Sunday 5 April 2020

pla as burnt away mould

The total answer is that it depends on the plastic. I can tell you that there is a technique used by industry where they soak a plastic or other combustible material in slip then fire it burning out the “mold” material and leave a ceramic solid behind. I have seen objects with high pore space like sponges made this way. The PLA material used in some 3d printers is a type of plastic that will burn away cleanly in a kiln with high enough temperature and time. Other plastics need to be evaluated on a case by case basis for example ABS doesn’t burn away nicely and emits toxic gas so don’t use that. The easiest materials to get a hold of that burn out nicely are cellulosic materials (saw dust, paper, etc.) A method that you can use is to make a mold out of paper mache’ and then use that to support your slip casting. When you fire it you want to dry it slowly and carefully at a modest temperature (180F till dry to the touch and 250F for at least 4 hours per inch of thickness after that). You need to make sure there is adequate venting for the burn out both in the piece and for the kiln as a whole. If you want to do something with a lot of fine detail then a 3d printed shell made of PLA is a good bet. You can get those done by a vendor depending on your area you might get it at a kinko’s.
lost pla

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