Monday 3 April 2017

transparent 3d prints, industrial strength of most filament chart

use .7mm nozzle, .82, to 1mm, thick layers will produce a more transparent print

How do you choose the best material for your application.
      The table above, is the average of our measurements of actual 3D Printed test parts for the noted polymers.  As any extreme of a polymer get's close to the orange center-line, we must pay special attention and or be more specific as to the desired intent of the end part.  As a point of reference, a rubber-band would be on the left and have little Tensile, but a considerable elongation/stretch/bend.  On the other end, we would have window glass.  While window glass has a tensile of ~9,000PSI, it has zero elongation, i.e. it will crack easily.  ABS is often used as it has a general combination of reasonable tensile, but with enough elongation so as not to disintegrate when put in a mild strain.   Another common 3D Printing material is standard PLA.  As noted above, we are giving up elongation for tensile.  The end PLA part "feels" hard, but it's also very brittle. 
From the list of materials we can denote some potential uses.

PCTPE = PCTPE is a flexible nylon developed by taulman3D specifically for 3D Printing.  It has an additive of TPE elastomer to give it additional flexibility.
Potential uses:
Large inaccessible gears.
Wearable items
Cogging systems and ratchet systems
Vibration damping
Motor mounting

Nylon 230 = Nylon 230 
is a low temperature nylon developed by taulman3D specifically for 3D Printing on systems that have cold print beds and lower temp capabilities.
Potential uses:
Gears - light load
Fan blades
Phone covers
Protective covers/enclosures.
Cosmetics containers

Nylon 645 = Nylon 645 is an Industrial nylon developed by taulman3D specifically for 3D Printing with non-destructive evaluation capability.
Potential uses:
Gears - Med/Heavy load
Propeller blades
General Industrial needs
Large Flanges, Housings,  positioning
Wide Chemical resistance of petrol's
Sand blasting

Nylon 645 REV"B" called Bridge Nylon = Bridge was developed as a request from the 3D Printing community at large.  Potential uses:
Gears  - Med Load
Supports for spacers, flanges and general utility
Med chemical resistance, uses exclude any chlorine's
Household replacement parts.

Nylon 680 = Nylon 680 was developed at taulman3D to meet certain FDA criteria for clinical and other applications.
Potential uses:
There are many uses in the clinical, food and medical industries.  As any material needs to be fully tested for each use, it will be several months before testing is complete and certified uses are noted.

Alloy 910 = Alloy 910 is a significant development by taulman3D and both our chemical house and post processing company.  The goal was to provide a super material with very high tensile, yet sufficient elongation to maintain a high degree of durability.  Alloy 910, when 3D Printed comes in at 8,100 PSI Tensile and close to 12,000PSI when injection molded.
Potential uses:
Any industrial parts that are currently being made of other high tensile polymers.
Large motor mounting
Industrial vibration isolators and damping parts
High Pressure Sand Blasting resistant
Sand Blast Masking
Electroplating supports and hangers
Chemical dip and tank supports.
High end gears and cams
Chemical resistant equipment covers.

   Next in-line are the Co-Polyesters, guidel!ne, t-glase and TECH-G 
 A major advantage to all co-polyesters is their low shrinkage specifications.  t-glase, n-vent and Tritan are some of the easiest-to-print polymers as they adhere well to either clean glass heated to 5C below their Tg or glass with a coat of PVA heated to just 45C.

guidel!ne = guidel!ne is a unique high strength PETG based material with excellent high temperature printing capabilities.   Users know that printing small features of some parts can be difficult due to thermal build-up.  guidel!ne is much less susceptible to these thermal issues allowing for finer detail without distortion.  guidel!ne is also released as a starting point for individuals and companies wishing to obtain eventual FDA/CE certification for a device knowing that the raw material itself is listed with the FDA and has already passed specific FDA testing.
Potential uses:
As a replacement for any parts currently printed using ABS, PLA or PETG
   guidel!ne is 100% bonding layer to layer and parts will never "split" apart or "de-laminate" even in very large prints.
Glass like qualities
  Glass clear when used with clear epoxies.
"Non-shattering" parts upon over-stress
Architectural Components.

