Saturday 13 December 2014

Life.2, documentary ****

Life.2, documentary ****

Documentary : recommended by Oprah on OWN
 Directed By:

Movie Info
Every day, across all corners of the globe, millions of users log onto Second Life, a virtual online world not entirely unlike our own. They enter a new reality, whose inhabitants assume alternate personas in the form of avatars - digital alter egos that can be sculpted and manipulated to the heart's desire, representing reality, fantasy, or a healthy mix of both. Within this alternate landscape, escapism abounds, relationships are formed, and a real-world economy thrives effectively blurring … More

OWN Documentaries - Official Site

The Amie avatar lady looks v beautiful, healthy, romantic woman at the beginning, and at the end, she looks more interestingly beautiful.  Like someone with more layers to her personality.  A v gd documentary and from mulitple angles, from different lives, including Philip Rosedales thoughts.  I enjoy Secondlife, but I could never see it beyond electronic puppetry stage.  But what wonderful electronic puppetry.  Great platform - its a very easy to access 3d building platform w possibilities of social events.  Too bad, that the platform seem to be less and less artistic, or, a lot of the more interesting creators have left.  Actually i prefer Prim system not the mesh system.  Becasue in Prim building, you actually simulate the building process but the mesh system is more like an "animation production".
And for the man who had a child avatar, it was quite a break through I think.  Its good, a positive point for SL.  The bad thing about SL is that people stay seated infront of a computer all the time.  It was the thing that I dont like at the beginning and still the thing that I dont like now.




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