List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015

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Saturday, 21 June 2014

silk string and metal string

Friday, 20 June 2014

exercise ball

Lupita Nyong'o Vogue July 2014

HK mv nice animation, gd lyric, Jones Brothers 鍾氏兄弟 -《麻醉式快樂》MV

Jones Brothers 鍾氏兄弟 -《麻醉式快樂》MV

Monday, 16 June 2014

free books in visual arts and media in June 2014; 20 films


1. 《蝴蝶效應》:任何詞不足以來讚美它!
2. 《致命ID》:約翰庫薩克,我只想說你真的是劇情片的高產戶!
3. 《恐怖游輪》:又稱《迷失三角洲》超棒的片子!令人絕望的輪迴,完美的銜接!
4. 《毒鑰》:一旦你相信了它的力量,那麼所有你所恐懼的事情都將成為現實。看過以後回味無窮真正做到讓人後怕的電影!
5. 《頂尖對決》:從製作到編劇都堪稱經典!
6. 《鐵幕疑雲》:劇情經典,節奏緊湊且環環深入!
7. 《全面啟動》:被定義為「發生在意識結構內的當代動作科幻片」。
8. 《歡迎光臨死亡小鎮》:和《奪魂鋸》出自相同的導演、編劇之手,講述了一個備受折磨的故事。
9. 《孤兒怨》:讓人心顫的結局,讓心驚嘆的演技!
10. 《神鬼第六感》:很好很經典!堪稱妮可基德曼巔峰之作!
11. 《隔離島》:經典之極,開放式的結局!
13. 《告白》2010年度十佳電影,入圍奧斯卡最佳外語片!
14. 《穆荷蘭大道》:超級棒的電影!
15. 《黑天鵝》:劇情非常飽滿!
16. 《沉默之丘》:經典恐怖片!
17. 《靈異第六感》:恐怖片代表作,經典之作!
18. 《迷霧驚魂》:亮點在結局!
19. 《鬥陣俱樂部》:偉大的編劇,偉大的電影!
20. 《火柴人》:很不錯的一部片!你值得看!


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

taipei city futuro house!


在台灣,多數的人知道台北縣三芝鄉有『飛碟屋』,但前陣子已經拆除,不少人覺得惋惜!其實在北台灣的萬里,也有所謂的的『飛碟屋』。和三芝飛碟屋不 同之處在於,萬里飛碟屋是屬於單層獨棟的,外觀為半圓弧型,環繞著窗戶,就像一台真正的飛碟降落在地球上。我們這次去拍照的天氣是霧濛濛的陰天,讓這裡更 添加了許多神祕感!
屋主很熱情的還讓我們參觀飛碟屋內部裝潢,裡頭有個小客廳、床、衛浴設備樣樣俱全。除了像飛碟的外觀之外,還有方形的建築,四面是大片落地窗,不過幾乎每 戶人家都會用布將窗戶擋住,所以也可以看到些有趣的花布圖案,滿有趣的!不過也因為裡頭還有人居住,所以去拍照時也就不要太打擾人家啦。
1. 中山高速公路 →八堵交流道下→左轉基金公路→經萬里至翡翠灣→翡翠灣福華渡假飯店旁的日光路。
2. 北二高速公路 -→萬里交流道下→左轉基金公路→經萬里至翡翠灣→翡翠灣福華渡假飯店旁的日光路。
3. 濱海公路 →往淡水金山至翡翠灣→翡翠灣福華渡假飯店旁的日光路。
4. 陽金公路→從陽明山往金山→接濱海公路至翡翠灣→翡翠灣福華渡假飯店旁的日光路。

★ 搭乘大眾運輸
1. 公車-於國道客運台北總站搭乘【台北-金青中心】,其中部分班次(金山)延駛至(法鼓山),於翡翠灣站下車

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

DGM garden Lot #1
DGM garden Lot #1

The Drax Files: World Makers [ Episode 20: flokers] : sl portrait by av artist

The Drax Files: World Makers [ Episode 20: flokers]

RoadToVR Preview: TotoroVR

RoadToVR Preview: TotoroVR

Chat bot Eugene Goostman passes Turing Test; xFactor chatbox

Chatbot Avatar "Eugene Goostman" Passes Turing Test

As you might have read over the weekend, the 65 year old Turing Test was just passed for the very first time -- but not as often reported, via a "supercomputer", but a chatbot avatar personality named "Eugene Goostman" -- more on him in this video from last year. I think it's fair to call Eugene an avatar since he's designed with a very specific personality (a smartass teen boy). You should typically be able to chat with Eugene at this link, but the site seems to be down due to traffic. I wonder if his chatbot technology can be introduced into virtual worlds. Blue Mars featured a chatbot which scored high on the Turing Test. Then there's chatbots like "Social Autopoiesis" in SL , which I once had a charming, foul-mouthed conversation with:
We totally passed the Turing Test for F Bombs. Update, 6:03pm: On the other hand, maybe Eugene never really passed the Turing Test and maybe it doesn't quite matter if he even did.