t-glase (Tee-Glass) = t-glase was developed specifically by taulman3D to provide three major features to 3D Printing.  Low shrinkage, Higher strength than ABS and aesthetics beyond ABS and PLA due to it's enhanced optical properties.
Potential uses:
As a replacement for any parts currently printed using ABS
   t-glase is 100% bonding layer to layer and parts will never "split" apart or "de-laminate" even in very large prints.
Glass like qualities
  Light Pipe capable
  Glass clear when used with clear epoxies.
  Crystal like reflections of the surface.
  Red, Green, Blue and Black are translucent.
  Now in Opaque White for a white that has a super gloss surface.
"Non-shattering" parts upon over-stress

Architectural Components.
Gaming pc's
Light catching designs of any type.

TECH-G = TECH-G is the highest strength PETG for standard PETG polymers.  TECH-G was developed for large prints that require
low shrinkage over a wide surface area.   TECH-G is available in 1kg, 3.5kg and larger spool sizes for large area printers.
TECH-G's main use is for large components and Architectural  landscapes.

BluPrint - BluPrint is a specialty polymer developed to specifically handle High Heat Deflection requirements.  With a Tg of 110C and a print temp of only 265C, BluPrint is an easy to print polymer that comes as a clear material similar to t-glase.
Potential uses:
Lamp covers
Antique car/item lenses or ligh covers, i.e. tail light, turn sig, etc..
Any use in high heat environment
Thermal spacers
Thermal Clamps
Any part that will need to be placed in boiling water for preparation.
    BluPrint can sustain boiling water for 5 continuous hours.  Clarity will be lost after 2 hours to a dull haze.  Structure will be maintained.

Next are the more Flexible materials T-Lyne, SemiFlex 

T-Lyne - T-lyne is a unique, crystal clear polyethylene co-polymer isomer developed specifically for high durability, flexibility, unique viscosity and a wide temperature range.   Glass-like aesthetics can easily be obtained at high layer sizes using low speed and low temperatures in the range of 190 C to 210 C.  Utility style parts are easily printed faster at standard layer sizes using higher temperatures up to 245 C, depending on nozzle size.
Potential uses:
Clear bottles, lids and containers
Post print mold-able features
Extreme Impact resistant parts
Living Hinge parts
Stretchable parts

NinjaFlex 3D Filament, SemiFlex - SemiFlex material boasts flexibility, strength and reliability for your 3D printing projects and is slightly more rigid than NinjaFlex to expand your printing possibilities.
SemiFlex is best for the following types of projects:
High level of detail
Contain intricate parts
High resolution text
Unsupported vertical printing
Shock-absorption needed
Requires less flexibility than NinjaFlex original 3D Filament

Additional notes:
1. Only Nylons should be used for gears, etc where a slippery surface is desired.  All other materials will scratch against each other creating a plastic dust.  And eventual failure.
2. The scale above is for 100% infill of parts.   Reducing infill % and number of perimeters will have a tendency to reduce Tensile, yet increase elongation.
3. Nylons do not crack/shatter, but will eventually compress and fold during severe over-stress.  t-glase and TECH-G will not shatter, but can break along and against layers.  Alloy 910 can either fold/compress or crack depending on part design.  An excellent feature of Alloy is that Support material easily breaks away, yet durability is retained!
4. Nylons can be threaded using std TAPs and drilled directly without creating cracks.  t-glase and TECH-G can also be tapped.  When drilling, use a pilot hole close to the desired DIM.  
5. Only use Nylon 645/Bridge or Alloy 910 for Sandblasting masking or similar applications.  Most other materials will be destroyed in seconds.
6. For parts to be used outdoors, use a UV coating.
7. For High temperature Nylon, use Alloy 910 or Nylon 680.  For High temperature co-polyester, use BluPrint.  

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