Thursday 11 July 2013

User generated game content

Continuing Expansion of User-Generated Content Platforms Beyond Second Life, Linden Lab Acquires Desura

Desura linden lab digital distribution Desura is a digital distribution platform for user-generated game content like mods and screenshots, and also indie developer-made PC games; originally launched in 2009 from an Australian game company, it's now owned by someone else: Linden Lab, which just announced the acquisition for an unreported sum.
Curiously, I was just recently talking about Desura with a 12 year old Russian kid who read my game design book, and was thinking of uploading his 3D game project there. "It's a Steam-like game portal where you can buy game digitally," he told me solemnly. And yeah, the game development tools look pretty good. So this is Linden Lab's third PC-based UGC platform (after Second Life and Patterns), and follows on the heels of other recent Linden product launches/acquisitions: Blocksworld, Creatorverse, and Versu (for iOS), and Dio (for the web). With so many new products and purchases, one of them is bound to stick. Right?
Desura video demo after the break:

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