Monday 10 February 2020

Phd, academia, "failed academia" problem...

In answer to a friends sleepless nights of not continuing research work... she posted somebodies 'Failed Academia' text blog.

I think, there are hidden issues behind this problem

One, no one needs to do a phd, it does not define the persons capacity.
Two, if for job purpose, if everything points to the necessity of such a qualification, do it.  But, you must know, you are going to do more of the same down the road.  If people dont pay you for this work, would you still do it?


Phd is just the beginning. Just like going to art school or cooking school or fashion design school. Actually, maybe - if you cant get into the Academia pool (due to whatever reasons), then do something else for money and do research on your own? I really dont understand the problem - you like to do something, do you get paid for it? Yes, or no. If Yes, no problem. If yes, but not enough, you feel not worth all the hassle then, do it moderately as much as you could stand. Then for the living expenses, do a job that is not related to your research work, one that doesnt take mental energy so much. So your brain could relax from your passion (doing research). A famous professor once said during a public talk that out of 100 thesis, there might be 3 thats interesting to read. Not so many gd academics. But I do think a lot of basic research work needs to be done, and could be interesting too. Anyway, its always good to learn something that could be useful for others. Research for yourself, and do something useful for others. There is no such thing as "failed academic", either you are academic oriented or you are not. If you are not, why bother with getting a job in Academia? If you are, even if you dont have a job, you know you are from the things you enjoy doing. The only failure is, you really like it, but you think you didnt get that job, so it hurts you that you are doing some lower ranking job at the same place. Know yourself what you really like to do. Imagine, if you were financially comfortable would you feel "failed" that you didnt get that position - no, at least, I wouldnt, I would feel that I didnt get into that particular game, but there are many other interesting games to play. True research is like a game. The other advice i remember from another great professor , he said, think very carefully why you want to do phd, it takes 5 yrs to do a phd, if you dont need to, dont do it. 5 years is a long time. What is "need' to or "not need to" - each person has their own definition.


  1. Nice post. Yes, true research is a game.

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