Tuesday 11 October 2016

Fashion Symposium, 22 Oct 2016. 10-5pm

Fashion Symposium
Saturday, October 22, 2016, 10am-5pm
327 Bloor St. West, Toronto


Toronto, 2014, photo by K. Sark

Symposium Schedule

10:00am – Museum opens, symposium registration (Address: 327 Bloor St W, Toronto, M5S 1W7)

10:15am – Welcome remarks and introduction by organizers Kat Sark and Elizabeth Semmelhack

10:30am – Kat Sark, University of Victoria, founder of the Canadian Fashion Scholars Network
Research areas and interests: cities and fashion, cultural analysis and cultural history, gender, identity, photography, film, theatre, media, fashion and technology
Symposium goals: foster a community between Canadian fashion scholars and professionals

10:40am – Juni L. Yeung, University of Toronto
Research areas and interests:identity and nationalism, internet and digital/collaborative scholarship, Hanfu (Chinese ethnic dress)
Symposium goals:To seek new connections for potentially expanding the scope of my research, or to provide useful interdisciplinary comparisons and inspiration

10:50am – Ketzia Sherman, Ryerson University
Research areas and interests: fashioned body, body modification, cosmetic, culture
Symposium goals: connect with other fashion scholars and continuefashion research dialogue

11:00am – Alison Matthews David, Ryerson University
Research areas and interests: material culture, crime, history, identity, interdisciplinarity
Symposium goals: promote the new, blind peer-reviewed, open-access Fashion Studies journal hosted by Ryerson that accepts critical and creative work; promote Nouveau Reach conference in May 2017

11:10am – Elena Siemens, University of Alberta
Research areas and interests: fashion photography, fashion exhibitions
Symposium goals: interaction, dissemination, promoting new publications and exhibits

11:20am – Deirdre Macdonald, University of King’s College, Halifax
Research areas and interests: Milliner Lily Jamon (El Jamon); Canadian fashion history, with a particular interest in the crafting of hats and their social context
Symposium goals: network with Canadian fashion scholars

11:30am –Laura Snelgrove, independent fashion scholar, Montreal
Research areas and interests: vintage, retail, Montreal, oral history
Symposium goals: research feedback and guidance about publishing in Canada. I’d be eager to speak with other scholars about the balance required for presenting rigorous scholarship in an accessible tone.

11:40am Marie O'Mahony, OCAD University
Research areas and interests: wearable technology, information gathering, storage and transmittance in textiles, smart materials, sustainability
Symposium goals: Collaborations that interest me relate to teaching and research with academics and industry and my goal for this symposium is to explore these further.  

11:50pm – Francesca D’Angelo, Humber College
Research areas and interests: material culture, fashion theory, feminist studies, cross-cultural
studies, phenomenology
Symposium goals: I would be interested in collaborating with others who are doing cross-cultural comparative work related to fashion and fashion consumption, especially with regards to accessories. I am also interested in collaborating with scholars in literary studies or film studies.

12:00pm – SHORT BREAK (10min)

12:10pm – Suzi Webster, contemporary fashion artist
Research areas and interests: technology, being and the body, intersections between object and performance, fashion and art, the body and its context, public and private,art, sex, handbags
Symposium goals: After last year's symposium where I presented the third and final piece in my electric trilogy, I am excited to present a new cycle of work that explores sexuality, the body and fashion through the object of the handbag.

12:20pm – Nathaniel Weiner, York University
Research areas and interests: consumption, masculinity, men’s fashion, online communities
Symposium goals: discuss online culture’s discursive construction of “menswear” and “style” as
categories distinct from fashion. Connect with other scholars who work on the under-theorised subject of men’s fashion and to discuss other forms of style that sit at the margins of what is usually understood as fashion.  I would also be interested in collaborating with or attending workshops presented by industry practitioners who could share insights on the materiality of menswear.

