One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 85 :: Fine Jewellery :: sl Jewellery is made using tiny prims. And yes, it makes a difference to the avatar - just like in real life.
Toronto Boxing Day, people run in and buy buy buy. I discovered Titanium rings - I like this material, super strong, its what people use to make drill bits out of... imagine! I like the hard cool metal - these rings comes in many different styles, polished, unpolished, very shiny etc. You could buy single rings, or double pairs for mariage purposes. I bought 2 rings, small diamond costume jewellery, and squarish single diamond set, two titanium glossy rings. Now, I understand why Lagerfeld has all this stuff all over his hand... its fun, and its also a very specialize design area.
Then furs, I have this very nice couture rabbit fur long shin length coat, with frizzy sheep fur collar and cuffs - I took the cuffs off as it might get very messy it covers my fingers plus one palm length. The color is of a sable reddish brown. Very pretty. K said, the rabbits furs we find here are short coats and never this nice. I think they took just the backs of the rabbits and stitched it together into one large surface. Its seamless one piece unlike the little clumps of gray white gold type of rabbit fur.
And wind was 110miles per hour, icy. It was fun to walk outside but not too long.
I had these Salomon apres-ski short ankle booties - very warm - looks like kung fu shoes. And a top hat in felt wool, light gray.
Everyone was not dressed warm enough, I could see that they were chilled to the bones, as they ran in little steps here and there. They were hiding behind embrellas, trees, while we visited this open air park for the sleeping at Mount Pleasant and Pine Hill.
Shuen-git rl 周旋捷; Swann Jie sl/, 2011: N°1 Sculptures N°2 好奇藝術::舊+新 Kunstkammer :: Old+New & Film Reviews N°3 Digital Guqin Museum 數碼古琴互動藝術研究創作室 MicroTotalArt HandScroll Guqin; HuaKui cubes; === copyright: when using content of this blog, please use link,indicating source and author information. 版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息 === ===
List of Monumental sculpture projects 2015
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Monday, 29 December 2008
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Avatar Parade projection in real life, Grand Palais
I went to Grand Palais, and saw a few avatars - I am quite impressed with the avatars that showed up. You could see that they really put the best of themselves on camera. Some are really very well designed figurines - like the things you see in Japanese manga comics. The display frame is on the wall, back ground is black. Each avatar gets to perform some minutes, swimming gestures, flying, arm waving; bobbing up and down. And some comes with their own dancing gestures, for example macarena, or strip tease shimmy etc. Some avatars are very fat, dancing the sexy dance with a tail, and tattoo all over the body etc. Others came as an elaborate monster fish in brocade silk kimono wear. After a few minutes they drop and another comes on.
I would like to see all the avatars, like so many dolls, but the sequence is often much too long.
Some routines are nice to watch others less interesting just like in real life in casting screen tests situations.
films viewed:
I feel good 3*,
the singing here comes from somewhere - very emotional singing. Wow, tears fall down my face listening to them. Didnt know James Brown is so good.
Louise Michel 3*
Very good script, good actorss, good humour... very French.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Avatar Parade at FlyingSoul Scribes Studio, Live at Grand Palais Paris
Live at Grand Palais, Paris. met Nick Rhodes and FlyingSoul Scribe, Yooma, Elora, and many other friends
Swannjie waternymph outfit - one of the earlist concert attire, used at Club Fabulous Tokyo, owner Taka Teatime
Swannjie cerise outfit, Greenie Guitar on Kitchen table concert attire, outfit presented by Saitot Tammas of Misty Cybermare Group
Swannjie wearing Plum Snow kungfu silk pants, floral gold inlaid lacquered geta flip-flop by Rumi Simpson to achieve a relaxed entertainment for self look.
Yooma, the high quality designer of nostalgic Japanese beach. Many fancy wrist and waist accessories.
Elora, sexy Owl Bay Island owner. Realistic persons face.
FlyingSoul Scribe and guest av, Swannjie in cerise outfit
Inside the light tube, resting on witch broom bed by HiRop, HiRop could be found at Little Heaven.
Light tube and studio
Swannjie trying the war dance animation
FlyingSoul Scribe in real life running the Studio
This is playback of the real life scene so sl people can see whats in rl at Grand Palais.
Swimming animation preset into the pose
Playing testing what animations are possible in front of the camera.
