Monday 8 May 2017

Construct 3d Duke University

Construct3D 2017 Conference
May 5 - 7, 2017 | Duke University

Duke University is an American private research university located in Durham, North Carolina. Founded by Methodists and Quakers in the present-day town of Trinity in 1838, the school moved to Durham in 1892. Wikipedia
AddressDurham, NC 27708, USA
Acceptance rate9% (2016)
MascotBlue Devil
Undergraduate tuition and fees51,510 USD (2016)
Total enrollment14,832 (2016)
Typical ACT scores31-34 (2014)


Dale Dougherty (Informal Education)

Dale Dougherty, Founder & CEO at Maker Media, Chairman at Maker Education Initiative
Dale Dougherty has been a champion of the makers and a leader of the Maker Movement, claiming in a TedTalk that “All of Us are Makers.”  In 2005 he founded MAKE: Magazine and a year later organized the first Maker Faire in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2006, both of which were catalysts for a global Maker Movement.  At the 2014 White House Maker Faire he was introduced by President Obama as an American innovator making significant contributions to the fields of education and business.  Dougherty is the author of “Free to Make: How the Maker Movement Is Changing our Jobs, Schools and Minds” with Adriane Conrad.  He is founder and CEO of Maker Media, Inc. in San Francisco, CA.
Good standard conference practice:
Conducting Your Presentations:
  • Arrive at your room 10 minutes prior to your presentation.
  • The conference is scheduled in 30 minute blocks.  Please conclude your presentation 5 minutes before your time is to expire to facilitate room turnover.
  • Speakers may present in a format of their choice and use their time as they believe will make the best outcome.   Though conference staff do recommend and encourage interactivity and a short time for Q&A.
  • Rooms are equipped with displays but computers are not supplied, please bring your laptop with you.
  • AV support for the conference is limited.  Conference volunteers will not be in every session.  We recommend that you have your laptop and a mix of common connectors if necessary.  We recommend testing your laptop.  Do note that Apple laptops often require additional converters for display.
  • The conference center has a digital cafe that can be used as a prep area.
Photography & Social Media:
  • There will be an event photographer present at times and our audience is technologically adept.  Note that photographs of you presenting may be taken and posted to social media or conference related materials.
  • Your presentation will not be recorded in its entirety by event staff or distributed without your consent though those in the audience active in social media may be recording or posting.
  • Following the Construct3D 2017 Conference, speakers will be given an option to submit to us their presentations for compilation into a proceedings record in a searchable and archivable format on this website.
  • We recognize some of our presenters are professional speakers and participation in the proceedings is voluntary.
Rules of Presentation Conduct:
  • The academic dignity of the conference is to be preserved at all times.
  • Presentations are for the betterment of the educational industry and are a place to learn.  Presenters representing companies must take special care not to engage in sales behavior when choosing their wording.   This conference does have an exhibition area and we insist that type of activity take place there.
    • No presenter may make a disparaging comment about another company or institution.
    • You must not use a “call to action” in the course of speaking.  For example, language such as “to buy our product, check out our website” is prohibited while “for more information, go to our site” is acceptable.
    • You must be clear that you work for a corporation.  A simple introduction of “I am John Smith with 3Dwidgetmager” is acceptable.
    • You may speak positively about own processes, but not negatively about another company, product or process.
    • Be objective.  Do not use superiority verbiage such as “best” or “better”.  Statements such as “this process is the best” are not acceptable while phrasing on the order of “in this circumstance, this methodology has demonstrated very good results” are preferred.
    • You may use your own examples or product to demonstrate your point.
    • You may not endorse a product.  Avoid phrasing like “recommend” or “we suggest using”.   Statements such as “Faber College recommends WidgetCNC machines” are prohibited while statements such as “At Faber College we have chosen to use WidgetCNC machines in our labs” is acceptable.
    • Your presentation must be aligned with the educational mission the conference.
    • If there are safety precautions involved with using your product or process, you must disclose those.

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