Saturday 8 October 2016

carbon fiber qin prototype :: 2oct yaji at New York Qin Society 2016

I had attend the New York Qin Society yaji on 2 Oct 2016, 2-6 pm at Yonkers, New York.

Guest Dr. Shuengit Natasha Chow, sino-Canadian, Interdisciplinary Artist, presented the world’s first carbon fiber guqin prototype. There were also qin performances by members.

Shuengit Chow: research-creation – carbon fiber guqin prototype / feedback exchange with qin players trying out the carbon fiber qin.

intermission for refreshments

Qin performance
Ralph Knag – Song of Pleasant Night 良宵引
Hongmei Zhang – Innocent Seagule 鷗鷺忘機
Peiyou Chang – Song of Chu 楚歌
Mingmei Yip- Song of Homeward Bound 歸去來辭Flowing water 流水
John Thompson – 一葉知秋(前五段) One leaf knowing the autumn, 梧葉舞秋風 Wu leaf dancing in the autumn wind
Stephen Dydo – Pu An’s Mantra普庵咒

More video clips coming of the yaji and carbon fiber guqin experience; stay tuned

Peiyou noticed the following:

>Very elegant, zero metallic sounds

>我們為碳纖琴換過絲弦(清明加重絃)試音, 又換過一套新的尼龍鋼絲絃(太古), 最後還是換回旋捷最舊的一套尼龍鋼絲絃, 還是這套舊絃出音最好. 毫無鋼絲的金屬音, 聲音柔和溫婉. 我也跟我的WP琴上的是MH絲弦比較了一下聲音, 碳纖琴出音比 WP 琴出的音稍微明顯一點, 我們笑說dpi 比較高. 以下是一點試音的片段. 
Please turn the volume up while listening and don't forget to turn it down when you finished listening.

酒狂. Carbon fiber guqin prototype by Shuengit Natasha Chow
live demo by Peiyou Chang.

>比如我的WP琴, 是可以感覺到聲音向下傳到地板, 但碳纖琴沒有這個感覺, 可出音絲毫也不感微弱或死板. 木頭做的琴其聲音會有一種清朗木質感, 碳纖做的琴則有一中溫婉皮質感. 因為旋捷還是有用傳統大漆上在碳纖表面, 所以漆對琴音的影響相信也是有幫助的.

"旋捷問我,覺得這幾個特性,碳纖琴有哪些?1//奇 2// 古 3//透 4// 靜 5// 潤 6// 圓 7// 清 8// 匀 9//芳, 我選擇4, 5, 6, and 8. 

另外記得紅梅認為左手在七徽到十徽的走手音, 韻味特別好. John 認為聲音醇厚"mellow" was the word he used. "  by Peiyou

這幾個特性,碳纖琴有哪些? Yip MingMei's answer: 
1//(unique, original) 2//(ancient) 3//透 4//  5// 潤 6// 圓 7// 清 8//  9//芳  
On the yaji at Yonkers :

It was a pure joy and pleasure. Wonderful easy going friends, beautiful day and super lively ambiance - I like guqin yajis like this, some wine, food, nice munchy everythings and truly a contemporary elegant gathering. Next time you could come see for yourself!

More thoughts on the philosophy of guqin according to me:

In our times, it is more about self discovery, cross cultural, cross disciplinary access to the world around us. Our context is one that is much more wide and fluid. We have so many possibilities to constantly renew ourselves, smell the roses, eat that extra green tea cake if you want! Drink that wine when you have it - as Li Po - the great Tang Poet said, use that plum flower and display it while the blossoms are ready...dont wait until there is no blossoms and you only get a left over twig.

A word of thanks to:
Swansea San for video filming and photo, v important work.

New York Qin Society poster of the event:


The New York Qin Society upcoming yaji will be on the 2 Oct 2016, 2-6 pm at Yonkers, New York.
We are welcoming our guest Dr. Shuengit Natasha Chow, sino-Canadian, Interdisciplinary Artist, who will present the world’s first carbon fiber guqin prototype. There will also be qin performances by members.
2:00- 2:30 Shuengit Chow: research-creation – carbon fiber guqin prototype / feedback exchange with qin players trying out the carbon fiber qin.
2:30- 3:00 intermission for refreshments
3:00- 4:30 Qin performance
Ralph Knag – Song of Pleasant Night 良宵引
Hongmei Zhang – Spring Water over Pebbles 石上流泉
Peiyou Chang – Song of Chu 楚歌
Mingmei Yip- The Midnight Crow 烏夜啼, and Song of Homeward Bound 歸去來辭
John Thompson – Old Autumn Wind 古秋風 (1511; a short song), and a related autumn melody
Stephen Dydo – Pu An’s Mantra普庵咒
4:30- 5:30 Social time
Members, please bring some light food to share.
Free for members
$10 for non members
Seats are limited. Please make reservations by contacting:
Please arrive 5-10 minutes earlier. We will start at 2pm sharp.

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