List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015

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Thursday, 31 October 2013

Lei-ow Monthly : Chow family history from Song Dynasty on

front cover of issue #5 of Lei-Ow Monthly

5 thousand year history


Lei-ow Monthly : a geographic local published village mag.
Chows family history from Song Dynasty on

    2007年6月28日,世界文化遺産大會在新西蘭召開, 通過<開平碉樓舆村落>為世界文化遺產。2001年中國國務院就公布開平碉樓為全围重點文物保護單位。
開 平碉樓是一種集居住舆防衛于一體的多層塔樓式建築。源于明朝后期,盛于二十世纪初,全部為 開平華僑所建。在建築上,碉樓採取中西合壁風格,既表現中國傳統建築藝術,又带有歐美的凬情,成為一道中外文化交融,别具一格的歷史文化景觀,被譽為"華 僑文化的典範之作"。據不完全统計,開平僑鄉先后建有碉樓三千多座,建國后, 經開平政府登記在册的有一千八百多座,其中由周氏建的约占百份之十。大多建築精美,風格多樣,保存良好,尤以座落蜆崗東和里的中墪樓,建于民國七年 (1918),被中國明信片(2002)TP採用為版頭圖刊載卜。现把周氏建的碉樓,保存較好的照片,按所在村镇分别刊載于后,供鑒賞!


  据《百家姓》记载,周姓是当今中国第九大姓。周姓的起源十分复杂,有的出自黄帝的将领周昌,有的出自商代的太史周任。周姓源于姬氏者,为黄帝之后裔后 弃,后弃的裔孙周太王古公,率领族人迁居周原,曾孙姬发攻灭商朝,并建立了周朝。到了周平王时,子姬烈封于汝南,被称为周家,后来就发展成了周姓。周朝的 最后一个天子在周朝被灭以后,沦为平民,他的后代,就以周作为自己的姓氏。周姓也有从其他姓改姓过来的,如元代有叫苏卓周的人改姓周,因为住在武功,被称 为“武功周氏”;北魏时献帝次兄姓普,在孝文帝迁都时,被改成了周。周姓于西晋年间迁入安徽,于唐代进入福建,到清朝,开始进入台湾。周姓的分布很广,主 要聚居地有:汝南,庐江,浔阳,临川,陈留,沛国,泰山,河南,武功,淮南,永安,文安,华阴,清河,江陵,长安等。
  族谱又称宗谱、家谱、家乘,是家族的民间档案资料。一部完整的家谱,通常由谱名、谱序、凡例、姓氏源流、世系考、世系表、人物传记、祠堂、坟茔、家训 族规、恩荣录、像赞、艺文、纂修人名、领谱字号等构成。这样的家谱往往是纵横几百年,上下数千人,是我国古代宗法社会的特有产物,它通过“载祖德、立族 规、明宗支、分族丛”,籍以增强“木本水源”,“敬宗睦族”的思想感情。谱牒所载的家族史,包含了诸如姓氏来源、家族兴替、人口升降、民族迁徙、风俗习 惯、社会变故、以及族人的政治、军事、经济、文化活动等,卷帙浩瀚,内容丰富,具有重要的史料价值,是中华传统文化的瑰宝之一。

Friday, 25 October 2013



Wonder what the winning entries are like?

Lacquer bowl making

xyz Qin: scan of a qin


Page of CT scans of the JXHP qin.  
Jiuxiao Huanpei qin made by Lei 
source facebook : Charles R. Tsua

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Catfish UK seeking real life stories from sl, Firestorm new updates and problems resolved

Display problems w new version of Firestorm, v4.4.2
Problem:  my own av displays all grey, while others see me perfectly
1// take Katie av, bottom body is still all grey, appearance->remove clothing -> all, click back out of the appearance menu, all displays perfectly.
2// take Swannjie av,  bottom body is still all grey (sometimes top part is all grey and bottom is ok), appearance-> remove all clothing -> put them back on one by one, click out of the appearance menu, all displays fine.

Remaining problem:
Other av's displays grey...

(Not yet solved)

Muka Fushimi playing guqin, Owl Bay Island sl first performance

Muka Fushimi playing guqin This immediately puts into my mind, many years ago - a certain sl avatar was invited to do her first performance. I am not saying this is the same level of expertise, but the setting, the way people are sitting all around, is unlike most yajis, but really like the sl experience.


Owl Bay Island, Chinese Culture Festival.  
Invited by Portuguese Organiser .  Also paid!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

pretty graphics /illustrations /2d magazine visuals

Illustration by Javier Jaén.

pretty graphics /illustrations /2d magazine visuals

magazine on diff types of qin,

Saturday, 19 October 2013

baking of the av, display issues

Friday, 18 October 2013

xyz Qin 1 :: testing tuning and re-tuning; xyz Qin 2 :: bong bong boom boom

Master Guqin Maker, Shan ZheYuan, teacher at Tainan University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan, showing how to tune and adjust the strings. 

The xyzQin#1 in  杉木  ShanMu, was made under the instruction of Master Shan ZhiYuan. 

