List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015

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Friday, 26 February 2016

#68 好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 68 : Top Ten Films 2016

#68 好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 68 : Top Ten Films 2016

This year, it seems that I will be watching a lot of films.
And I have joined a film association. 
More on that later.

The list will be re-ordered, revised through out 2016.

List :
1// "My son my son what have ye done."  2009 - Herzog . ***half

More :
Masterclass Zhang Lu, Chinese+Korean film director.  Ethnically Korean.

Thursday, 25 February 2016


Mirror : Tarkovsky


Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, (film :: 2004) 7Jan07, sg Chow

January 07, 2007 01:59 AM EST (Updated: January 08, 2007 07:12 PM EST)
views: 132 | comments: 2

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, (film :: 2004)
7Jan07, sg Chow 
I have never liked Jim Carrey as an actor, not so much because of his acting, but because of the roles that he played.  I appreciate his corporal expressions and the difficulties and talents that’s required to play the stand up slapstick comic roles that has always been his roles; so when Kate Winslet mentions in an Actors Studio presentation - thanks to YouTube - that Jim plays another kind of role in Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, and that it was a special film for Jim, I decided to see whats Jim like when he plays a straight character?  

Surprise, not only was Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Kirstin Dunst, but all the players in the movie were really good! And what a well constructed story!  From the inventive premise to the details, the actors skills, economy of expressions – and the director’s attention to consistencies in intriques when one hint has been launched it would be recalled and reinforced later in the story;  we remember oh,  yes, that happened back at the beginning, yes, that’s why… Many subtle weaving in and out of a story that play on several levels. The story was not only built on the fantasy of scientific erasure of memory, but echoed real life, don’t we all erase as we go along?  The film is poetic as it builds on the narrative and maintains a leg on a philosophical level.   

The Dunst character had playful sex with her co-worker the technician, who was in love with her and just finished having sex with her at the patient’s (Jim) home during his session of erasure in state of sleep.  Something went wrong, the doctor had to come personally in the middle of the night to straighten out the mess. The technician had to witness her two timing him! While the doc tried to make emergency fixes at the patients house, I found it odd why the technician decided to just go outside– when he sensed an intimacy developing between the doc and Dunst (he should have been jealous if he cared about Dunst, but strangely, he was shown more like, being delicate; the script was so smart here, ... it left the trace of a little tail…)

The seduction scene between Dunst and the Doc was very well scripted –while Jim was sleeping and getting his memory erased.  So natural, but suddenly we realised something : that for the Dunst character, it’s a second take, the doctor was sheepish because he knew something that Dunst didnt – we could erase the memory of a person, but our character, who we fall for remains the same. The Dunst character fell in love with the doctor because she adored intelligent people as she herself aspired to becoming intelligent.  As the wife arrived outside just in time to see them kissing framed in the window in full view from the street… the doctor tried to explain and to stop his wife from driving away, the Dunst character frantically apologised to the angry wife that… sorry…she's just a stupid girl, it's just a one time mistake.  Then the wife glared at her and said, no, I give him back  to you!!   Even as an angry wife – she had to resign to reality – Dunst couldn’t help herself…Dunst already had her memory erased but the situation was still the same. 
Revelation, even if our memory had been erased, our character remained.  Given favorable circumstances, we would still fall for the same person as our character determined our fate.   The theme of the movie thunders here and smartly straight to the heart through the side characters who were graced with critical turning point moments. 

Kirsten Dunst was very natural and lovely as a contemporary woman in love with her boss.  Her elegant slim body, not anorexic, but svelt ...  and dreamy soft expressions had been cast perfectly – we all love to have such a girl friend, pretty, kind, uncomplicated, easy going, contemporary : she liked to relax, get stoned and also aspired to be intelligent- positive light character.  The Dunst character contrasted with the Kate Winslet character; a wilder sensual, also not anorexic woman with no self censorships, maybe she doesn’t exactly “fucks her way” with everyone but she had no problem with going after what her heart told her- did what she liked and erased her memory on impulse.  Saying goodbye abruptly.  Whereas the Dunst character had her memory erased to make it easier for her to continue working within proximity of the source of her love and pain. 

The rest of the story are variations of how the two : Jim and Kate character meet again, the acceptance or non acceptance… as time, memories unfold. 
Jim Carrey played his role well, unreproachable, but there is something in his presentation that made him not quite a memorable low key nervous type – even when he stayed quiet, eyes down, arms folded inwards, his presence is loud.  Not that of a soft spoken insecure person. How could he have played this type of withdrawn introvert dramatic role?  I have no answer. 

Lets say if I had never seen any Jim Carrey movies, I wouldn’t have been wowed by his screen presence in this movie.  He’s a very good actor and very professional.  There must be a role that lets him play other roles aside from slap sticks – if he had wanted to - and at the same time deploy his range of dramatic talents. 

As for Kate Winslet, she was superbly cast, human, not made up too beautifully like a star.  A man would fall in love with her character – because she was not a feigning-to-be-weak woman, but she was really someone a little broken, someone who needed a man– more sentimental than practical needs: just opposite sex tender loving care, not super-man Man – when she’s gone overboard, depleted by her own unruly energy.  Winslet was alive and kicking, yummy in her role. 

