Thursday 12 September 2013

SUMMER 2013:: Ars Electronica 2013:: Cosmopolitan Chicken; Hiroshi Ishiguro and his double: a robot, DNA stockage of data

To be completed... with references and commentaries and photos

Top Ten Favorites viewed from Museum of Quai Branly, PHQ4 Biennale des images du monde  2013, Paris, France :











Top Ten Favorites viewed from La Fete de l'Humanite, 13-14-15sept Paris, France :

L'Humanite is a communist newspaper, its spirit is to support everyone - from top to bottom.  Mass public international concert event.  
This is the first time I have attended this event, it was raining a fine mist, and large drops, and sometimes with a little sun.  Huge amount of people showed up, mainly 20 something, up to grandma, grandpa type.
My friend says, hmm, these young people are singing to the songs, they know the texts by heart - unlike in his generation.  (His generation was Genesis, Rolling Stones...) 
Pop culture with representation from many countries, grilled food, wine, beer, mojitos, french fries.  And super rides installed not far from the scene, gives the whole ambiances a fair ground atmosphere but without the junky griminess that usually accompanies fair grounds.  Public toilets are very well organized, clean with toilet papers, and a person coming to check the "flushing" state of things... :)  

Everything is running in an accessible, easy going way manner.
Many book stands, debates, smaller group concerts.

Grand concert on main grass area on band stand with giant size screen.
Sound very very good.

Details next to me: 
One young girl 16ish? and two pals horsing around and one guy held down the other guy so the girl could smear glossy paint on his cheeks... gloss was transparent, with nice sparkles .  In a few minutes time, the two were kissing lovingly together and her helper disappeared.

Musicians seen on 13Sept2013

1) Asian dub foundation

2) Tyro
3) Archive










Top Ten Favorites viewed from Design Week in Paris, France :

Hot Pink tube with tie chair.  
Cheerful unique chair, with some bounciness, tubes are quite heavy.
Fun to sit in.
             "Rose Tube" chair, photo: Gilda Raffenel, Place de Clichee

9   Rubber ball on white metal frame chair

Colorful round balls you could design like a pixel screen for seat and back.
Nice. Made in Poland.

8   Reed surfaced bed, reclining object, rug, small coffee table top - all very warm and nice to touch.  The reeds are untreated.  So better to use in a dry environment.  from Eucuador

7   Folding shelves with many piano hinges, and a knitted type of mesh covering for lamps.  Very soft, clean, nature good feelings.  By a German designer

6   Square shaped hot tub - Jacuzzi on a terrace.  The shape is very inviting and cheerful for social gatherings unlike a regular tub which has privacy connotations

5   Clothing using batik - very colorful patterns beautiful formal attire.  Modzik boutique

4   Mattress/cushions made of mousse tied with large elastic bands.

3   Modular tiles made of cardboard, or medium (fiber boards) to re-combine into a wall screen.

2   fine textured concrete moulded into triangular bands, stacked together into various shapes for table base, lamps

1   Sofa/arm chair with an old jean type of thick textured cloth, with patch works (as if its an old thrown about rug) stuffed onto a fauteuil, with a pocket for drink.  An idea thats a "hand made, return to nature, or recycled" themed arm chair.

Top Ten Favorites viewed from Ars Electronica 2013, Linz, Austria : theme:: 
Total Recall: Memory
Projects that I would have like to participated in, or done myself in someway.

10  Human scale snow globe as living room (jpeg)
     A fun welcoming private/public space with sofa and tv, magazines, installed like a snow globe displayed in the public central square.

9   Old vinyl disk re shaped into a salad bowl, in Lentos boutique
The old black vinyl record has been heat stamped into the shape of a salade bowl.  Re-purposing the old vinyl records, each one is unique.

8   Film Animation: Centrifuge Experiment, on Youtube.
Very well made animation, very humorous.

7   "Voices of women" a historical account of how women's voices were represented in a talk by a scholar. ref.
Well researched and important information for everyone to know.

6   DIY book scanner, low cost open source project.
Very helpful for everyone

5   Head gear/HD video cam for filming footage on site:  Beehive (jpeg)

4   DNA sequencing code: transcribing alphabet into 4 letter codes (jpeg)
Fun transcribing machine.  Maybe very useful in the right context.

3   DNA stockage of data (jpeg)
extrordinary ! (more detail coming)

2   Hiroshi Ishiguro and his double: a robot, (jpeg)
     Especially useful for elderly people who needs companion, and exploration of the question of "What is human?" as expressed by the Professor.