Testing with Guqin, I have to wear the guqin! And best available pose is the folding arm one.
Mobile Digital Guqin Museum is on hand for waiting comforts, just in case... some food, sleeping futon etc are on hand. Life is full of such waiting moments. Be sure to have a good book and food with you!
Mixed Reality with FlyingSoul Scribes Studio installation at Grand Palais, 18dec - 30dec08
I received an slurl from FlyingSoul, so I played around in his studio for a few hours! Yes, a few hours!! Since there was nobody there. Very good, I find this installation is high quality and such a fine set up. The studio is planned so avatars could land, play around in a light tube first; then go into the waiting area - on sofa and globe chairs - then sit on pose ball - exported into the stage - people could wait in a line, not to leave an empty stage. I was number 147 on the counter.
Swannjie tried to play the Guqin infront of the live audience, hmmm.
Are there sounds on site? To do more than the few animations proposed, we need more preparations, trying out workable positions etc.
Such a wonderful interface designed ready to go and with real life live audiences too.
Mixed Reality with FlyingSoul Scribes Studio installation at Grand Palais, 18dec - 30dec08
I received an slurl from FlyingSoul, so I played around in his studio for a few hours! Yes, a few hours!! Since there was nobody there. Very good, I find this installation is high quality and such a fine set up. The studio is planned so avatars could land, play around in a light tube first; then go into the waiting area - on sofa and globe chairs - then sit on pose ball - exported into the stage - people could wait in a line, not to leave an empty stage. I was number 147 on the counter.
Swannjie tried to play the Guqin infront of the live audience, hmmm.
Are there sounds on site? To do more than the few animations proposed, we need more preparations, trying out workable positions etc.
Such a wonderful interface designed ready to go and with real life live audiences too.
FlyingSoul Scribes mixed reality installation, Medieval Horses, Sengoku sculptie fish, DGM sim visits
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 86 :: Mixed reality Art Works :: FlyingSoul Scribes Installation at Grand Palais
A pretty fashionista waiting to be called for the picture taking at FlyingSoul Scribe's installation at Orange Island, Orange temple. I flew outside of the temple and see nothing just a block, but yesterday one girl showed me a space she had been, but also nothing happened there. (It was a long tunnel of light attached to a square box built like this temple.)
This is the second day that I tried to experience this mixed reality event, but nothing happens. Didnt work yesterday. Dont know what happens after this waiting room. On the display screen, it doesnt show the real Grand Palais event either. Usually media/projection/etc works something could go wrong easily, will try again today. I am curious to see how it works. This concept could have many flowering of smaller interesting works. Too bad, i didnt see anything once again.
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 87 :: Medieval Horses - a well made role playing sim
Orange Island role playing sim
Medieval Miniature Pony
Medieval Horse all decorated for tournament with wire mesh protection on the body
Templier flags in tapisserie weave - beautiful details.
tarot card reading in a Medieval tent. When you click on the deck, it flashes some cards and reads it for you.
Mobile Digital Guqin Museum visiting SIMs in Secondlife - landed at Orange Island 3, but met no one to play the guqin to. :)
I took the Mobile DGM - and rezzed it at a Medieval Place. Saw two really cute horses. And tents for tarot reading, tournaments, dress-ups. A very well made fun oriented role playing game place. How is role playing game setting different from say, professional training? They are both simulated role playing. But usually, places built for role playing game purposes are much more prettier, livelier, and you could imagine real people bustling around having fun. Whereas in professional simulations, all I see is how the person going through such a "training" must perform specific required behaviors - thats the whole point of training. To not make a mistake when interaction time is short and errors might be costly. This reminds me of a certain US company - they invested huge blocks of money to make a simulation site for Americans going to China (hahahahaha) they put chat-bots to "train" their employees! So, I say, maybe its not as silly as this, let me look see it first. The sim is accurately built more or less - however, dry and awful. Deadly, because nobody is there we only see chatbots. But, howcome, here at the Medieval role playing sim, as its also empty, howcome I feel lively fun ambiance when its also empty? Whats the difference?
