Friday 14 April 2017

3d printed Gozilla/ life size wax statute/ open source robot/ 7m high opera set
Dec 22, 2015 | By Tess
Last month, L’Opera de Montreal brought to life Richard Strauss’ tragedy Elektra, the harrowing and legendary story of the Greek heroine Elektra and her desire to avenge her father, Agamemnon. The opera itself received rave reviews with the performers being lauded for their emotional and convincing performances, though another aspect of the opera also had its share of the spotlight: a seven meter tall, over 2400 kg, 3D printed statue of Elektra’s father, which made up the set decor.
The statue’s design was based off of an original work by San Diego artist Victor Ochoa that represents Agamemnon’s broken and suffering self. During the opera, the hulking sculpture was a constant presence on the stage, shadowing and looming over the actors as well as being moved around by them.
The process of 3D printing the giant set piece was led by a team at AsorCAD, a 3D printing service that specializes in 3D design, reverse engineering, and capture point cloud. AsorCAD also worked in collaboration with Spanish 3D printing service Undo, who helped them to design and optimize the digital 3D design and its properties, and supplied a set of BCN3D 3D printers to additively manufacture the artwork.
In order to create the immense sculpture, the design had to first be divided into different sections and sub-sections to accommodate the size of the 3D printers’ print beds. Undo was responsible for the division as well as determining the thickness of the individual pieces to provide a stable, moveable structure. Once the sections were divided into separate CAD files, a set of Catalan BCN3D+ 3D printers set to work in additively manufacturing the individual pieces. In the end, almost 400kg of filament were used to 3D print over 2,900 pieces which, when assembled, made up the skin of the sculpture. The inside of the sculpture consists of an aluminium frame that provides stability and to which the outer 3D printed pieces are secured to.
Once the pieces were assembled the sculpture was treated with various surface finishing processes to both keep the pieces safely together, and to give the statue the desired aesthetic look and texture. In total, the 3D printed sculpture took over seven months hard work to create and over 100 people in various teams working to bring the project together.
Of course, working to create a 7 meter tall 3D printed statue posed some inevitable challenges, but with the teams at AsorCAD and Undo, and artist Victor Ochoa working closely together, the work came together impressively well. As can be seem in the photos of the stage layout, the sculpture provides a unique and interactive backdrop for the actors to engage with, and is itself a striking piece of art.

Voodoo Manufacturing co-founder Jonathan Schwartz was able to successfully scan himself and create a life-like model in a similar fashion, without forking over the $30,000 the Groupon cost. Now the company, along with Body Labs, is offering their own 3D-printed models for $3,000.
The model was broken down into 88 unique segments, which could then be printed out and assembled.  With a factory in Brooklyn that houses 150 3D printers from MakerBot, Voodoo Manufacturing is able to mass produce 3D-printed parts in short order. A spokesperson for the company told the Daily Dot the 88 pieces of Schwartz were printed within 24 hours. 
While Voodoo Manufacturing provides the materials needed to bring the bodies into form, it’s the technology from Body Labs that makes it all possible. “Without their tech, it would have been impossible to 3D-print an accurate life-size model of Jon, and probably even more impossible to segment his body into so many different pieces,” the spokesperson said.
Body Labs utilizes research from Brown University and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen, Germany to create its digital replications. The mathematically accurate digital models that they produce from 3D scans can be reposed, animated, and manipulated at will thanks to the incredible amount of detail that they capture.

human size wax statue
Have you ever wanted to make a life-sized replica of yourself in wax? Well soon you will be able to. Chinese company, Qingdao Unique Products Develop Co. Ltd, has revealed a 2 meter high 3D printer, capable of printing out wax models of people as tall as 6'6". The company has yet to announce any specifications of the machine, but it looks like a monster as you can see in the picture below. We do know that it uses FDM technology. More details on this printer and the company behind it can be found in the article located here:

What do you think?

If there’s any doubt about the model’s quality, you’ll be happy to learn that renowned sculptor Yuji Sakai, revered as one of Japan’s greatest sculptors from the kaniju (monster) movie scene, was in charge. His team designed the model by 3D scanning an existing 30cm tall version of the 1991 Godzilla, and adjusted that data for a full-sized model – complete with high quality textures, coloring and a few other dimensional alternations. According to Japanese sources, the industrial strength 3D scanner captures all size intricacies perfectly, including the mouth and dorsal fin, and provided the chief modeler with all the data necessary to create a high-quality model.
In fact, the final model is a dead ringer for the Godzilla suit used during the movie in terms of texture, color and overall feel. To make it, the sculptors used the custom COCOMIYAGI76 high-precision 3D printer, featuring a build volume of 60 x 60 x 70 cm – by no means big enough for a full sized model, but much bigger than most. Yuji Sakai’s team therefore divided the model into sections, which each part 3D printed in the highest quality using Nanodax's glass-wool filament. 3D printing was followed by sanding to optimize the texture quality, especially for the fangs, claws and dorsal fin.

Oct 25, 2016 | By Alec
I always believe that movie villains are just misunderstood, and the same can certainly be said about Godzilla – who is sometimes presented as nothing more than a natural disaster. If you love this not-so-friendly giant as much as we do, here’s some good news: it’s not too late to create a Godzilla-inspired Halloween party just yet. Bandai has 3D printed a man-sized Godzilla statue that perfectly captures every detail of the iconic cinematic monster, the first in a line of human-scale monsters, and it is now available for a massive $40,000.
Godzilla has undergone several changes throughout its history, since its 1954 film debut, and this particular version is based on the 1991 movie Godzilla vs King Ghidorah. It is part of Bandai’s Human Size Project, which seeks to relaunch iconic franchise characters as human sized models. Godzilla is the first in line, and this particular 192 cm tall figure (including pedestal) is now available.

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