Li Hong Bo
Japanese Paper Art
Shuen-git rl 周旋捷; Swann Jie sl/, 2011: N°1 Sculptures N°2 好奇藝術::舊+新 Kunstkammer :: Old+New & Film Reviews N°3 Digital Guqin Museum 數碼古琴互動藝術研究創作室 MicroTotalArt HandScroll Guqin; HuaKui cubes; === copyright: when using content of this blog, please use link,indicating source and author information. 版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息 === ===
List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015
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Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Monday, 27 January 2014
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Friday, 10 January 2014
New Media and Digital Art, class of Sem A 2013: Big Tree
Big Tree :
Conception + Producer + Photographer : Shuen-git Natasha Chow 周旋捷
Mosaic technical assistant + Photographer : Etienne Durand 杜倚天
Mosaic photographers : class of 2014, NewMedia + Digital Art
Winning image by photographer : 2 cst 張瑞婷 "Tree + Nanyi"

Alternate chosen photo:
photographer: 8 lpy 林品瑜 "Green Field + Tree"
Alternate chosen photo:
photographer: 10 lyc 劉怡君 "Tree, sky, air"
> end <
Conception + Producer + Photographer : Shuen-git Natasha Chow 周旋捷
Mosaic technical assistant + Photographer : Etienne Durand 杜倚天
Mosaic photographers : class of 2014, NewMedia + Digital Art
Winning image by photographer : 2 cst 張瑞婷 "Tree + Nanyi"

Alternate chosen photo:
photographer: 8 lpy 林品瑜 "Green Field + Tree"
Alternate chosen photo:
photographer: 10 lyc 劉怡君 "Tree, sky, air"
> end <
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Sunday, 5 January 2014
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Princess IronFan + Pyramid; Sharm ElSheikh, Ostraka Arts Festival Dec 2013
"Princess IronFan + Pyramid :: 鐵扇公主+金字塔" 2013
Wall Hanging Installation in paper.
Artist: Shuen-git Natasha Chow. Hong Kong.
2.2m x 2.2m
Princess IronFan is the first full length animation feature film, created by Wan Brothers, in 1940, Shanghai.
The Ostraka Arts Festival is in Egypt, Sharm ElSheikh.
The story of the Princess IronFan is part of an episode of the Monkey King goes west, a tale of hardship, intelligence and travels. The Monkey King accompanies a monk to go to India for the great book of Buddhism and Wisdom. On his way, he encounters many difficulties and challenges, and Princess IronFan was one of the episodes.
Princess IronFan comes from a long way back in history to merge with Egyptian culture of the Pyramid.
Its a work of merging of two cultures : Chinese old culture+new culture with Egyptian ancient culture+new international collaborative art culture, culminating in a work of New Media.
The mosaic is completed with a software specific to our contemporary digital tools of today.
testing black and white Dec 2013, Sharm ElSheikh

Guqin research-creation : 2000 Dapu video documentation - 2004 Digital Guqin : graphics to music software - 2009 : Design and Creation of a Digital Guqin Museum in a Virtual World - 2013 : creation of a contemporary "xyz Qin" based on Shosoin qin in Nara
Guqin research-creation :
2000 : Dapu video documentation - research output, Changshu, China PRC.
2004 : Digital Guqin : graphics to music software - publication and presentation international conferences. Many conferences and events.
2009 : Design and Creation of a Digital Guqin Museum in a Virtual World - publication and international presentation, Hong Kong, Taiwan, international online virtual World conference slactions10.
2013 : creation of a contemporary "xyz Qin" based on Shosoin qin in Nara, Japan. Publication, presentation in an international conference. Leiden, Netherland
have a complete video record of the 4th International Guqin Dapu
Conference, in Changshu, China (PRC) 2000. Including some after conference evening
informal concerts - called : YaJi - Elegant Gatherings, which happened
in all the hotel rooms. We were housed at a private resort owned by a
bank in Changshu. There were concerts non stop during the 4 days.
People met each other, exchanged ideas got all excited - people hung
around in the hotel everywhere from 9h00 to midnight.
I purchased my first guqin made by Zhang JianHua in year 2000 at the occasion of 4th International Dapu Conference at Changshu, PRC -
who is a famous qin maker now, in Beijing. His atelier is shown in the
prize winning book on Qin by Professor Cecilia Linqvist. I have not
been to his atelier but hope to do so when I visit Beijing next time.
Changshu is now declared Historical Heritage Town of Guqin by Unesco,
and a very elegant museum of Guqin has been established. Many years
later, I have visited the museum and filmed the director Mr.Zhu Xi, a
passionate Qin player.
participated at the conference in 2000 and filmed the conference to
have a record of the event - for my own reference purpose. At that
time, no one really had good equipment to do so. I presented my
research-creation project and found a suitable collaborator to work with
me. Professor Chen Changlin - a reknown Qin player and computer
scientist was at the conference. Chen Changlin was playing with a mini
qin that he made himself. It was a simple chipboard he cut from a
retired computer cupboard and he added strings to the qin. This little
qin he gave me after we completed our research as a gift! I thought
it so marvellous that we could make a qin simply and it works! He said
he takes it with him everywhere in order to practice everyday. I filmed
his little qin playing session in his hotel room. There were a few
other young players. The ambiance of the conference was very warm,
everyone was so excited because the last conference on guqin had been 14
years earlier!
I felt very previleged and lucky a// to learn of this instrument up
close, with this group of passionate people in it, and b// that the
conference had accepted my participation to present a project on the
preservation and promotion of guqin using Digital Technology. I wanted
to do something meaningful with Digital Technology and as i had
successfully received a research grant for my idea - why not do it with
the guqin! Take ancient Chinese Culture and bring it into todays
world! The instrument was very elegant and simple - with shapes of very
clean lines - the sound is so human like - I decided that is the most
worthwhile idea and I wanted to do "Qin and Qin Culture" with the grant.
the time, some Hong Kong players proposed that I purchase a
collectioner item from their own collection. As I was a complete
beginner, I prefer to begin at the beginning and buy a beginners guqin.
With the help of very enthusiastic Hong Kong friends, I had met Zhang
JianHua and Wang Peng, and with careful deliberation, testing of sounds,
playing notes, etc. The dear friends collectively helped me choose a
"Fu Xi" style qin. Very big bodied, with a very nice sound. It will
age very well, they advised me.
I am very happy with the Zhang JianHua qin. I play with it and hang it up on my wall til this day.
now have several qins. Two prototypes, I had designed myself and had
the embryo made to specification by Tian Shuang Kun, and the lacquer
layer put on, through instructions by Zheng Min Zhong. These were
finished by a Cantonese Qin maker later as I had not enough off hour
time to do it. Qin number one is called "Half HunDun 2006", and Qin
number two, "Small Hand scroll". Pictures later.
year 2011-2013, I finally could make an entire guqin by myself under
the instruction of Master Shan ZheYuan at National Tainan University of
the Arts, Taiwan, at the Chinese Music Department. There is a Workshop
where all kinds of Chinese instruments are made. This would be the xyz
Qin (number three for me), and its called "xyz Qin number 1" as these
two xyz Qins are prototypes for other reasons which I will elaborate
later in another post.
So as of today, 9Aug2013, I have a third completed qin made by myself.
I have great satisfaction just looking at it, seeing it leaning against a wall - in my bedroom.
Program of Changshu Dapu Conference 2000:
xyz Qin
slactions2011 xyz Qin, Shosoin Qin, Making of xyz Qin 1
Version 2.228oct2011

