Monday 23 September 2019

"A Rainy Day in New York" - Woody Allen ****

This movie reminds me of the expression "old hand".
Everything runs so smoothly, works so well.  All gears in place, film runs on a fast pace rhythm.  No accidents, revelations are grave, but nothing more than "just dont talk about it, ok?".  Very blasé experienced people.  Even students, they are all so unfazable.
Only someone who has enough life experience on all levels could make a film like this.
Like what?
First, every character in the movie seem to not have to deal with money problems - they all have enough to not to have to deal about limitations.  So, when that is no longer an issue, what are the things they care about?  Existential problems, love, self love, being in love, getting the girl, or the guy.
I am not a big fan of Woody Allen, but after having seen this movie, makes me want to see his other movies carefully.
Great dialogue, setting, he shows the world thats not so easily seen and displayed in a very knowledgeable way, unlike a lot of movies thats not nearly as convincing.

As for the plot, its about current young rich peoples turmoil and interactions.  A warm New York flick.

The actor, young actor sings well.  He lives in a romantic hazy world, melancholic dreams and really it doesnt matter if he went to college or not, with his powerful family background, we dont need to worry about that for him.  He resolved his mother/son problem - just like most of us common people - after hearing an unapologetic family truth from his mother.  How many people could afford to do that?  (Not many, because most of us may not get out of our tunnels so easily.)

We get a chance to see the lives and woes of the privileged, fame and wealth cushioned people.  Movie goers gets the glamour, the truth in life, everything swift and quick.  There is no profound melancholy, sadness, no, all smooth as butter.  Good sophisticated entertainment.

My world also changed a little bit after watching this movie, now for me, that is already an achievement.

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