1   Cosmopolitan Chicken; (jpeg)  Portraits of the lineage of his exhibit, a very handsome cock.

Top Ten Favorites viewed from Chaumont-s-Loire, Garden Festival 2013, France :
Theme: Gardens of the senses
Cafeteria is v bad, awful machine type hot-chocolates w water, and tiny tiny scoop of ice cream... v bad.


9    Small terrace for drinking tea garden - Japanese landscape artist

8    The sniffetes :: headphone for smelling fragrance is a nice installation







1   New Chinese Garden section, all participants permanent installation

Top Ten Favorites viewed from Fondation d'EDF, 
Theme:: En vie / Alive,  2013, Paris, France :


9  nano magnetic genes injected into plant seeds, they grow into responsive plants to magnets.

8   plants growing roots which form laces naturally

7   artificial fabric grown from tea bacteria

6   small house grown from vines

5   cactus which grows human hair - with gene modification

4   white feather interactive chandelier installation in the main hall

3  man made crystals

2   honey bee made vase

1   Industrial objects formed from growing calabash plants

Top Ten Favorites viewed from Venice Biennale, 2013, Italy :
Theme: Encyclopedia

10  Giant size participation of Chinese contemporary art, in over 10 huge events.  The total number of participants is about half of the entire Venice Biennale.  People question the "commercial" nature of these works, incentives.  But that is an entire subject thats worthy of a special magazine issue on the subject.  Almost all of the participation are very accomplished.  With so much stories to tell, if you have the capacity of story telling; content is not a problem.  So, I would say.  This part is definitely the most interesting part for viewers.  It has so much energy and drive, vitality that the other works pale in life energy.  It is due to context.  China has had and still has an ongoing complex socio, historical battle going on everyday - no lack of interesting life experiences for anyone living in China today.  Correspondingly if you were an artist in China, how could you be studying the color of pale Venetian green in an almost empty environment of the everyday? Unless, this is what is dreamt of and desired in the bigger context of congestion in the artists daily life - such as an environment like Hong Kong.  I did not really see the Hong Kong Pavilion in detail, it seem to be very esthetically oriented, all empty pale green.  Meanwhile, pale venetian green napkins are handed out as a souvenir of the show... hmm.  Very esthetically purified in prettiness with a reference to Venices natural colors - Venetian green and pale pink.  You could see these two colors everywhere, in context of an entire city with its liveliness and successful commercial enterprises down through history.  I am not certain what i see in the Hong Kong pavilion is what is intended in this tranquil and stylized pavilion.

9   Ivory Coast pavilion.  Very nice boats, heads, paintings.

8   Psychiatry, spiritual teachers' sketches, private luxury album, methods, personal "spirit directed" automatic giant size drawings/paintings, voodoo drawings :: there was a continuous demonstration of teams of two people: while one does a free form improvisational sounds/music/personal lyrical/singing non verbal expressions with the other accompanying partner who responded to the sounds with qi-gong like, body extension, eyes closed, exploration of the internal energy of their body with spirit directed like movements.  These are all very interesting.  Looks like the analytical type of art work is one trend that  has been the past main scientific investigation methods - art as a scientific investigation - are now merging with the older, alternative spiritual, the self directed internal (usually more Eastern philosophy rooted, mysticism) is now more coming into view - maybe due to the large number of people who needs spiritual guidance, psychological illness - artists are turning to looking inside the "unscientific" approach to a better spiritual life.  There are many many such work all very interesting, including "art brut" artists, amateur high quality obsessional works, automatic spirit induced "voodoo" type of work, "dada", and also a "collect all" mad hand made scrapbook fantasy collection.  All in the main building at Giardini site.

7   "Grosse Fatique", Camille Henrot 13mn film

6  stone collection with geometric shapes inside - by nature

5  379 small architecture models of imaginary houses, church, small buildings made by a professional accountant in his spare time

4   Children puppet in plaster (not shown in his life time) created by a professional photographer for his own private viewing, never exhibited in his life time.

3   Chinese pavilion : with the Suzhou embroidery of birds; using traditional high quality embroidery technique with a still life oil painting image.  Beautiful, and anonymous because its made by workmen commissioned by the artist.

2   Ai WeiWei prison installation

1   Museum of Everything; from UK, installed their work at the Green house; Giardini installations; boutique with friendly design objects of everyday covering almost everything.  Art Brut artist exhibition from the 70s, Hippy culture.

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