Thursday 28 January 2021

“Nomadland”, by director Chloé Zhao ****, Into the Wild, and taking shower in a Honda, living in a car for a year

 Watched  “Nomadland”, by director Chloé Zhao ***half  

There is something of the original pioneer or migrant spirit of the van life people.  You see how people work at Amazon warehouse, short ordre cook, park attendant, etc.  Film is v gentle sensitive.  But after watching this, I am totally un-interested in living in a van.  Its totally not attractive to me.   The story is about as thorough as it could go.  

These are v nice people, but what could you do when you are in a subsistance way of life?  Everything has a context, if your context is like this, what could possibly happen?  There is no new thing coming in, how could new things come to / happen to the characters?

The only thing that i could think of to make the film one step more attractive maybe is the glam visuals, w superb desert background, maybe that could be something v dramatic.  But I also appreciate the realist way of presenting what van life is... bucket loo, replacing damaged tires, owning v little things and still has to keep on recycling making the van life less cluttered and lighter.  

I saw youtube of a v pretty girl showing how to live in a Honda, w snow outside, how to take shower.  A v pretty girl, whats the attractiveness of this challenge?  It is fun to do a challenge, but why?  In North America, w the intelligence that she has, why do it?  It is interesting to see.  Kind of modern pioneering.  

Another film a little bit along the nomad theme is a movie about a rich boy wanting to live in wilderness - he lived in a school bus, a kind of hobo (chic-romantic )style - and died from eating poisonous fruit. (from several years ago also a real life story made into a movie)  It is also about wanting, preferring choosing to live in a free wilderness life, being free.  


After looking into the film "Into the Wild" - I think all stories have specific details.  We cannot understand how others think if we dont know their context. By respect of his decisions, I should not talk more than I know.

McCandless, of course, was the 24-year-old subject of the Jon Krakauer best-selling book "Into the Wild," which later became a 2007 movie


I have watched the documentary, and reminds me of all the turmoil all families goes through.  I know of friends whose father has several wives, even though its an open knowledge - its always a source of unlimited sadness.

Another case of a famous architect whose son made a film on his father.  Louis Kahn, also sadness of the children.  Life is not only about happiness of course, in spite of the sadness there could always be great things achieved in parallel.

What do I know? 

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