Friday 19 May 2017

My Happy Family ***half

My Happy Family ***half  120mn  Original title: ‘Chemi bedinieri ojakhi’, prod.(Georgia-Germany-France); Directors: Nana Ekvtimishvili, Simon Gross. Screenplay: Ekvtimishvili. Camera (color, HD): Tudor Vladimir Panduru. Editor: Stefan Stabenow.  starring: Ia Shugliashvili

Just watched " My Happy Family", film screened at Sundance. 
Very interesting and people sing at all ages. All beautiul. 
In the movie, all the apts are kind of used, run down, stuffed w people 3 generations, 
in the same apt, closets in others bedroom... but very nice. 

Lots of noises too, chatter in all directions. Highschool/University reunions where the women gathers to gossip - very untactful, no privacy, no consideration of whether the gossip involves directly the person sitting in the group - all without malice, just a kind of has been event, what happened... 

these apts have had over dosed people, gaz suicides... but the sun still shines, and planting tomatoes on the window sill, listening ito mozart, peace and quiet at last, in your own space. 

Family ties and intrusion. Melancholic music.

Living with a large family and being by yourself. 

Punky new daughter in laws brings a breath of fresh air, she will also live in the multi generational apt. Whats v nice is the variety of characters, and the singing folks. As if everyone could sing like that! 

Its like a pot of over grown roses... mixed with many other flowers.

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