Friday 2 August 2013

xyz Qin :: 文君酒 :: contemporary use of qin culture ; Jiang Wen is spokes person for a Qin shaped bottle of alcohol; How many strings in a guqin? 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 27?

How many strings in a guqin?  5, 7, 10, 15,  20, 27?

梁銘越先生的論文"琴的歷史及琴樂" 中他提到在周朝以前有出現過不同絃數的古琴, 最大的有20 到27條弦的古琴, 稱為"Li", 也有10-15弦的, 最小的琴是5絃的, 但不知"Li" 的中文是哪一個字? 有哪位先生知道嗎? 而這大古琴是不同於瑟的, 是沒有琴碼將弦在中間架起的, 是跟現今的七弦琴結構基本一樣.

xyz Qin :: contemporary use of qin culture 



I saw at the airport, Jiang Wen is spokes person for a Qin shaped bottle of alcohol - a new bottle for 52% white licquor, with 5 strings glass bottle. "

WenJun" - as in Zhou WenJun.

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