Saturday 20 July 2013

Research-Creation : book, dvd, film, real life scenario, mobile museum exhibition

Relevant Pre-research publications:

1// Live Animation online through the design and build with event of a Digital Guqin Museum in a virtual world and real world.  Prize winning Research paper.  Publication:  Virtual World Research Journal, 2009 Hong Kong, 
paper here: 
full pdf download:

>Installation of the Digital Guqin Museum: Playable Qin and setting.  2010 Manchester, UK  
>Installation of the Digital Guqin Museum, xyzQin; at Polytechnic University of Hong Kong virtual world campus.  2011 online.  
>Digital Guqin Museum and Machinima, up coming 2013, Portugal, online 

2// Digital Guqin Museum in a Multiplayer Immersive Online Virtual World: Preservation, Promotion and Development of the Guqin Using a Virtual World Platform: Secondlife, a Live Demo. Taiwan, 2009

3// Neo Bande Dessinee (Neo Sequential Picture Book):  Doctorate Thesis - University of Paris1-Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, France. 1999

"Beijing-l'Hiver 1986", 90mn slide projection of text and images, cinema effect.  National Theatre of Chaillot, Paris, 1986.  Automne Festival event.

4// Machinima : a real time Animation film using the online avatar - Swannjie - as actor/presenter for Tainan cafe scenes.  2013 Nov. (Conference presentation for "Digital Cinema and Animation")

Location of virtual outdoor screening :  
Digital Guqin Museum Garden Lot #1, Eyebeam Island (166, 63, 38) 

5// Associate Conference Organiser for the Conference "Digital Cinema and Animation", Tainan National University of the arts, Tainan, Taiwan.  Nov.2013

6// "Machinima as a real time film/animation art form deploying the creative platform of online Virtual Worlds." - presentation of promotion and preservation of Tainan, a historic city through a Virtual World for an international audience.  EITA Conference.  Taipei.  Taiwan, Workshop chair.  Nov 2013

7// "Micro Total Art creation with the Guqin - the first pillar of 4 Chinese Culture : Qin, Qi, Shu, Hua"  slactions2013, Portugal, and online, Nov.2013

8// "xyzQin: The creation of a prototype based on the Shosoin Qin in Nara" : talk,  Chime Meeting, University of Leiden, Netherlands. 2012

9// "Sunday Robot doing the Bruce" - a stainless steel sculpture in real life.  Wuhu International Sculpture Exhibition, Anhui, PRC.  May 2013  

Chinese popular culture icon, kung fu master and film star Bruce Lee had influenced a whole generation of young people world wide.  Everybody has "done the Bruce" at least a few times.  While creating this Robot, it is no exception.  Almost everyone who has seen this sculpture striked a pose - just like the Robot - because the Robot also liked to "do the Bruce".

10// "A selection of New Media art in Contemporary Chinese Art and culture", a press report : Venice Biannale, Italy. 2013

11// " The Evolution of Memory and Chinese culture",  a press report.  Ars Electronica,  Linz, Austria, 5-9sept2013

12// "xyz Qin: Making of 2 guqins", a documentary film of the research-creation of the xyzQin designed and executed by Shuen-git Chow, at Tainan University of the Arts, Chinese Music Instrument Workshop under the guidance of Master Shan ZhiYuan.  26mn.  due for completion Feb 2014

From the beginning...from scratch, the making of the xyz.

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