Sim visited : to a simulation of a real castle at Sengoku, also empty. Found a very nice sculptie on the roof.
sculptie fish icon and its snowing periodically
number 86 :: Mixed reality Art Works :: FlyingSoul Scribes Installation at Grand Palais
This is the second day that I tried to experience this mixed reality event, but nothing happens. Didnt work yesterday. Dont know what happens after this waiting room. On the display screen, it doesnt show the real Grand Palais event either. Usually media/projection/etc works something could go wrong easily, will try again today. I am curious to see how it works. This concept could have many flowering of smaller interesting works. Too bad, i didnt see anything once again.
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 87 :: Medieval Horses - a well made role playing sim
I took the Mobile DGM - and rezzed it at a Medieval Place. Saw two really cute horses. And tents for tarot reading, tournaments, dress-ups. A very well made fun oriented role playing game place. How is role playing game setting different from say, professional training? They are both simulated role playing. But usually, places built for role playing game purposes are much more prettier, livelier, and you could imagine real people bustling around having fun. Whereas in professional simulations, all I see is how the person going through such a "training" must perform specific required behaviors - thats the whole point of training. To not make a mistake when interaction time is short and errors might be costly. This reminds me of a certain US company - they invested huge blocks of money to make a simulation site for Americans going to China (hahahahaha) they put chat-bots to "train" their employees! So, I say, maybe its not as silly as this, let me look see it first. The sim is accurately built more or less - however, dry and awful. Deadly, because nobody is there we only see chatbots. But, howcome, here at the Medieval role playing sim, as its also empty, howcome I feel lively fun ambiance when its also empty? Whats the difference?
Sim visited : to a simulation of a real castle at Sengoku, also empty. Found a very nice sculptie on the roof.
Friday, 19 December 2008
Shuri castle, Grand Palais mixed reality, Bertrand Dezoteux, Shaolin Temple
I often dont enjoy going to temples, in real life as in sl. I have been to many different types of temples and churches of all faith. The heavily religious air, Buddhist chanting smells of constraint and sadness. I enjoy being in nature, or clean looking designs, there is harmony in the physical space as is. It is enough that the space is in healthy splendor, well balanced and clean. Whether tropical humid lushness or spindly rainy foggy air like in Chinese painting. I dont really like the layering of Buddhist statues, Gwanyin etc somehow they bring in something that adds some greasy smell... sorry, this is the word i can think of, greasy. I have little use for symbolism with Buddhist heads and such. All I associate with this is smoky incense and dark, smothered air inside. Meditation etc does nothing for me, I prefer anytime to go take a walk down the street, in a park; on horseback riding or swim in an ocean, or a pool, or ski - even tiny slopes, no need for extreme sport black trails, just beginners, an almost like a no-danger street with tiny sliding - even that, I feel freedom and happiness. I need to be in open spaces. (I recognise that there are people who like to be in confined spaces)
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 88 :: Shuri Castle and Woods
Visiting Shuri Castle and the woods today. Builder creator Inyuasha Meiji and Silverfox. There are details everywhere. Wind speed, horse riding speed, little crabs, undersea treasures, waterfalls, chickens, everything is realistic and well made. Here Swannjie flies on the roof top - flying is still the most hassle free way of getting around - notices the weatherwane is not just moving; it has all the data about temperature and humidity - maybe real life data?
The creator of this object? Garrin Guffey, and hes says about his weather system...
"the MG Automagic Weather system is Second Life's first automated weather system that uses SL environmental variables to gererate weather conditions ... Based on Real Life weather calculations."
There are three horses for visitors to ride - how nice! these horses also come with speed, walking, its a realistic reproduction of horse back riding... with clic clac sounds.
The avatar parade mixed reality project at Grand Palais, after teleporting to Orange Temple and came across several avatars, it seems that no one knows what to do and no one gave us further slurl to do the next steps.
Will try to visit Grand Palais again today to see how the Mixed Reality project works in real life, in situ.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
mixed reality at Grand Palais, Paris, 17 to 31dec08
The guy behind the projector wants to be seen - hence the poster here - and the avatar is self-driven to be seen. Will both get what they want? Why and how do they want to be seen?
Grand Palais, set up by Le Fresnoy
mixed reality : les ames volantes in Paris, Grand Palais!
For those sl avatar who wants to show their face in real life! Here is a moment for you!
See the installation at Grand Palais, free entry!