12:30pm – Esther Berry, Ryerson University
Research areas and interests: hair trade, hairstyle, hair fashion satire, fin-de-siècle visual culture,
Chinese exclusion era
Symposium goals: network with fashion scholars

12:40pm – Madeleine Goubau, Université du Québec à Montréal, and fashionjournalist at Radio-
Research areas and interests: fashion, communication, media, journalism, diplomacy
Symposium goals: to share my thoughts and findings on the journalistic coverage of the fashion scene by the Canadian traditional and digital media. Establish contacts with researchers whose works could become good stories for Radio-Canada. 

12:50pm –Joanna Berzowska, Concordia University
Research areas and interests: Biometric SmartWear
Symposium goals: network with designers, manufacturers, innovators

1:00pm Alexis Walker, McCord Museum Montreal
Research areas and interests: lingerie, Wonderbra, Canadelle, marketing, technology
Symposium goals: The McCord Museum recently acquired the Wonderbra archive from the Canadelle Company of Montreal. I hope my work would promote this company as a worldwide leader in design, technological innovation, and creative marketing throughout the second half of the 20th century.

1:10pm Ingrid Mida, Ryerson University
Research areas and interests: Material culture, Collections, Drawing, Curatorial Practice
Symposium goals: object-based research, collection management, engaging students with material culture, using drawing as a research tool, being a curator in the digital age

1:20pm Alexandra Kim, Acting Curator, Montgomery’s Inn (Museums & Heritage Services, City of
Toronto), editor of Costume, Journal of the UK Costume Society
Research areas and interests: royal dress, 19th c. dressmakers, British couture, museum collections
Symposium goals: connect with others researching Canadian fashion past and present; I’d be especially interested in those working on early 19th century dress in Toronto. Making connections between collections (both in museums and beyond) and making these more accessible to wider audiences. 

1:30pm Lauren Nadine Osmond, Queen's University
Research areas and interests: conservation methods, fashion wearables, interactivity
Symposium goals: From the symposium I hope to make connections with other fashion scholars
to inform my analysis of how new media works that involve interactive wearables can be better
cared for into the future.

1:40pmKathryn Franklin,York University
Research areas and interests: glamour, fashion, celebrity, Canadian literature
Symposium goals: My interest is to network with other scholars exploring fashion as a literary form. As an emerging scholar I would be interested in workshops that would look into publishing and teaching options for our particular research.
1:50pm – LUNCH BREAK(40min)
2:30pm – Nigel Lezama, BrockUniversity
Research areas and interests: luxury, fashion, dandyism, counter-discourse, identity
Symposium goals: I would enjoy discussions on the challenges and benefits of collaboration between the academy and industry and workshops on working with fashion objects, fashion and gen y, fashion and national identity, among others.

2:40pm – Jennifer Triemstra-Johnston, Fashion Arts and Creative Textiles Studio (FACTS)
Research areas and interests: sustainable design, education, local production
Symposium goals: My preferred discussion topics are education, sustainable design and local production. I would like to collaborate with local designers interested in fibreshed, upcycling and surfacedesign. My goals for this symposium are to forge future relationships and interest for
FACTS. I am interested in workshops on product lifecycles and local production.

2:50pm – Myriam Couturier, Ryerson University
Research areas and interests: material culture, glamour, visual culture, and fashion exhibitions
Symposium goals: My main goal for this symposium is to meet and collaborate with other fashion scholars working in visual, material culture, and fashion history studies, as well as museum professionals with an interest in developing research-focused fashion exhibits in a Canadian context.

3:00pm– Katherine Bosnitch, FashionDesignStudioNBCCD(NewBrunswickCollegeofCraftandDesign)
Research areas and interests: Fashion illustration,drawing,sketching,art,visualcommunication
Symposium goals: I am interested in working as an illustrator in concert with other fashion scholars.