I had conversations with a chat box in a Buddha several years ago, its humourous.  And the chat box learns and gets more intelligent as more conversation is produced.  The ai is now relocated here...

Chat with xfactor:

Nude descending a staircase - Duchamp's painting into 3d avatar


Maria Rimbaud told me that Marcel Duchamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase" had taken on avatar form, and so naturally, I had to know more. 
When I finally caught up with Tasrill Sieyes, the Resident who had made Duchamp's legendary painting come alive, I found out this abstract avatar was only the beginning-- or rather, the summation in a long career of abstract avatars as a medium of expression.  And, of course, a furry with octopus arms. 
After the break, my profile of Tasrill, avatar artist. 
On what inspired the Duchamp avatar.
Well, I was showing someone my abstract avatars that I have made, and they mentioned that making a 3D form of Duchamp’s “Nude Descending a Staircase” would be great... [S]he loves the painting and after seeing my other work she wanted to see what it would look like transformed into SL form.
One thing led to another and she commissioned me to make this piece, and I fell in love with making it. She let me retain the design, and even told me I could sell it if I wanted, but I haven't done that… It was [my default avatar for] a few weeks. Then I made some new ones that I wore and I wore some of my more "normal" avatars, too.
How does it feel to embody Duchamp's painting?
It is an interesting feeling. Kind of... freeing. I am not bound by the normal limits of anthropomorphic avatar.  And I can think far more artistically. I don't know [why], to be honest. I don't think too much about how my various bits of art make me feel, I just let them make me feel, and let it wash over me.
By time spent, I have been abstract more then I have been anything else. [M]y first one I made was just an experiment over a year ago. Just to see what I could do with invisibility prims. But then I started talking to people, and I loved the reactions I got. When I am abstract, I don't have to worry about the preconceived notions of gender, race, or anything else but someone’s view on abstract art. I can just be pure intellect.
Is there any one avatar that you feel most personally associated with?
[I]n general I am an avatar vagabond. Moving from one form to another as my whims take me.
There is one that is the most me. I have had it for a year now, and wear it when I am building things.
Tasrill rummages in his inventory, then transforms into his most natural state.  Which, as happens, is this:
A spider furry?
Well, a fox with tentacles.
 What's the point of that?
The point of tentacles?
On a fox, yeah.
Well, I like how the look and the things I can do with them. The roleplaying limits of multiple limbs are boundless.
But why on a fox, as opposed to something that makes more biological sense?
[I]t seemed right on this fox. It is a rather frightening and kind of Goth fox, but I wanted something more. Something different. So I grew these tentacles and have loved them ever sinse. It is not like tentacles make much sense on anything but squid and octopuses, and well, getting those to work right on SL is a non-starter. I have tried.
I've wondered about this with furries, a lot of them are not just furries, but robot furries, or Star Trek furries, or something-something furry, as if being a man-sized raccoon wasn't fantastic enough. Why is that, do you think?
The biggest is that there are only so many furry avatar vendors. Humans have more [avatar adjustment] sliders involving their face then there are furry avi creators, much less the millions of combinations that all those sliders can make.
[A]nother is that some people are so attached to their furry form that it is them in all ways. And adding their other likes to it is just natural to them, as a person adding [attachments] to their human avatar.
Abstact avatars as psychic expression.
I do have some avatars that have a deeper meaning to me. Some emotion I was trying to capture, but with those, I try not and tell what that emotion is.  It either captures the emotion to other people without words, or I didn't do a good enough job on it.
We go outside, where and Tasrill becomes black, barbed, and spikey. 
What emotion are you trying to express with this?
You know, I won't tell you that. I let the piece stand on its own. Though I can tell you that this one is named Twisted. Since I already give that much away at my little store/gallery.
How do you feel when you wear it?
Twisted, coiled, bound, confused, and other emotions I can't quite name.
I think I have an avatar for most every big feeling I have felt in the last year.
Tasrill, the person behind the abstract avatars.
Right now, I work at a pipe fabrication shop, but I am going back to school to [study] architecture in the Fall. [O]ther then making my shop, I don't build buildings. I like making sculptures and avatars here more.
 Does your architectural skill influence your avatar creation?
Yes, I think it does. Maybe the late nights just fried my brain a bit, but it has taught me to be more creative and adventurous in what I do. I just have to get some emotion out of me, so I start building and then one of these comes out in the end. I just pour my emotions into them and see what comes out.
Your begin creating avatars with no clear form in mind?
Yes, they are best called a stream of consciousness [work]. I just start with making some prims and working it over in different shapes and combinations to see what it looks like. Then one thing becomes two, and then I start making objects and attaching them until I end up with something like this.
Tasrill transforms into another avatar, all crests of chrome surfaces.
So you made this when you were in a happy mood, and in love like a girl in Spring?
[Laughs] No, very much a different mood. But as to which mood I won't say. I already seem to have given away my other one.
Deep thanks to Maria Rimbaud, who first told me about Tasrill Sieyes' avatar.  See the entire "All About My Avatar" series here
Is there another fascinating avatar out there I should know all about?  E-mail me, or IM Hamlet Au, and tell me more.