Exporting VW fashion models to real life
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 89 :: exporting 3D models from sl to rl : such as fashion
I discovered a lot of sites where you buy clothing from sl shops to rl online shop. Especially lingerie. So many brands and pictures of angels. I think, how do you know these clothes will fit? It is often made to measure. Maybe clients who buy on line dont really care that much about fitting details... the important thing is to get understandable prop garments, useful garments. :)
But i see also this huge shop in sl + rl is for sale. Why sell a profitable business? We are no longer in sl issues.
number 89 :: exporting 3D models from sl to rl : such as fashion
I discovered a lot of sites where you buy clothing from sl shops to rl online shop. Especially lingerie. So many brands and pictures of angels. I think, how do you know these clothes will fit? It is often made to measure. Maybe clients who buy on line dont really care that much about fitting details... the important thing is to get understandable prop garments, useful garments. :)
But i see also this huge shop in sl + rl is for sale. Why sell a profitable business? We are no longer in sl issues.
Talking nonsense, Agnes Varda
One of the reasons for using sl :: top 100 ::
number 90 :: talking nonsense
If you can talk nonsense and the stranger still go along with you, then you know somebody is willing to be friend, as they befriend your silliness, they are with you in your crazy drift.
Film viewed:
Les plages de Agnes Varda 2.5*
She talks a lot, lots of pictures of people older and younger. A very young Harrison Ford and the older one today; her home before and after. One thing that I understand looking at this movie, if you continue to the end, something will add up and its going to be good. :) Jacques Demy has beautiful big soulful eyes.
number 90 :: talking nonsense
If you can talk nonsense and the stranger still go along with you, then you know somebody is willing to be friend, as they befriend your silliness, they are with you in your crazy drift.
Film viewed:
Les plages de Agnes Varda 2.5*
She talks a lot, lots of pictures of people older and younger. A very young Harrison Ford and the older one today; her home before and after. One thing that I understand looking at this movie, if you continue to the end, something will add up and its going to be good. :) Jacques Demy has beautiful big soulful eyes.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
lucky money, saving money, hair changes,
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 91 :: Changing hair as often as I like!

One of the reasons for using sl :: top 100 ::
number 92 :: Saving money!
One of the all time favorite use is to create training sites for virtual meetings with staff for training purpose, for example - to desactiver dangerous objects, or running standard machineries etc. This is a big money saver for large corporations. Not the most glamourous use of sl, but a sensible choice from expenses point of view. I see samples of it in every conference. Is it more fun for the worker? Do they prefer the real life learning or simple and quick, an sl simulation?

One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 93 :: Lucky money
Every now and then, I visit a favorite sim - for example Amemura- from the beginning of my sl time, and little by little the nostalgic sweet smell gets fainter and fainter as the streetscape evolve into empty malls, orderly quaint cozy streets and empty shops. Financial tsunami has hit sl too! Then, somebody invented "finding money on the street" to increase traffic. Money appear on the pavement as i ride my bike visiting the old neighbourhood - I find linden bills waving their little hands at me... but with this new gimmick, the sim has lost the charm it had previously. This $bill somehow destroys the fun of riding on the street.
I want to make a Plum blossom tree with red lucky money envelopes in it for Chinese New Year - maybe i could customise a ready made money tree? Instead of maple leaves, plum blossoms and instead of Linden dollars, red envelopes with interesting content.
number 91 :: Changing hair as often as I like!
One of the reasons for using sl :: top 100 ::
number 92 :: Saving money!
One of the all time favorite use is to create training sites for virtual meetings with staff for training purpose, for example - to desactiver dangerous objects, or running standard machineries etc. This is a big money saver for large corporations. Not the most glamourous use of sl, but a sensible choice from expenses point of view. I see samples of it in every conference. Is it more fun for the worker? Do they prefer the real life learning or simple and quick, an sl simulation?
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 93 :: Lucky money
Every now and then, I visit a favorite sim - for example Amemura- from the beginning of my sl time, and little by little the nostalgic sweet smell gets fainter and fainter as the streetscape evolve into empty malls, orderly quaint cozy streets and empty shops. Financial tsunami has hit sl too! Then, somebody invented "finding money on the street" to increase traffic. Money appear on the pavement as i ride my bike visiting the old neighbourhood - I find linden bills waving their little hands at me... but with this new gimmick, the sim has lost the charm it had previously. This $bill somehow destroys the fun of riding on the street.
