Saturday 1 November 2014

New Media :: Virtual World artist; Lollito Larkham, sl Gracie Kendal/ rl Kristine Schomaker, A comfortable Skin; Pye + Jo Ellsmere

Story of Petit Greys  : Lollito Larkham.


C'est l'histoire d'un "petit-gris", habitant de la planète Pluton, petite planète où règne le chaos, la misère, la pauvreté, la pollution, la guerre et la violence.

Il est persuadé que ce que l'on raconte dans les médias à propos des Terriens est faux.
Il est dit qu'ils sont mauvais, destructeurs, et que sur leur planète, la Terre, ils ne connaissent pas la paix et la justice.Il est dit qu'un jour, ils envahiront Pluton pour asservir ses habitants, les petit-gris.

Pour Petit-Gris, tout cela relève du mensonge par l'ignorance, et tout ce qu'on raconte au sujet des humains est faux.
Les Terriens sont, selon lui, une civilisation sans exclusion, sans racisme, sans misère et sans exploitation de l'homme par l'homme.
Une civilisation qui vit en harmonie avec son environnement.
Ils vivent libres, d'après lui.

Chaque jour, Petit-Gris guette le ciel, esperant leur venue, il lit la presse et se languit de pouvoir un jour quitter Pluton pour rencontrer les Humains, habitants de la planète bleue.


It is the story of a "Petit-Gris", living of the planet in Pluto, a small planet where reigns the chaos, the poverty, the poverty, the pollution, the war and the violence.

Petit-Gris is persuaded that what we tell in the media about the "Humans" is false.
It is told it that they are bad, destructive, and that on their planet, Earth, they do not know either the peace or the justice.
It is said that one day, they will invade Pluto to enslave his inhabitants, the "Petit-Gris".

For Petit-Gris, all this is lies by the ignorance, and all that we tell about the human beings is false.
The Hearthlings are, according to him, a civilization without exclusion, without racism, without poverty and without man's exploitation of man.
A civilization which lives in accordance with its environment.
They live free, according to him.

Every day, Petit-Gris watches for the sky, for esperant their coming, he reads the press and is languishing to be able to one day leave Pluto to meet the Human beings, the inhabitants of the blue planet.

Lollito Larkham.

All is model and textured in Blender + scripted by me + use of SL shaders for some objects.
There are meshes and sculpted prims also.
A lot of the textures are blender procedurals (dirt, splats, holes in walls, metals, woods, etc.).
Enjoy it as micro-theater to be explored with camera more than an interactive piece to walk in.
Of course you can enter !
Explore the angles, and see what happens :-)

Every sky setting should fit.. Be sure to set your LOD to 5 (about this, see the notecard outside the room, on the ground).
Another notecard tells you the story of Petit-Gris.

Thanks for coming , and enjoy !


A Comfortable skin

[22:59]  ABOUT KRISTINE SCHOMAKER / GRACIE KENDAL: Kristine Schomaker (Gracie Kendal in Second Life) is a new media and performance artist, painter, and art historian living and working at the Brewery artist complex in Los Angeles, California. She works with various interdisciplinary art forms, including online virtual worlds, to explore notions of online identity and the hybridization of digital media with the physical world. Whether physical or virtual, the object-based work Kristine creates combines elements of color-based gestural abstraction, animation, pattern and design, neo-Baroque and Populence. Using installation, text, photography, mixed media, video and performance for her ongoing conceptual project, My Life as an Avatar, she makes visible a narrative/dialogue with her virtual persona, Gracie Kendal.

[22:59]  ABOUT KRISTINE SCHOMAKER / GRACIE KENDAL: Kristine documents her performances, her work with physical avatars, and her experiences as a virtual avatar on her blog (, and has published four books on her new media work. She received her BA in Art History and her MA in Studio Art from California State University at Northridge. Kris has an active life in the arts, previously teaching art history at Antelope Valley College and Pasadena City College, forming an artist collective in the Los Angeles area, and organizing and curating numerous art exhibitions. She is a member of the Los Angeles Art Association, Southern California Women's Caucus for Art, College Art Association, and Siggraph.
[22:59]  FreeWee Ling is Online

[22:59]  ABOUT KRISTINE SCHOMAKER / GRACIE KENDAL: A COMFORTABLE SKIN: 'A Comfortable Skin' is an ongoing multimedia project that documents how Kristine Schomaker uses virtual and physical avatars to bring attention to the obsession society has with physical appearance, and to explore 'identity' as a vehicle for self-reflection and acceptance.



[23:13]  ABOUT JO ELLSMERE AND DANIEL MOUNSEY/PYEWACKET KAZYANENKO: Jo Ellsmere (Second Life avatar name) utilizes SL as a pure medium for performance, mixed reality projects, and machinima videos. She considers her work to be 'small and personal,' and her interests lie mainly in the interactions between people in virtual worlds, and the fundamental drives that motivate them (often a profound mystery to her). She explores these ideas through performances with 'avatar bots' that use programming code and animations to enact mesmerizing looped interactions that can be viewed 24/7. In addition to her work in virtual worlds, Jo works with graphics, fiber, glass, wood (and food!) in various ways. She has also collaborated on a number of projects with the Australian performance artist, Stelarc.

[23:13]  ABOUT JO ELLSMERE AND DANIEL MOUNSEY/PYEWACKET KAZYANENKO: Daniel Mounsey (Pyewacket Kazanenko in Second Life) is a performance artist from Melbourne, Australia who has been experimenting with virtual art since 2007. Daniel has collaborated with the well-known Australian artist, Stelarc, performing virtual art works in major galleries around the world, such as the Tate Modern in London and the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh. Daniel is also a gardener and science fiction enthusiast.

'Interstellar Princes' is the multimedia virtual collaborative work of New York artist Jo Ellsmere and Melbourne, Australia artist Daniel Mounsey. With a nod to Stephen Hawking the artists note: 'Our goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.'

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