Monday 14 April 2014

Quilting in Taiwan

社團法人臺灣藝術拼布研究會Taiwan Art Quilt Society



策展理念 Curatorial Concepts
人與自然給予拼布創作者充足的空間感受「纖維」材料單純的價值,講求紋與形的質樸或華麗,反應在運用物質文化的延展需求,回歸自然的牽繫及直覺。藝術拼布 的創作原點述說著『存在的意義』,從布片使用、縫製線跡、布面色彩…延伸形式變化;帶引不同的創作呈現。
The upper and the lower space, divided by the horizon, are in constant dialogue. Mankind and nature provide sufficient sources and creative space for quilt artists. The pristine material value of the fabric is frequently reminded by the simple or ornamental patterns. The art of quilting is reminiscent of the intuitive system, especially when the concept of nature is applied to the material culture in quilting. The art of quilting recounts the significance of the existence. Through extended forms of creation, from material selection, sewing, stitching, and color scheme, a wide array of works present infinite possibilities.


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