Friday 20 March 2020

UM2 changing feeder from 3mm to 1.76 by osdoyi



My name is Dogan. I'm a Robotics PhD student at Oregon State University. I love building robots and its my life :) I built a giant ATAT Walker, I love biking, scuba diving, playing violin and preparing short videos. Don't forget to subscribe my youtube channel :D

Hello everyone,
I decided to 3D print conductive circuits with the 3D printer. When I buy conductive filament, I faced with a situation that feeder system of the Ultimaker series are not supporting 1.75 mm filaments. Buying new kits was expensive. So I decided to solve this problem for my big goal and come up with this instructable.
With a permission from our lab, I decided to open the current feeder system of the Ultimaker. The main problem was GRIPPING, the gap for the PLA material feeding was not providing enough friction force to push 1.75 mm filament up. Due to this fact, I decided to re-design / develop the most important part that Ultimaker feeder have. I decreased the filament gap that current design has. And 3D print the new part. (100% infill of course) Result was very impressive. Right now we can print with 1.75 mm filaments perfectly.
Follow the steps and built yours. Additionally in the last step I give .stl files for preparing the conductive circuit as well. Don't forget the watch the assembly and printing video that I prepare for this instructable.
See the designed feeder arm from the pictures. It is beautiful :)

Step 1: 3D Printing Re-designed Part / Development of the Current Feeder System

3D Printing Re-designed Part / Development of the Current Feeder System


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