Wednesday 30 June 2021

"Could I sing it?" Challenge. Day 1 to 41c : AutumnAir // 秋意濃 QiuYiNong

Singing as a sketch, and then fine-tuned afterwards.
Let me see if i could sing it?

How to make an untrained voice into an instrument. How far could I get? How successful, and how long. Samples applied in Acapella, Jazzy ver, reg ver, rockish , Cantonese versions of AutumnAir // 秋意濃 QiuYiNong

I started w Cantonese first by Jacky Cheung because it seemed easier for me to remember the lyric, the the regular version (2017 by Dimash), then subsequently I listened to all the various versions I could find which include the original Japanese song composer singer, Tamaki Koji 玉置浩, Japanese singer Misia, original Jacky Cheung, and Dimash and a few other new singers - including the director-actor-comic Stephan Chow (Chow SingChi) in his movie "Made in China 007"
This way I could also find out which "style" I prefer, might match better to my own preference in music.

I like the Jazz version better... (Day 3)

But so far it is work in progress.  :)

A professional singer told me that, after repeating the song twenty times, you automatically can remember the lyrics.  Is it true?  Yes, it is sort of true.  

Another singer, an opera singer-teacher, coloratura she said, you must have at least three months of time to continuously work in one block, if you stop before 3 months, everything you have learnt will be forgotten.  This has to do with muscle memories.



Analysis of Dimash's singing voice, techniques, full body movements, adjusting resonator, body must be in top condition to be able to change positions of the resonating points of the voice very quickly - moving the points of resonators


NB from Day 12th - onwards, fine tuning begins

Day 12+ 12jul2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 rockish QiuYiNong
visuals, fonts, speed of lyric updated.  Singing will be fine tuned next.  
I feel that I could remember the lyrics already, each day i sing it between 4 to 8 times


3wks travels, and have not practiced singing at all, really notice the muscles are not toned.


Day41c-27nov2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 (st pete version w I love you)

Acapella beginning, day 1, no more template

Day36a-19sept2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 (rockish - black long robe sitting)

Day36b-19sept2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 (Arnau -3nov2020 version) simple

Day36c-19sept2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 (St Pete- i love you version)


Day35b-11aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃

Based on Arnau concert 2020 version, this version seems much more in one piece flowing like a cloth, the voice seem like an instrument, you dont really hear what he is singing, not so important anymore, but the voice is one flowing cloth w delicate whisper sounds, and flowing sounds, high strong voices, one flowing musical melody.

Day35-18aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 StPete I love you

Today, I feel that I could move along the high notes very easily, very fluide.
Drank Old Jamaican Ginger Beer, no problem with sticky throat.

Day34-16aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃

Tried a siren type of warm up, specifically for working on passagio.
It is a gd way, all the notes come easily - supple. Thanks to Amy S, who gave me some advice on working on first passagio. 🙂

Day33-14aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃

seems easier and easier, but still lots of places i would like to refine...
something i ate for lunch seems to be causing stickiness in the throat... and only for some notes. So, no more hummous, creamed soups, soft cheeses. Will see. Honey helps. Lukewarm honey water helps. Overall i hear an improvement. Using straw helps w regularising breathing. Overall, not in gd shape today

Day32-13aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃

still lots of areas to work on, slowly getting rid of shrills

Day31-11aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃

Now, more delicateness in each flow of the musical phrases, paying attention to the overall construction of the piece. Each start and ending, pause, etc Fading of arias, etc And of course, most importantly emotion. Tone, soften, get rid of the "shrill" in high notes as much as possible.

Day30-10aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃
will work on tone, expression etc

Day29B low voice-9aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃

Day29A smooth -9aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃

Day28-7aug2021 AutumnAir 秋意濃

Seems to be easier each time, but still have a lot of details to tweak. Even using this very slow way to learn singing - i feel I am making progress - with the help of many teachers on youtube, the warm up exercises, the understanding of the mechanics of making a singing voice, the resonators, etc etc endless things to learn.

Day27 - 6aug2021 AutumnAir 秋意濃

This version seems lighter, but has everything, the aria just soars into thin air wispy, unlike the younger versions, there is also a kind of kazahs free verse thing in-between - and there is the "I Love you" in Chinese near the end.
I think singing the song and building up to speaking this line to the audience is a focus of this song. How do you say it with meaning? :)

On the singing, the lighter the better sounds to the ears, soft, i only hear it as it might sound like to a listener after play back from smart phone; softer sound gets rid of the shrill piercing over tone. Also has to pay attention to the start of a sound and ending of a sound, the flow of one movement phrase to the next. and in this one there is a speaking sentence, wo ai ni (i love you) this must be spoken with some true love in it. Unlike a pop singer would say quite loudly, "I love you, love you all", this is kind of a whisper. For your personal ears.

Day26-5aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 StPete QYiN

Day25-3aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 rock QYiNong
no milk,yogurt, or any sticky drinks to avoid the bumpy bits in the voicing ... drink water, green tea honey
Day24-2aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 rock QYiN

Trying to use my normal voice - not the falsetto w support high voice to see how it sounds after recording. 
 I also listen carefully the original singer, Dimash, with a crystalline tone throughout the song - whether softly or w high volume.  Maybe this crystalline resonance comes from singing into resonators?  Will try to see if i could find out how to do this.

