Saturday 4 January 2014

Princess IronFan + Pyramid; Sharm ElSheikh, Ostraka Arts Festival Dec 2013

"Princess IronFan + Pyramid :: 鐵扇公主+金字塔" 2013

Wall Hanging Installation in paper.  
Artist:  Shuen-git Natasha Chow.  Hong Kong. 
2.2m x 2.2m

Princess IronFan is the first full length animation feature film, created by Wan Brothers, in 1940, Shanghai.
The Ostraka Arts Festival is in Egypt, Sharm ElSheikh. 
The story of the Princess IronFan is part of an episode of the Monkey King goes west, a tale of hardship, intelligence and travels.  The Monkey King accompanies a monk to go to India for the great book of Buddhism and Wisdom.  On his way, he encounters many difficulties and challenges, and Princess IronFan was one of the episodes.
Princess IronFan comes from a long way back in history to merge with Egyptian culture of the Pyramid.

Its a work of merging of two cultures : Chinese old culture+new culture with Egyptian ancient culture+new international collaborative art culture, culminating in a work of New Media.

The mosaic is completed with a software specific to our contemporary digital tools of today. 

testing black and white  Dec 2013, Sharm ElSheikh




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