I want to make a Plum blossom tree with red lucky money envelopes in it for Chinese New Year - maybe i could customise a ready made money tree? Instead of maple leaves, plum blossoms and instead of Linden dollars, red envelopes with interesting content.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
export to real world, caos calmos, milk tea color
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 94 :: rl fashion change influenced by my own avatar
Just imagine your favorite avatar is always beautiful just like in sl! I often see the sl image and rl photo side by side but they really ressemble somewhat in a superficial way. BD Haiku said, I look like my avatar. He wished I dressed like her in real life. hahahahhahaha. I will try, wait til summer. The new me is coming, influenced by advice from my friends here.
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 95 :: Seeing rl photos of sl avatars :)
I am always curious about who the people are after I meet them for a while. Some people there is no need to meet - but others, I like to know what they look like in rl. And still others, almost touching on seeing them in rl, but didnt happen... suddenly retreat! Then I know, it is for the best that sl stays in sl. However, people who passed from sl to rl - will always be treasured friends for a long time to come. :)
Cannot show you any photos here! :)
number 96 :: Export from sl to rl
Export objects to the real world! it will take a while... I saw the ars Electronica installation by Linda Kostowski and Sascha Pohflepp. It was really fun and charming like old days when you do the cut out cardboard models. Their art project is in a bona fide sl essence - a true export of sl objects because it is exporting only the shape and skin and not what the object represents in rl. The essence of sl is shape and skin - its all on the surface. There is nothing underneath the skin, no object under the skin.
In contrast to this fun playful model making, I want to export the Mobile Digital Guqin Museum into rl with fully functioning insides.
Film viewed:
Caos calmos 3*
wonderful Italian movie, very chic and delicate in the everyday way of a mans world turning from vacation time to saving lives, to personal lost, to taking care of young daughter - every step is so natural and it links very nicely with all the various colorful parts. Nanni Moretti, great actor. First time I see a sex scene focused really on the man and not the very excellent woman. This, i think is to show he is a normal man, who also sleeps with his wifes sister - but only two times, only because she was a ravishing gal actrice whos a little pushy crazy and he was a little in love w her... very Italian - the daughter is so cute, she also wants her father to have 5 make up artists like her aunt, or she gets this super cell phone from a glossy oncle who has a youthful fashion house of jeans - named weirdo - all this justaposes flashy chic to calm everyday childrens world - and one day, the daughter says, no father. I wanted you to stay here, but the others are laughing at me, so for my birthday present... maybe ... such a luxury growing up in time when its time, no forced brutal conflicts, even the accidental death is so calm - a body lying on the ground with cantaloupe pieces ... and using this childrens public park as office! what luxury! I would like to have my office in a public park with this chic restaurant and Mario bring nice broccoli pasta when i need it... this is the life of someone who has everything and always honest, nothing under the table, no ugly underside. And that gal who sleeps with Steiner (played by Polanski, stately like some big boss - a type of ligit mafia big boss) she is very used to being filmed in sex scenes i think, a body thats very used to being used. It is surprising to see Nanni Moretti as the focus of a body making love. Everything is slightly eccentric in this film. Calmly excentric, so much style, it goes in the way of sweet water, nicely without fuss.
Monday, 15 December 2008
world map, small things
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 97 :: Wall size world maps
I love maps, here is one of Secondlife! I got a map from a Japanese magazine - gift from Saitot, beautiful. Maps make this make-believe world seem "orientable" - even though we know its all moot. As places disappear overnight, without even a flicker on your screen.
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 98 :: Small things friends do
Sushimetal showed me where to buy hair, and as I camped for 20mn for this silver hair, she stood beside me to chat with me. This is so warm and touching. Who else would do that if not a good friend? What would your friend do for you?
Sushi camps with me
Electric chair camp!
number 97 :: Wall size world maps
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 98 :: Small things friends do
Sushimetal showed me where to buy hair, and as I camped for 20mn for this silver hair, she stood beside me to chat with me. This is so warm and touching. Who else would do that if not a good friend? What would your friend do for you?
favorite thing in sl : plum blossom tree, Oracle Poems, bonsai, crab noodles ... mmmmmm
My favorite thing in sl is to experience a corresponding sensual feeling from triggering my avatar - like everybody else. When the avatar can trigger a feeling in me thats physical - this is the most magic moment in sl. Sounds like sex, right? A lot of people are in here for the sex. No, I have not tried sex in sl (nor in rl! no just joking...), but I do believe that it does feel somewhat like real passion; real sex when the players are serious about it. Thats why massage tables, healing tables work - if avatars gather to perform it together. This togetherness makes the magic work.
