Sunday 10 May 2020

Story Telling, Patreon in time of confinement

The voice in narration: 

During confinement everyone is setting up their own channel on Youtube, with patreon options. 
Now, who has good content, and who has super subscriptions?

Number one, someone w gd subscriptions usually is a good narrator. 
Here the professional amusing narrator w serious content will win over super profs, serious profs, noisy group gossip w dirty language... who comes out the most popular? 

The most popular does not have the best content. 
He has a kind of low frequency buzzing thats soothing and he adds some glossy sex appeal in people stories, and statistiques, most of all, this guy loves to talk. 

And the speaker also deploys little narration aids, from time to time. 
For example when he talks of cat fights between two woman over a famous man, all three v rich already, not about money but about who is taking the man away from whom.

The speaker has story aids in form of stuffed toy animals - a lion and an alligator - he says, so the mistress attacks, he takes the alligator and hits the little lion - lightly tapping like little children play fighting. 

Its not serious stuff, but entertainment gossip over real, slightly juicy stories. 

Isn't this such pro story telling?

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