Tuesday 9 May 2017

Nuke Lamp

4. Veneridesign Studio, “Nuke Lamp”
nukeIf the previous piece seems eerily post-apocalyptic, this one is definitely mid-apocalyptic. Nothing says “end of the world” better than this 3D printed nuclear lamp cloud designed by Veneridesign Studio. Over the years, we have seen so many different versions of the mushroom cloud: why not make it functional by using it as a lamp?

5. Eric van Straaten, “Groomer”
For some reason, heads and busts are big in 3D printed art, and the first one we feature here in our series of 3D printed head art is really surreal and kind of unnerving. The next artist, Eric van Straaten, describes his work as  embodying “weirdly eroticized corporeality”: and weird is right. Young nudish swimmers laying on top of an older man’s head, forming a makeshift swim cap, can only be interpreted as a clash between youth and age, revealed in the focus on the physical aging of the man’s body. What’s important to note is how the materials used mimic real skin. This 3D printed sculpture is definitely over most of our heads!

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