobile version of the “Black Night Light 2017” => “Clamp 2017” will be deployed for use on a parallel carbon fiber guqin table/ air transport case work.

Open book for serrejoint, carbon fiber guqin presentation to regional representatives who financed the faclab program.  Talk content : links to guqin music

projects of various clamps for “Clamp 2017”, table light, book stack, Repetiers, Secondlife export of 3d object files, existing clips+clamps, new, vintage, classic.

photo of Adel, adriuno, make magazine

3d printed elephant using 5 desktop ultimakers – v inventive use of 3d printers.  We could print out guqin instruments in one piece without assemblage.  The adapted Ultimaker is sold in new kit form.  Would faclab consider buying such a printer?  Very good for large publicity/art exhibition/mediatic/ special object type of printing work.

research on clamp type table legs on the market

3d virtual world demo : Digital Guqin Museum music sample
Youtubes : search tags:  FacLab; Swannjie

9// More faclab videos coming ...

Sunday 29 January 2017

FacLab : 3d printing from scans using a cameram pixel stitching

FacLab : 3d printing from scans using a cameram pixel stitching
done with Z-Corp machine. (discontinued)
not available starting 2017?
gd info what to do where to test... 50photo max ... etc
3d scanning app (how to make sl avatar into 3d printed dolls)

Maybe that is how my avatar Swannjie Doll was made from Secondlife by avatar Wotthedickins?  (2009)
scanning real life object to import to secondlife.

Friday 27 January 2017

FacLab : Black Night Light Mobile version; xyz Guqin: 3d printing aided carbon fiber guqin design + production

photo:Cecile Combaz

FacLab :  Personal Numerical Fabrication of Objects 
University of Genevilliers. 
Group project.
Involved teachers + specialities taught: 3d printing - Christophe Weber; laser cutting - Lisa Benoudiz; Vector drawing - Xavier; vinyl cutting - Jeanne; adriuno - Adel;  electrical - Loic Eonnet; CNC - Adrien; wood turning - Jean-Claude Blayac; budgeting - Loic Eonnet; copy right - Loic; FacLab Managers - Jean-Baptiste, Cecile, Karine; photo - Cecile Combaz; FacLab Founder, conception and setup of a FacLab/FabLab - Laurent Ricard


"Black Night Light" 

group project: Landry, Charlene, Swannjie.

A Black Light tube is installed on the vertical edge of the clamp. 
One movement sensor, and one light sensor are respectively attached at the bottom and the top of the tube.  The adruino board and electric regulators are inserted inside the vertical edge of the clamp.  Electrical wire runs down the rod to an outlet.  

In the evening, you could comfortably get to another area of the house - ie toilet, kitchen etc - without disturbing other people - 

people sleeping - in the same room.

Black Light is a very soft light that reflects only on white and flourescent surfaces, for epileptic people, it is a required, preferred lighting.  As ordinary light is too harsh for their perception.  Therefore this light is designed specially for people with soft lighting needs.

The device could be attached horizontally and vertically anywhere.

There are two versions, the regular "Midnight Black" version and the "Clamp  mobile version.

Clips and Clamps started with a "clip holder" object given as stimulus designed by Loic, inspired by the object, the team began with research with various ways of holding things together; such as velcro, magnets, hooks, elastic... and Landry had the knowledge that Black Lights are necessary for epileptic persons, Charlene wanted to make special boxes with special keys to open and fun games for children, Swannjie wanted to use standard clamping device - as a useful mobile object which could also house the Black Light.  So we had two versions, one fixed with plug in outlet cord, and one mobile, either with batteries or plug in wall outlets.

"Clamp 2017":
Alternate status of the object
by : Swannjie

This object is a customized clamp originally conceived as a clamping device for a night light mobile use.  There are on the market currently led portable small lights which has an integrated battery, you just charge it up and take it anywhere.  Some have integrated clamping clip device. A handy led lamp on a clip.

"Clamp" is a attachment device which is designed to be used as an adjustable mobile table leg.  It could be used singly as shown here, as a special lighting object.  And it could be used as a discreet customised adjustable height table leg - in this case there will be 4 clamps. 

The legs have an adjustable height feature which makes the table a perfect fit with the user.  Such an adjustable table could be used for guqin performances.

It was designed as a component for carbon fiber guqin instrument.  

The carbon fiber guqin comes in a special carbon fiber transport case, which is the exact dimension of airline baggage.  The four carbon fiber clamp legs are integrated into the case.  

To set up, you open the case, take out the carbon fiber guqin, take out the 4 clamp legs, and clamp it onto the case (thickness 10cm)  

You have a perfect table for the guqin, including the case as resonance sound box.

Ready for playing/ performance.

Stay tuned for the carbon fiber prototypes coming !

Worlds first Carbon Fiber guqin: handmade 2015-2016

The 3d printing aided carbon fiber guqin coming!

Update, 20june2017
First 3d printed guqin embryo in bronze filament here...  and presentation at Makerfaire Paris 2017, Cite des Sciences, La Villette.  Paris, here: ...

Phase 2 - the FabLab/Faclab version of xyzQin (numerical fabrication aided carbon fiber guqin).  2017 current

Phase 1 - the traditional method of xyzQin (2traditional lacquer on wood guqins) 2012-2014 (completed)

More: For photos of everyone involved... please stay tuned.  Or check on facebook page coming soon

FacLab : open book serre joint for Black Night light; Carbon Fiber guqin presentation at

FacLab : open book serre joint for Black Night light


FacLab  :  carbon fiber guqin presentation, 25Jan2017
FacLab University of Genevilliers, Cergy, France;
By: Swannjie Shuengit Natasha Chow, Doc of Art and Sciences of Art. 
Speciality: Interdisciplinary Visual Art
History of guqin, voyager spaceship, golden disc “Murmurs of the Earth” and “Flowing Water” 7mn23sec, Pale Ink, ZebraFish and Chinese Music Interactive graphics game software, Fmttm (Fly me to the Moon, guqin jukebox 24/7).
The carbon fiber guqin, electric qin, computer music qin
Play one track cycle fmttm from my website;
3d Object: carbon fiber guqin
Mei Riqiang: Secondlife demo Digital Guqin Museum
2mn14sec (master player recording for virtual world Secondlife digital guqin museum software instrument)

carbon fiber guqin played by Peiyou – Drunkenness
3mn41sec (young player)

Play a track :: Fmttm 24/7 cd
Dai Xiao Lien: Drunkeness (master player)

Wu Wenguang 广陵散 吴文光 (master player)

Wu Na : Crows at Night (master player prize winner) Jazzy style
Comparable to my Pale Ink software (2004) put on cd-

Echo Ho electric transparent qin at shanghai museum 2013 (transparent electro qin)

Guqin Resonance & Pattern Controller Demo | Jeff Roberts  2013

Yuan zhong ping – poetic recital w guqin 2010

Wednesday 25 January 2017

FacLab: Clamp Table Leg/ Reflector object for Black Night Light 2017

3d printer model of Stacked Plexi version of Clamp.

Clips and Clamps

A clip holds things together lightly, a clamp holds things tightly in security