Sunday 19 October 2014

New Media :: 3d Print Show at Carrousel du Louvre, Galerie Nikki Diana Marquardt, and Foldarap at FacLab at University of Cergy Pontoise

3d scanning -> small model based on scanned image ; company based in Moscou

 Tattoo and 3d printing

Tattoo on human skin w 3d printer

Large printing filament for furniture; "Drawn" designer

University of Cergy Pontoise: FacLab 3d printer test with Foldarap_ open source printer, portable
First test, a small tube 

The Creator of Foldarap: Emmanuel Gilloz;
 Large filament by Drawn for furnitures


3d print show : at Gallery


3d print show at Louvre Carrousel
Various stands and, eWaste 3d printer!

DIY 3d printer using recycled ewaste!  What a gd idea!  Nice project. 

An Italian prototype, re-use of all plastics. 
Creator Name was not available at the stand.  Stay tuned!  Very gd idea.

Maybe its the FilaMaker?

Large printers:  object and ceramics

Small delicate mesh, chain linked mesh.

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