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Master Maker 斫琴大师:Tian Shuang Kun 田双琨; 古琴名家-梅曰强


1958年,被厂里派到民族音乐研究所,向著名古琴家管平湖先生学习制作古琴。 管平湖先生的父亲管念慈是清宫如意馆画院院长,精于绘画且擅弹古琴。在故宫长大的管平湖从小就和古琴结下了不解之缘,并到琉璃厂的一元斋学斫古琴,一生心血倾注到了古琴事业。当年,美国旅行者号太空探测器,送入太空的唯一一首中国乐曲,就是管平湖先生弹奏的古琴名曲《流水》。








屠呦呦 Tu Youyou

Monday, 22 February 2016

好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 67 : Nobel Prize 2015 TU YouYou 屠呦呦

好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 67 :  Nobel Prize 2015 TU YouYou 屠呦呦
Nobel Prize 2015 TU YouYou 屠呦呦

Thursday, 18 February 2016

好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 66 : Beautiful buildings :: 180-recycled-wooden-doors

好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 66 : Beautiful buildings :: 180-recycled-wooden-doors
> Recycled material to build beautiful buildings.

more DIY green houses from ordinary folks:

A very beautiful blue window small green house with recycled windows.

"Pet" architecture:
Some of my favorite works are pet architecture.  Like my walk-in sculptures.
Pet architecture is sometimes, slightly larger than "walk-in" sculptures.

Pet architecture is a term for the buildings that have been squeezed into left over urban spaces. Curious shapes and inventive solutions for drainage, windows and air conditioning abound. Most of all, it is the extraordinary miniature size of these shacks, store rooms, sushi bars and bike shops which makes this project so fresh. Lovingly researched by a team of very young Japanese architects, each ‘pet’ includes a humorous description, full page photograph, a map and 3d sketch. 


Experimental Garden Project with a mini-recycled windows green house.

Next sculptural project "pet" architecturea conceptual green house made of recycled windows - first plan in vr; with real life photos, details of plants, and a small documentary / book of the entire process.  In the end, it should be a place where people could come to visit, like a tiny exhibition area.
Experimental Garden :: my modest small green house, that I plan to make as a studied piece of living sculpture with vegetation infill, and sometimes other events.  Such as a tea gathering with music installation.  Tiny tiny "pet" architecture of a sort.

a small how to video;

stay tuned for the next steps.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

carbon fiber string instrument for Cambodia

Strings for Cambodia

Man playing string instrument CambodiaMusic classroom in CambodiaMen playing string instruments CambodiaPeople playing music in Cambodia
A fund-raising campaign to support Cambodia’s Royal University of Fine Arts’ dream to launch a National Symphony Orchestra – the first since the Khmer Rouge Genocide.
Our goal is to raise $50,000 to cover the cost of high quality, carbon-fiber classical string instruments – violins, violas and cellos – to form the core of the symphony’s string section, and to be used for teaching purposes at the university.
All carbon-fiber instruments – which will be more durable than wooden instruments in Cambodia’s hot, humid climate – will be provided by Luis & Clark, a Massachusetts company founded by cellist Luis Leguia, emeritus member of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
For further information, e-mail Strings for Cambodia Project Coordinator Johannah Segarich, Professor of Music, Middlesex Community College, at

Thursday, 11 February 2016

好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 65 : EVA London 2016

好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 65 : EVA London 2016

EVA London 2016  // Tuesday 12th July - Thursday 14th July 2016

Electronic visualisation technologies in art, design, music, dance, theatre, the sciences and more ...
CENTRAL LONDON VENUE IN COVENT GARDENBCS, 1st Floor, 5 Southampton Street, London WC2E 7HA.

stay tuned!

好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 64 : vernissage at Nogent MABA

好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 64 : vernissage at Nogent MABA, 17feb2016

Lots of people came to the vernissage, and Mr. Alaux, the director is leaving for his retirement.  A new directrice will take his place starting tomorrow.  Lots of artists, acquaintances, everyone showed up.  Gossips, young people, older ones, and the story of Madeleine Smith-Champion

Maison d'Art Bernard Anthonioz, 
First exhibition of the year:  
10 years retrospective,

Studio SA*M*AEL, "Sur le motif", 2016. There were many films, projections of landscape, decorative fabric design, and light boxes.  All contemporary productions of the last 10 year.  One performance artist who read texts from rolls of cashiers-print out paper on it were printed large introspective texts.This is the production of the last 10, 20 years.  Working and reworking of concepts, ideas, mixing of decorative arts, design with film.  Mediatic.  And old oil paintings, the ones by Madeleine on her property.  Which of the practices do I prefer?  Does it matter?  These items and supports of the plastic arts are all too familiar to me.  And here we are, doing it at our leisure.  

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Portraits 2016 :: service :: on going

Portraits 2016 : service :: on going 
send inquiry to:, subject:: portrait service 

Some selections:

// CC MH //

好奇藝術 Kunstkammer 67 :  Nobel Prize 2015 TU YouYou 屠呦呦

// so cc //

// Q O //

// Son Dan//