Creation of the xyzQin: an interpretation and re-creation of the Shosoin qin (金銀平文琴) Tang Dynasty (735AD) ; Shosoin Treasure House, Japan :: from rl-> sl -> rl.
Shuen-git Natasha Chow 周 旋 捷 2011
Visiting Associate Professor
Tainan University of the Arts
In this research-creation– the third in the serie of Digital Guqin Museum Project - we will investigate issues concerning the making of a real life Chinese musical instrument : the guqin - by deploying Virtual World 3D construction capacities and then exporting the model to real life. I will design a new guqin after the style of the locked up Shosoin qin in Nara, tentatively entitled the “xyz琴” (xyz Qin)
xyzQin research-creation
1// design template
2// cut wood, assemble into embryo
3// test sound with string
4// fine tuning, lacquering, fine tuning, polish
5// naming the qin
Technical Advisors:
Master guqin player: Sik ChingChieh
Master guqin maker: Mr. Shan ZheYuen
Making of xyz Qin 1
Picture 1// Preparation of the deer horn into proper coating grades to mix with lacquer. 600gm crushed deer horn per qin. 300coarse grade, 200medium grade, and 100fine grade. Here, we must first scrape out the marrow of the deer horn pieces. Tools: thin, flexible wood cutter type blades, w curved cutting edge
Picture 2// The open air studio of Master Shan Zhe Yuan. The studio should be well lit and well ventilated with long working tables. We will be using a lot of natural lacquer. This liquid has a slight poison people could be allergic to it. I think its good to make two qins at a time because the drying process in between makes it that you must wait, one or two will require the same window of time. Therefore I decided to make two qins, with a different skin at the finish. And a different wood base to see the two favorite woods used. Wood no 1: over 100 year old "Shan", and Wood no 2: "tong". Mr.Shan says : the two woods are very different. "Shan" wood is deeper and darker in tone, whereas "tong" is light and bright. I think making two identical design w different variables allows us to see the difference in material.
Gold inlaid on lacquer for the skin tattoo:
2014, next and final finish will be the tattoo on the back of the qin, where I will design a special symbol to be embedded into the lacquer surface.
As for the All-Over pattern of the original Shosoin, a similar treatment might be made for the xyz.
In the original Shosoin qin, there are pictures of literati drinking, making music, creating poetry with floating cups all part of their cultural life. In our year of 2014, what might be the corresponding pictures? And have we a corresponding new technology to embed the scenes with gold in a similar way? This will be evaluated carefully and forth coming investigations:
1// design of a suitable tattoo - marking our age and attachments,
2// the method we use for creating the tattoo - should it be the traditional way or a new laser enhanced method? ,
3// should there be smart codes linked to the Qin,
4// sensors for self adjustable tuning? ,
5// using of new silk strings - prototype made of silk and Chinese medicine,
6// creation of new symbols using personal relevant symbols - this symbol may be relevant to the player/owner in context of our contemporary world.
Digital Guqin Museum research-creation:
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