People have been killed over the possession of virtual weapons in real life - does it mean they cant tell whats real whats not?
At the Transmusicale 08 mixed-reality event, this girl asked exactly this question. She is afraid to fall into sl and not know reality anymore. Physical reality has thousands of details that the poor sl can never compete. It can compete only in these areas that in real life, its lacking. For example space. Everybody wants that super mansion - because in rl, who has such an estate?
Plum blossom trees are my favorite Chinese New Year Symbol.
When you see the pink flowers plou plou plou opens pops over the holidays, it lightens up the room and superbe and happy and romantic and affluence - all coming in one huge landscape filling up the room... and the personal trees are so much more warm than the corporate decorative trees... Corporate trees are giant size, formal, personal trees are smaller, dainty (it has to fit into the living room!) Reminds me of my Tamayo - also pink unending blossoms. Plants are our friends, if you cant have a huge plant, well somebody in Asia invented the Bonsai... you can carry your landscape with you anywhere - so you project yourself into a miniature person sitting under this small tree. Its the magic of Secondlife of pre-internet days. And Chinese people have a custom that you could change your name as you feel your life has some special meaning - for example - "Bamboo Hermit in the mountain" - it means, he is now free and maybe just finished his career or some other such important change.
Plum blossoms adds such a touch of warmth to anything - even to an igloo !
Five made a plum blossomed igloo with human cozy things devoid of cell phone, sensors etc. Only human things allowed. We all want to go back to a big farm and run a ranch with horses and trees. No cell phones.
I used this Plum Blossom texture for DGM because the Oracle says when everything goes away, even when winter comes, the Plum Blossom remains to be the Queen ! Now, hows that for a long lasting motor... it says in short - late bloomer.
WangXiang - very good friend - came to visit. I thought he disappeared - but he came and we talked about time, reincarnation and such. He sees reincarnation as time - what about time frame etc. I never think of reincarnation as a container - I see the content. What happened to the people, how they lived their previous lives etc, and not the mechanism of what time is, why there is the possibility of reincarnation, is it time thats playing a backward tape for us? etc. WangXiang is a specialist in virtual worlds. He has met Philip Rosedale himself! I want to give him a make over; new milk tea hair and no moustache? and... blue suede shoes... um; maybe a special Shangshi collection incorporated somehow... maybe a secret pocket for a favorite stone to carry around close to the heart - like some people do with crickets ... or, like Jia BaoYu, his piece of jade is attached to him at all the times - a gri gri. Well, in fact, WangXiang is not Asian at all. Just like Swann is not caucasian. I am writing fiction here. :)
But I did have premonition experiences - often not very sharp and distinct but often for the things i see now, have already been seen previously elsewhere. A certain sound, foot steps, a disposition of rooms; and newly met friends who sends me huge packages for christmas - yearly - because; she said, she knew me from previous lives, she has seen me over and over again! And this person is a high ranking governement official - not even Chinese, very unusual. But I did like her immediately when I met her at this informal dinner. Even now, I would like to hear her talk about this why she thinks this in more detail. Busy person, she never writes more than Merry Christmas!
I am interested in Oracle books of all kinds. How do they work and do they work?
People are mainly interested in themselves, what will happen to them, what comes next in their personal movie? If you could help people smooth over bumps in their movie, isnt this a great challenge? This doesnt mean you are better than the other, just that you can give a hand when the ride gets bumpy for the other and everyone needs others to smooth the ride at some point. hhahahah. I am so smart!
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 99 :: Fresh Crab cream noodles
Crab created by Salmaru Masala, freebie at Salmaru store
People have been killed over the possession of virtual weapons in real life - does it mean they cant tell whats real whats not?
At the Transmusicale 08 mixed-reality event, this girl asked exactly this question. She is afraid to fall into sl and not know reality anymore. Physical reality has thousands of details that the poor sl can never compete. It can compete only in these areas that in real life, its lacking. For example space. Everybody wants that super mansion - because in rl, who has such an estate?
Plum blossom trees are my favorite Chinese New Year Symbol.
