Thursday 6 May 2021

Propriété Caillebotte. A visit to a most beautiful French public art park. ****

Propriété Caillebotte.

A visit to a most beautiful French public art park.  ****

What I saw, text will follow later after the opening of 19th May 2021; some of my favorite rooms of all times are the music salon and the billiard room.  There are small "folie" type buildings outside on the park ground.  With an underground ice block keeper - for sorbets, and a small chapel.  Plus a beautifully restored potager - vegetable garden - kept in perfect form by volunteers.  See the fine precious bell cloche to protect the plants?  Mini green house.  Exactly what the rose with spikes in the  Little Prince wanted for him/herself.   The Art of Gardening and fine living of the Impressionists, and Post impressionist times.  

Highly recommended.

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