Friday 20 March 2020

DIY UM2+ Feeder arm for 3mm filament // 3D Printer 1.75mm Remote Extruder Kit All-metal Frame For Ma

instructible video by Osdoyi

For 3mm its just a bit longer, as you could see here
so to reconvert, you just put a longer piece as shown in the original!  (on left white color) and the new 1.7mm filament gripping arm is translucide.

Thanks to Instructible by  Osdoyi 

To see the overall assembly steps and my moves, please watch the video. Also you can follow the pictures at this step as well.
Here are the steps to assemble new 3D printed arm into current design:1) Use 2.5 mm hex key to take of feeder from Ultimaker
2) Open the case
3) Dissemble arm, spring system, don't dissemble the gear and metal bearing.4) Dissemble arm into 3 pieces, be gentle, you don't want to break it because you will use same arm to feed 3mm filaments, my new development will not work for 3mm filaments, because the gap is going to be too tight.
5) Assemble the metal roller into my 3D printed arm. (see the pictures)
6) Then Assemble the 3D printed arm with the roller into the case.
7) Check the gap by putting 1.75 mm filament (see the pictures)
8) Assemble spring and other parts as you see in the video
9) Close the cover and connect feeder mechanism to Ultimaker back.
Warning: Don't lose any parts that you dissemble, because you will NEED them back for printing 3mm filaments


3D Printer 1.75mm Remote Extruder Kit All-metal Frame For Ma

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