When you see the pink flowers plou plou plou opens pops over the holidays, it lightens up the room and superbe and happy and romantic and affluence - all coming in one huge landscape filling up the room... and the personal trees are so much more warm than the corporate decorative trees... Corporate trees are giant size, formal, personal trees are smaller, dainty (it has to fit into the living room!) Reminds me of my Tamayo - also pink unending blossoms. Plants are our friends, if you cant have a huge plant, well somebody in Asia invented the Bonsai... you can carry your landscape with you anywhere - so you project yourself into a miniature person sitting under this small tree. Its the magic of Secondlife of pre-internet days. And Chinese people have a custom that you could change your name as you feel your life has some special meaning - for example - "Bamboo Hermit in the mountain" - it means, he is now free and maybe just finished his career or some other such important change.
Plum blossoms adds such a touch of warmth to anything - even to an igloo !
Five made a plum blossomed igloo with human cozy things devoid of cell phone, sensors etc. Only human things allowed. We all want to go back to a big farm and run a ranch with horses and trees. No cell phones.
I used this Plum Blossom texture for DGM because the Oracle says when everything goes away, even when winter comes, the Plum Blossom remains to be the Queen ! Now, hows that for a long lasting motor... it says in short - late bloomer.
WangXiang - very good friend - came to visit. I thought he disappeared - but he came and we talked about time, reincarnation and such. He sees reincarnation as time - what about time frame etc. I never think of reincarnation as a container - I see the content. What happened to the people, how they lived their previous lives etc, and not the mechanism of what time is, why there is the possibility of reincarnation, is it time thats playing a backward tape for us? etc. WangXiang is a specialist in virtual worlds. He has met Philip Rosedale himself! I want to give him a make over; new milk tea hair and no moustache? and... blue suede shoes... um; maybe a special Shangshi collection incorporated somehow... maybe a secret pocket for a favorite stone to carry around close to the heart - like some people do with crickets ... or, like Jia BaoYu, his piece of jade is attached to him at all the times - a gri gri. Well, in fact, WangXiang is not Asian at all. Just like Swann is not caucasian. I am writing fiction here. :)
But I did have premonition experiences - often not very sharp and distinct but often for the things i see now, have already been seen previously elsewhere. A certain sound, foot steps, a disposition of rooms; and newly met friends who sends me huge packages for christmas - yearly - because; she said, she knew me from previous lives, she has seen me over and over again! And this person is a high ranking governement official - not even Chinese, very unusual. But I did like her immediately when I met her at this informal dinner. Even now, I would like to hear her talk about this why she thinks this in more detail. Busy person, she never writes more than Merry Christmas!
I am interested in Oracle books of all kinds. How do they work and do they work?
People are mainly interested in themselves, what will happen to them, what comes next in their personal movie? If you could help people smooth over bumps in their movie, isnt this a great challenge? This doesnt mean you are better than the other, just that you can give a hand when the ride gets bumpy for the other and everyone needs others to smooth the ride at some point. hhahahah. I am so smart!
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 99 :: Fresh Crab cream noodles
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Chinese New Year Gift 2009, 100 favorite things,
Touch the Magic Cube, pick your favorite thing, read your Oracle Poem for year 2009 at Digital Guqin Museum -
Gift : Pick your favorite thing and enjoy your luck for year 2009!
GuanDi's lucky Poem : pick a favorite handle to retreive your lucky poem. (Handles change from time to time.)
hello , dear , sweety , lucky star , guy ,
gal , horse , lion , fish , eel , mimosa ,
maotai , beer , green tea icecream , clamato , cherry garcia , sushi ,
uni , fantan , silky long hair , moka , madeleine , boots ,
ankleboots , magic cap , pink lady apple , Indian brother belt , Li Po , Su DongPo ,
Guan PingHu , malt , cashmir pullover , chocolate cake , plum blossom ,
bambi airstream , banana split , Indonesian coffee , thousand layer cake , oyster , foie gras ,
turkey , beef jerky , cranberry chocolates , sugar cane juice , mango juice , passion fruit ,
congee , raw beef carpaccio w parmesan , sun dried tomato , puffy slippers , snow , ski ,
skate , hiking , swimming , horseback riding , guqin , teapot ,
inkstone , tomato , pomme de lait , kaki , honey kiwi ,
pomelo from thailand , mushroom , girolle , boudin , andouillette , beef in water ,
peking roast duck , tea leaves egg , rice roll , cherry jam , blue berry pie , cream cheese ,
lobster , cream from head of lobster , three star crab , hairy crab , cowboy boots , hermes bag ,
net shoes , Indian teepee , flip flop , milk , sun dried tomato , carrot cake ,
red hot beer , singapore sling , xo cognac , furu , hundred year old egg , chicken soup ,
pearls , jade bracelet , seedless grapes , Italia grapes , slippery wine grapes , macaroon , raw tuna ,
One of my favorite things in sl :: top 100 ::
number 100 :: Petting Black Horse animaton by Fiona Branagh
GuanDi eOracle Poems
Oracle Poems : GuanDi electronic Oracle Poems A friend sends me this in the mail, for fun because Chinese NewYear is very early this year! 24 Jan? Wow time flies...