 I am surprised that when i do playback from the recording the voice sound so different from when i am singing and how i hear it.  This many singers have already said thats how it is.  You can not hear yourself as others hear you.   Todays trial , 10x, at the end, i try to keep a regular voice without switching types of voice.  The target now is to do at will, if i want to keep a regular voice, or add some falsetto or whatever...  

Working on my voice, the sound is strange... I like my lower range much better than the high range. Trying to figure out how to get higher register to be attractive as well... Karen Carpenters voice is v beautiful in the lower register, the higher register is not that special. Trying to understand - is it possible to make a beautiful voice with a complete full range ? I think if you have beautiful tones at the lower end, why cant you also tweak the upper end as well? and have beautiful tones at the high end? I notice w male voice, if even they could sing v high, their high notes are never as beautiful as a womens high notes. Similarly, w a woman's voice, when its very low, its not as attractive as a male voice singing the same low notes.

yes, apparently Karen C has also a high range, she has a 4 octaves range. But its her lower range thats so beautiful, honeyed voice, I tested my voice, i could go as low as G2 to C6, and I joined a choir a couple of years ago, apparently they put me as mezzo-soprano. I was v surprised, because I thought i had a v low voice, because my speaking voice is lower than most women. But, I like to see if i could sing like a piano w a large range to use. And then, even just able to sing the note is not enough, i want it to be a beautiful tone too. Sometimes i hear these soprano singers, their singing is "shrill" and I dont really like shrill sounds...

Day23-1aug2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 rock QYiNon

I noticed the high registers sometimes has a "shrill"   quality, which I dont like, so i sing v softly into the mic, this altogether has another quality.  I am trying to decipher which voice producess which effect.

How could I make the whole range of my voice as nice as my lower register?  Is it possible?

Day22-26jul2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 rock QYiNon

my voice is sticky today, maybe because i just drank red wine, but over all, not v gd today, but i did it;  sometimes you think you didnt do v well, but after a couple of days when you listen to it, its not that bad.

Day21-25jul2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 rock QYiN
Today also, I have the consistent breath without bumps, aria needs practice.  :)

Day20-24jul2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 rock QYiNo

today, i feel there is a break through, the whole piece is regular without uncouthed little bumps here and there...
need to practice on the aria.

Day19c+ 23jul2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 jazzy QYiNong Dim ver 7mn14QY
used low voice here mixed w high voice

Day18+ 21jul2021 AutumnAir 秋意濃 jazzy QYiNong Dim ver 7mn14

Day17+ 20jul2021 AutumnAir 秋意濃 jazzy QYiNong Dim ver 7mn14
results not sure, no youtube for now

Day16+ 19jul2021 AutumnAir 秋意濃 jazzy QYiNong Dim ver 7mn14
Day15+ 16jul2021 AutumnAir 秋意濃 jazzy QYiNong Dim ver 7mn14

Day 14 15july2021 fine tuned qynong 3 rock

Day 13 c+ 14jul2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 rock Acapella

First acapella - will refine w expressions next

Day 13+ 14jul2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 rockish QiuYiNong

Fine tuning phase - would it work? Like a sound sculpture; 🙂
Day 12, now slowly clean up all the phrases... stay tuned
Fine tuning phase - would it work?


Day 1 to 11,  Roughing out a song,            
Day 11+ 11jul2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 rockish QiuYiNong Dim ver 6mn11
carbon fiber guqin frt image

Day 11+ 11jul2021 AutumnAir- 秋意濃 rockish QiuYiNong Dim ver 6mn11

Tichy mini camera frt image
True: Dont drink wine, coffee, milky drink before singing. Green tea, honey only
Day 10+ : AutumnAir  9jul2021 秋意濃 jazzy QiuYiNong Dim ver 7mn14
Day 9+ : AutumnAir  6jul2021 秋意濃 jazzy QiuYiNong Dim ver 7mn21
Day 8 : AutumnAir 5thJuly2021 秋意濃 jazzy QiuYiNong Dim ver 7mn21
Day 7 : 4thJuly2021   AutumnAir // 秋意濃  QYiNong Dim rockish ver 6mn04
Day 5 AutumnAir //  秋意濃  QYiNong Dim reg ver 5mn50 gd

Singing as a sketch, and then fine-tuned afterwards.
Let me see if i could sing it?
Day 3 AutumnAir - jazzy-
 秋意濃  QiuYiNong Dimash ver 7mn21

Here it is, there will be updates to all videos, as my singing improves.

Singing as a rough draft sketch, and then fine-tuned afterwards.
Day 2: Cantonese, "LiXiangLan" ( 秋意濃 ) song, original singer Jacky Cheung of HK

Day 2 "AutumnAir //  秋意濃  Qiu Yi Nong", Dimash competition version 5mn38s
"MobileMusic 40% ", and the song "Give me a Kiss" jazz version, Day 1


Origin of the challenge here.

More :  My favorite monumental sculpture is a flower and many many wild flowers

Eduardo Catalano :ambiental :Generic Floralis

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