Friday 17 March 2017

growing objects algorithm

Florescence Zoetrope


2014, full-color 3D-printed plaster

Venus of Google 2013
Artists' biographies
Matthew Plummer-Fernandez is a British-Colombian digital artist and researcher who explores the relationship between digital aesthetics and artistic production. He was born in London, raised in Colombia and holds a BEng in Computer Aided Mechanical Engineering from Kings College London and an MA in Design Products from the Royal College of Art London.
Matthew uses computational processes and digital fabrication techniques to produce digital alienations of everyday objects. Customized software, replicability and generative techniques are the focus of his exploration of the automated systems that operate within digital culture and the physical world. Using 3D printing Plummer-Fernandez transforms everyday images into sculptural glitches; he makes modified data-files and distorted 3D printed objects as “recomposed” abstract geometric shapes.
Matthew has been commissioned by arts organisations such as the V&A, Rhizome, Arts Co, and It’s Nice That and has shown in galleries and museums, including Zhulong Gallery, Dallas; Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens; Cyberarts / Ars Electronica, Linz; Brighton Digital Festival and FACT Liverpool. MPF is represented by Nome Gallery, Berlin.
Joan Heemskerk (NL) and Dirk Paesmans (BE) —the duo behind the artist collective JODI— are considered as leading pioneers of net art. They produce video and new media works that play with the increasing presence of technology in our daily lives. JODI disrupts and disassembles ubiquitous software, video games, and popular internet platforms such as Google Maps and Twitter, cultivating coding malfunctions and programming glitches. Concerned with exploring the chance, uncanny products of these system breakdowns, Heemskerk and Paesmans suggest a new aesthetics for the digital age.
Their works have been included in many international exhibitions and festivals: Documenta X in 1997,  Rotterdam (DEAF98), ZKM (net_condition, 2000), Tokyo (2001, 2002), Madrid (Arco/De-game, 2001), Berlin (Transmediale: 1997, 2000, 2002, 2006), New York (1997, 2003, Guggenheim/2004, 2005, 2007), Chicago (ISEA97), Plug-In (Basle, 2002), Paris (Centre Pompidou/2003, 2004, 2006), SFMOMA (San Francisco, 2004), Montevideo (Amsterdam, 2006),  Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam) in the 'Deep Screen - Art in Digital Culture Proposal for Municipal Art Acquisitions 2008'.
Solo exhibitions include GEO GOO at iMAL (2008, Brussels), INSTALL.EXE at Eyebeam (New York), which toured to [plug-in] (Basel), and BuroFriedrich (Berlin)and Computing 101B at FACT Centre (Liverpool).

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