I got this! Wonderful.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
DGM events, what are sl/rl contracts? Paul Bowles, Wildo, human intelligence, BD Haiku

I met Wildo yesterday, a charming rl musician long time resident at Penglai island; guest of WangXiang. She does electroacoustic music. She said, there are no avatars, everyone is a real person. Well said!
This is so true.
When I first came into sl, a real life author held a contest for a cover photo of his soon to be published book. He offered linden dollar rate - like 10us. Dont know how many people responded. But from his blog, I see quite a few sniffed and rightly refused to participate in such a proposition.
The author up the prize after I explained why its should be so. This issue comes up over and over again.
How can anyone taking the stance that sl is real life - for a real publication; in real events; when no such reality of recognition is given? Its too convenient to pretend that its sl but a real book in real life! Symbolically the gesture is not made, or not made sufficiently to be convincing.
I was proposed to do a Chinese music event organised by a group of highschool teachers from Portugal, not for teaching purpose but for themselves - for fun - on Owls Bay island. They are just playing among themselves, no budget. But they took it seriously and paid me - a small amount but this amount made me very happy. Because it means they took it seriously. And they came in beautiful Chinese clothes - they wanted to touch the instrument, they asked questions. They listened to the music, they invite me to their events. Want to be photographed. This is a true experience. Something valuable to me. This adorable group played their sl existance, invested their emotional joy into the sl event. How can sl experience be exported to real life?
There are certain conditions, and these conditions apply way back in the history of mankind, before Linden Lab made Secondlife. It is the recognition of the presence of the other and the exchange they made with you.
First, recognition through exchange of goods - and in sl, either through real payment in linden or real life currency; Second : participation with real emotions by the people involved(avatars) - without this part, the exchange of goods could take on some symbolic function if the amount is sufficiently important, and not some "goods depleted of symbolic value".
People (even though they have an avatar)are paid to set up Princeton university campus etc, IBM head quarter etc. A real job with a real contract.
For our Digital Guqin Museum events, I would like to see more people - avatars are real people, not some chatbot - enjoy the music using the sl platform in the way that sl provides.
Digital Guqin Museum, and Guqin music is made for people who are capable of imagination and feeling, and has human intelligence to recognize others as real people. They should have, or have the desire to develop, functioning ordinary human "captors".
I met an old friend we talked about an ex-classmate - all I remember of him is how rude he was, turned out that; surprise surprise, he has a bordering Asperger syndrome! Suddenly I see him in a different light, he tries very hard to learn from his children who are helping him. He learns Chinese (as an adult wasp) by pasting words all over the house... such efforts made me see him differently. I have a new vision of him. He has the desire to go beyond his condition.
We are all swimming in the same pool, everyone trying to go beyond our condition. Including me! What is DGM if not trying to make a time and space that has some pleasure and meaning for myself?
Enjoyment from sl will only be realised through these two channels, concrete recognition of the other in sl/rl, either through the exchange of goods; or investment of emotional feelings. This investment is visible from the detail and care in the realisation of the SIM and the quality of the human exchange.
As Paul Bowles says in Sheltering Sky, How often in your real life time, do you remember a certain sunday afternoon, a pleasant moment in time? At most 3 or 4 times. And if our memory is all we have, the memory from sl is just as precious as in rl because sl is real life.
There are only real people, there exist no avatar.
Now, we must move on to the real life Digital Guqin Museum Project that will be housed first in Secondlife, and in various real life locations.
Friday, 12 December 2008
Thursday, 11 December 2008
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