Step by step.  
I just follow instructions and what a wonderful experience.
I am v happy looking at it each day sitting against a wall next to my bed, amazing.

Truly a gift from the ancients - thats why we need to go to school.  
We learn expertise from the past.  Many years of accumulation of knowledge.   
When something is beautiful, it exists for itself and for others.
Knowledge passed on is a beautiful thing.  I appreciate the process and the outcome.
There are still many steps - next to the inlaid specialist at the lacquer studio - with jewellery inlaid expert from the Metal Smithing department. 

Finally, here we are, almost finished! 
I have to design the tattoo for the inlaid in gold - which will take as much time as necessary.

Meanwhile, xyzQin#2 in Wutong, is now officially started.  
I have made a workbook to record the progress. 

 xyz Qin #2 ::  桐木古琴 :: Paulownia wood (Tong Mu)

The wood has been scooped out with wood carvers tools.

The blade used are curved, and flat.  Curved for going around corners and general smoothness.  Flat is for cutting off clean edges, and general small edge works.
Keep blades very sharp for clean cuts.  (Needs sharpening every now and then)

The depth of the wood shape will vary according to the string and the condition of the wood, the shape of the qin.  Testing of the sound is first made to determine the thickness of the shell.

The qin shell is held with 2 fingers, "clipping" the board at 1/4 of length of the board
and holding a fist, you bang on the position half way to hear the quality of the wood.

So, depending on the differnt attributes of each board, you might hear "bong bong" - a bright sound or 'boom boom" a richer lower sound.
A lower "boom boom" sound is better than a bright "bong bong" sound.   

Gadget tools for tightening strings.  Tuning pegs.
Due to the loosening of the silkstrings, I wonder what gadgets there might be for tightening without having to re-string?

Here are some answers from FaceBook Guqin experts.
1// Geng Wang:: buy Xusin silk strings, and you wont need to re-string
 Suxin Silk Strings/素心丝絃

  古琴上弦器 红檀木 (配板手非红檀手柄) 古琴配件

My idea:

2// I thought of an idea, how about just a movable "arch" then you customise it onto the curve of the qin itself, and slide it to adjust the sounds - so this second arch will be more or less parallel to the first fixed arch. But the second arch will be slightly at an angle depending on which string needs tightening. ? It should stay put with friction. 


Einstein smiling. Sacred gift of the intuitive mind

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Annecy Animation Festival winning list


Wu Chang "unpredictable"

Performance Art Kaohsiung Oct 26th 2013




類  別:講座


地  點:285展演場

票  價:活動免費,採網路報名制,名額有限,報完為止。

內  容:

第一場:10月26日 (六) 10-12am
講  題:以藝術節展現臺灣樣貌

第二場:11月2日 (六) 10-12am
講  題:跨域創作與表演藝術未來發展


您已報名成功『表演藝術論壇:跨界未來』的活動,趕快記下時間,感謝您的報名。 洽詢電話:表演藝術聯盟02-2707-1336


Kooky - kuky se vrací ***half,

kuky se vrací 2010 ***half 


Czech film. Very rich multilayered animation using stop motion, hand made puppets, live animals and nature scenes with flies and real people. The story is very human and imaginative. Acting of the child character is very good, subtle. Unlike the exasperated exaggeration of Disney films. Its wonderful, I love every puppet - using trash, recycle plastic bottles to play recycle plastic vilains. The Kooky bear is a cuddling toy. He is looked down upon by real life animals - the toy's job to accompany his owner to sleep is an unmentionable job - but for the boy he is so important. Love objects are important but for the fight for your life world outside - this is so sissy. In the film, it mentions about insects having sex and all the reality of living, and life, and death and deterioration. Its a growing up story. The young boy doesnt need Koody as much as the homeless man who had an accident. He gave Kooky to him - because he surely feels that the homeless man needs Kooky more than him now. A growing up story, a love story and survival in the jungle story. Charming puppets.

Directed by Jan Svěrák
Produced by
Written by Jan Svěrák
Music by Michal Novinski
Editing by Alois Fišárek
Release date(s)
  • May 20, 2010
Running time 96 minutes
Country Czech Republic
Language Czech
Budget 40 million CZK
Box office 30 million CZK[1]

Monday, 14 October 2013

中國的第一個國際學生動畫節:: 中國(北京)國際大學生動畫節由中國傳媒大學



電話:+86 10 6578 3342 ext.115 / 114
傳真:+86 10 6578 3457 or +86 10 6578 3488


Sunday, 13 October 2013

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Egypt trip :: sl+rl :: first pics

This is the Giza Pyramid in sl
 sl Swannjie exploring sl Egypt - this pyramid is built to 1/3 scale. 
How many pyramids exist in sl?

Giza Pyramid in rl
photo credit from :


  sl pyramid at 1/3 scale;  
  If the pyramid is shown at full scale : the robot model would be almost invisible.

   Robot real life size on the real size pyramid would be like a pinhead. Invisible.  Just like the real life photo