Wednesday 25 December 2013

"Princess IronFan+Pyramid", Ostraka 12 Arts Festival, Sharm ElSheikh, Egypt

"Princess IronFan+Pyramid", Black and White laser on wall hanging, paper, 2.2m x 2.2m
Ostraka Arts Festival 12, Sharm ElSheikh, Egypt.  
Artist:  Shuengit Natasha Chow 2013

"Princess IronFan" is the first feature length Chinese animation film created by the Wan Brothers in Shanghai 1941.  
Princess IronFan - the film - has been brought to merge with a pyramid in contemporary Egypt at Sharm ElSheikh Arts Festival.





Photo: With Mohamed Hemeda and Mohamed Samir, Ostaka Arts Festival, Dec.2013, with special certificate on papyrus! 

Ostraka Arts Festival organiser: Mr.Mohammed Hemeda, artist: Shuengit Natasha Chow, Curator of Arts Festival : Mr.Mohammed Samir

Special Participation Certificate on papyrus!

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