Sunday 17 December 2017

bai ji glue receipe by Dominic Eckersley

Dominic Eckersley I'm afraid I neglected to think to take photos from the beginning of the process... but next time I will. That said, I have a lot of the baiji now, enough for a year if it does not go mouldy! I bought two Bletilla Striata orchids easily online for about 6€ each plus shipping. I left them on my terrace and waterered them as normal until the cold set in and their leaves browned and died. I then brought them inside and took one of the plants from the soil. I found a white rhizome and two young green ones growing from it. This was to be expected and these were replanted for next year. I washed the white rhizome in water and scraped the dirt stained skin off, as best I could. I then grated it like I would root ginger with a fine cheese grater. I put it into my pestle and made it into a pulp with the mortar. I remvoed it to a small pan and added about as much water as there was pulp and boiled it for some minutes until the water started to thicken with the extract of the pulp. I added the same amount of water once more and repeated this process until I had a thick porridge. Then I removed it back to the pestle and pounded it once more into as smooth a paste as I could. I then passed it through a tea sieve using a teaspoon to express it through the metal gauze. I collected the gel and bottled it. It took on the consistencey of yougurt more or less. I then put it in the fridge. This extract is also good for medicinal purposes such as reducing inflamation etc. To apply the paste to the string I dipped a finger in the paste and rubbed it much as I had with egg white previously. I cleaned the top board of the instrument from any which ended up on there and allowed it to dry. It did make the 上 a little smoother than before.

Making Baiji glue for silk strings... first I grated the rhizome of the Bletilla Striata orchid with a cheese grater, then mashed it in a pestle and mortar and then boiled it for about ten minutes in water to form a thick paste, and then pressed it through a tea sieve... It dries reasonably quickly and goes on the strings quite nicely. Let's see how it sounds later...

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Lawrence Kaster In a decoction, the herb or root (in this case) is boiled in filtered water. I have never needed to mash the root. The essence is easily soluble in water. I think that if you dry the root, you should soak it first, btw.

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