3:10pm – Anastasia Pearce, Saskatchewan Fashion Week, Designer –Gaistazia, Founder - Brand Canada 
Research areas and interests: new media studies, fashion and arts history, branding and digital
marketing, fashion technology, scenography
Symposium goals: To connect with Canadian fashion industry professionals

3:20pm – Rebecca Halliday, York University
Research areas and interests: fashion show, spectacle, media, street style, luxury
Symposium goals: My research helps to inform discussions of the future of Fashion Week events in Canada. I would participate in any creative collaborations and/or workshops.

3:30pm –Lori Moran, University of Alberta
Research areas and interests: clothing & textile collection, clothing History, design inspiration, conservation, graduate programs
Symposium goals: to bring to the attention of students and scholars the existence of the Department of Human Ecology’s Clothing and Textile Collectionand its value as a research and design resource. Ours is a teaching Collection but remains somewhat of a ‘hidden gem’.  I believe there also may be unrecognized opportunities for collaboration and study with other fashion scholars who may not be aware of our Human Ecology graduate program specialties in Material Culture and Design Studies and in Textile Science. 

3:40pm – Shelley Haines, Ryerson University 
Research areas and interests: sustainable fashion, fashion design, environmental psychology
Symposium goals: I would be interested in workshops focused on sustainable fashion, creative design, and apparel production and supply chains. The expert audience attending this event would provide me with valuable feedback and future directions for my master’s research project. Ultimately, I hope this experience will lead to potential collaborations and open the door for future employment opportunities in fashion design or related fields.

3:50pm – ValérieLamontagne, Concordia University and designer of 3lectromode
Research areas and interests: fashion technology
Symposium goals: My goal for the symposium is to get feedback from the fashion community on
the use of technology with fashion, as well as share my knowledge in wearables.

4:00pm – Jessica P. Clark, Brock University
Research areas and interests:beauty culture, history of appearance, cosmetics, identity, representation, race and ethnicity
Symposium goals: Collaborations on representations of fashion and identity

4:10pm – Natalie Nudell, independent fashion scholar
Research areas and interests:American fashion industry, fashion system, labour and fashion,
20th century fashion and material culture, gender
Symposium goals:presenting my research, which is the basis for the forthcoming fashion documentary “Ruth Finley’s Fashion Calendar,” and Ruth Finley Collection at FIT

4:20pm – SHORT BREAK (10min)

4:30pm – Workshops (30min, offered concurrently):
1: Fashion, Wearable Technology + the Circular Economy: Brainstorming session developing sustainable strategies for fashion and wearable technology(Marie O’Mahony)
2: Methodologies and challenges in Fashion Studies(Francesca D’Angelo)
3: Fashion Journalism in Canada: how to effectively suggest a fashion related topic to journalists (Madeleine Goubau)
5pm – Closing remarks by organizers Kat Sark and Elizabeth Semmelhack


Because of the high volume of presenters this year, the presentations will be limited to 5min max., leaving 5min for questions after each presentation. Please do not prepare formal papers – the purpose of the presentation is to briefly and informally introduce yourself and your work. You may also announce any current projects you are working on.

If you are planning to do a visual presentation of your work, please send your presentation to Kat Sark no later thanOctober 20, 2016.

Presenters will be able to visit the Bata Shoe Museum free of charge.

This year, the symposium will not be open to the public as seating is limited.

Participants are encouraged to bring promotional materialsfor display on current publications, exhibitions, and other fashion-related projects. 

ROM Fashion event Friday, October 21, 2016: http://www.rom.on.ca/en/whats-on/fnlrom-fashion

For Toronto restaurant recommendations, please see:

For updates, please check our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/462236223906952/

Bruce Sinclair, Humber College's Fashion Management Bachelor of Commerce Program
Research areas and interests: textile laws
Symposium goals

Katherine Seally, University of Toronto, Museum Studies
Research areas and interests: museum studies
Symposium goals: network with fashion scholars

Shuengit Natasha Chow/ Swannjie
Maison des Artistes, France / Ontario Association of Architects
Research areas and interests: Performance Attire for Guqin Music
Symposium goals: network with fashion scholars, designers, makers

Toronto, 2014, photo by K. Sark

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