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eating crab

Monday, 9 June 2014

2 visitors to Huakui Ball

xyzQin #1, xyzQin #2, and 3d printing of xyzQin #?

There are 16 pieces of bamboo ties here.  (+ one extra = 17)
Rubber ties are super strong ties they bind the qin boards together tightly.

  xyzQin#1 Shan wood  

 xyzQin#2 Tong wood

Signing:  Time, year, season and name of maker, name of qin, occasion, whatever the author wishes could be written inside the qin, once its closed, no one knows its there.  The color of the words are Titanium white mixed with lacquer to have this slightly milky brown color.
The inside of the qin has been painted a coat of lacquer w turpentine mixture to protect the wood.  1 part lacquer + 2 parts turpentine.

Detail: use many metal clasp, presses, rubber ties, binding the assembly of wood pieces tightly to prevent air holes, buckling, gaps.
Squeeze tightly until you see lacquer oozing out from joints.

Pale Ink + Zebrafish: Digital Guqin Music at Zhu ZhiZhan Art Museum, Shanghai, PRC

Pale Ink + Zebrafish: Digital Guqin Music at Zhu ZhiZhan Art Museum, Shanghai, PRC

Neo Ming Bed, Luxembourg

Sunday, 8 June 2014

QR code label printer

QR code print from Brother Label Printer
Brother label printer
Avery software

Digital Guqin Museum : Dubai 2014 Proposal 1+2

Digital Guqin Museum : Dubai 2014  /proposal  ::   stainless steel ball with QR code


Digital Guqin Museum : Dubai 2014  /proposal 2 ::  stainless steel ball with QR coded Flower cubes 

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Kosovo pavilion - venice-architecture-biennale-2014 Venice Architecture Biennale 2014 Kosovo pavilion

guqin auction house ::


2014-06-06 南风古琴
6 月5日下午16:00在北京四季酒店(four seasons)举行了【2014年保利春季拍卖会】游心——当代文房艺术:现代名家古琴专场拍卖会。此次古琴拍卖会上,汇集了由中国当代多位著名斫琴家 所斫并珍藏的古琴亮相。其中斫琴家倪诗韵老师所斫伏羲式朱砂红琴以成交价RMB 218,500拍出;斫琴家单卫林老师所斫伏羲式“月明沧海”琴及南风逸品琴,分别以 RMB 276,000和 RMB 138,000被藏家成交拍得;斫琴家张玉新老师所斫玉色蕉叶琴以RMB 172,500拍出;斫琴家田双琨老师所斫伏羲式断纹琴“雄风”亦以RMB 230,000被藏家所拍得。
倪诗韵 伏羲式朱砂红琴
尺  寸:琴长123.5cm;弦长114.5cm;肩宽20.5cm;尾宽15.5cm
估  价: 180,000-300,000
成 交 价: RMB 218,500

单卫林 “月明沧海”伏羲式琴
尺  寸:琴长124cm;弦长112cm;肩宽21.5cm;尾宽15.5cm
估  价: 180,000-300,000
成 交 价: RMB 276,000
单卫林 南风逸品琴
尺  寸:琴长122cm;弦长113cm;肩宽21cm;尾宽14.5cm
估  价: 120,000-250,000
成 交 价: RMB 138,000
张玉新 玉色蕉叶琴
尺  寸:琴长124cm;弦长113.5cm;肩宽18cm;尾宽14cm
估  价: 150,000-250,000
成 交 价: RMB 172,500
田双琨 “雄风”伏羲式断纹琴
尺  寸:琴长123cm;弦长112cm;肩宽19.5cm;尾宽14.5cm
估  价: 200,000-300,000
成 交 价: RMB 230,000

南风古琴 分享与交流